All Chapters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
666 Chapters
Chapter 0171
Another reason would be that him saying it would all be over made me think about Luis, and what would happen when he would find out that I had basically kidnapped him—but I could absolutely not send him back. It was not going to happen.“Be careful Christian, don’t rush yourself,” I told him and gra
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Chapter 0172
“I’m sorry, I should’ve discussed it with you first—and if you want me to cut her off, I will do that right now.” Christian apologized.“But please know that her words were sincere and that she would probably do anything for you to accept her apology.”He was still going. Even until now, he was stil
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Chapter 0173
“Luis, opinions on Isobel? You know her right?” I entered my room and made my way to the closet to free him.“You poor thing, I kept you here for a really long time.” I sighed and hugged him, but he seemed completely unfazed.“Did you tell Christian?” He asked with hopeful eyes, but I shook my head.
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Chapter 0174
“Isobel?” I sighed after I got met with silence and heard a deep breath. “Yeah, I did—I know it might seem suspicious to you and I know you deserve my apology the most bu—““Okay, so we agree on that.” I cut her off as I was not in the mood to listen to any more of her nonsense. “He told me you were
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Chapter 0175
“Serena, what the hell are you doing?” Isobel asked, but I was not in the mood for her questions. All she had to do was to follow my instructions.“I said two hours, Isobel.” I rolled my eyes before realizing that she couldn’t see me. For someone who should be ashamed to be talking, her mouth seemed
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Chapter 0176
“I know of the terrible situation Luis grew up in, but kidnapping? Don’t you think you’re going a bit too far—have you thought about the consequences?”“Consequences?”. To be quite honest, I never did. This was just me being me, first do something and then react.“Fabio does not care about me, he ne
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Chapter 0177
“No, absolutely not—we will absolutely not ask my brothers or any other Alfonzo for their help!” I immediately stopped her from finishing that sentence. “Listen, I just want you to set him free and to keep him safe for a while.”“What about the cameras? Do you really expect me to walk right in and t
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Chapter 0178
“B-beau? I-I let him go, he’s no use to me.” Vincenzo lied through the phone. Liar, Isobel thought in disbelief with only one thing going through her head. What the hell was wrong with him?“Izzy, I’m sure they took Luis and my dad does not give a shit, he only cares about Serena—and Beau won’t tell
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Chapter 0179
IsobelLuis wasn’t lying, this man really is an idiot, Isobel thought as he sat on a chair and was half asleep whike he let out loud snores. Piece of cake, Isobel rolled her eyes.She got out of the car and opened the trunk to grab a steel rod. At least it’s good for something, Isobel smiled as she
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Chapter 0180
“Hey, who did this!” They heard a voice from the outside call out. Beau grabbed Isobel’s arm to stop her from moving. “Be quiet, do you hear that?”“For fucks sake, why does this have to happen now?” Isobel buried her head in her hands. “I assume that’s the other guy?”“Leave,” Beau spoke. Isobel sh
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