All Chapters of Luna Ares : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
Chapter 51
Jason's PovWe were already outside the Crescent pack. All we are waiting for is the night to act as a cover for us.The moon would be at his peak by twelve at midnight and we should be in by ten. Ares' warning might have been a timely convention, but there's not much I can change when I'm already at the devil's door.Hours passed and night came. We all got up and moved to our respective groups “Alright guys” I turned to everyone “remember the plan? Get in, watch out for each other and get out. He knows we are coming so be extra careful”They all nodded silently. I could smell their readiness and nervousness for what we were about to do. “Carlton?” He nodded at me “Josh?” He did the same “Alright. Let's do this”“I'm coming for you baby” I said into the mate link even though I knew she couldn't hear it.Everyone dispersed and went to their respective entry points. The moon casted a silvery glow over the forest as Cole and I led the rest of the pack to the entry point. Some had already
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Chapter 52
“Isabelle,” I called, she looked at me, “now” She nodded and immediately left to search for Ares.“Do you think you can take out the other guy while I shut him up for life?” I asked Cole without breaking off eye contact. He simply nodded.“Hold up on your violence.” Maverick said “I'm sure your hands are itching to punch me, but if it's any consolation, she was mine first before she became yours”I let out a growl “she was never yours”“Temper, temper.” He said “how do you feel about a little chase, let me show you the extent of how prepared I was for you” he said.“I'm not interested in playing hide and seek with you. Let's settle this here and now.” I said, as Cole and I stepped closer in his direction “I've been waiting a long time for this too”“Too bad” Maverick said “I enjoy the games” he said before he and his companion ran in the direction of the pack.Cole and I quickly went after them. Anger and fury igniting my speed. We slowly come to a halt when we see the chaos around us
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Chapter 53
“I almost feel bad for you” Maverick said as we circled each other “you have no idea the amount of power I have, laying in me right now, just waiting for me to use.”“You talk a lot” I taunted him “show me what you got”“I don't want you to think I'm unfair,” Maverick said as he picked out one of the weapons someone brought over. I had no idea when he went to get them or when he came back with them.I walked closer and picked out the whip. It wasn't the same as my chains, but I could make do for now.He was obviously hiding his strength behind weapons and I plan to do the same. The only difference was, I was good with any weapon.He instantly came at me with his axe the minutes I picked out the whip. I digged swiftly. He was way slower than Josh.It was easy to evade his next few attempts. I stretched my whip towards him and it hit him squarely in his chest. Creating a long gash. Blood seeped slowly from the fresh wound.“Oohh” the crowd said. Forgetting who was the enemy and who wasn
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Chapter 54
Ares' Pov.“What did you do to me earlier?” I asked Clara. She said she wasn't helping Maverick, but the incantations and the mumbo jumbo jazz she did earlier makes me believe otherwise.“I thought you said you weren't helping him? Don't tell me you have the chance to kill me yourself?” I asked“Are you terrified yet?” She asked. When I said nothing she continued “don't worry, I still plan to kill you myself” she smiled.“So what did you do earlier?!” “I simply made the wind pick up speed” she shrugged “slicing his palm was fun though”I just wanted to be sure she didn't give me anything like he kept bragging about. I would love to see his face when he finds out he's got nothing.“Your little mate is here” she paused her movements to look at me “don't worry, Maverick will keep him entertained until he comes for your body.”She still believes she can kill me without any issues. That's hilarious. “So, when are you going to kill me exactly?” I was genuinely curious.“You are dying so, I
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Chapter 55
“Here to get a piece of me too?” Maverick said to me “well, get in line”“You don't get to talk, Maverick” I said slowly as I walked closer to them “your talking privileges are over”“You should be telling me thank you.” He said instead.“Why is that?” I asked “why do you believe you deserve a thank you?”“Because I'm sure after this you and your mate will get even closer” he said “don't you think I had a hand in that?” He asked.I call out my verdant heartstring the closer I get to them. I hear a low gasp at the sight of her beauty.“Why didn't you tell me you could do this?” Maverick asked me like he deserved an answer. “You were supposed to tell me!”“I didn't tell you because it is none of your damn business. You lost that right to it a long time ago” I said and pulled back an arrow.“I thought you believe everyone has a second chance?” He said in a last ditch effort to plead his case “don't you believe I deserve one too?” He asked.“Not really.” I shrugged “you don't deserve any
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Chapter 56
Roan might not care about his Elemental Color, but Alanda definitely did. Not only him, but everyone in this field did as well. Their Tribe had made the Elemental Affinity test thousands of times, but they had never seen a Dark Elemental Color.However, Alanda had an idea bout it. Juri had commented with him in the past about it. It seems that there are some extremely rare element users in the world. Obviously, the region around the Astreg City didn't have anyone like that. At least, not until now.??Alanda noticed everyone looking at him, waiting for the result of the test. In the end, he could only say what he thought that it was."Cough, Cough. Level 7 Darkness Affinity."Alanda didn't even need to tell Roan to go to the side since he was already there. Not only that, but he could see an awful expression on his face."Next, Rean Larks."Rean smiled brightly at Roan on the other side and ascended to the stage. At the same time, he thought.'Hehe! You definitely will try the same thi
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Chapter 57
“What? How?” She took several steps back. “You are not supposed to be able to break free” she whispered “I should have known there was something wrong with you, when you could talk”“Well, I got angry when I asked you to tell me your plans,” I said. “Your refusal gave me the strength to break free” I fired the arrow on her right shoulder. It was the dominant one.Fiona grunted in pain, but tried not to show it even if her shoulders were bleeding unto her dress. She started to say some new incantations. She was really persistent.I pulled back on the arrow and fired at her other shoulder. That managed to shut her up again. “I don't want to hear another word unless it's the spell to break everyone free” I said “trust me, you do not want to test me.”“Why?” She asked “you gonna kill me like you killed my sister?! Well, newsflash, I'm not scared to die, but I'll make sure I drag you to hell with me” she said in a guttural voice.“I keep telling you I didn't kill your sister!” I said angr
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Chapter 58
Jason's Pov“Do you think something's wrong?” Josh asked as he paced the room “she's been asleep for two days!”“She is just resting,” I said. I really hope that is what she's doing. “I'm sure she'll come around soon”After Ares passed out two nights ago in my arms, she hasn't woken up. James allowed us to stay until she recuperated.Her parents have been coming five times a day to check on her. They stay far away and just ask James how he's doing. Their actions show how bad they feel about what happened to her.I've given permission for Cain and Killian's pack members to return back home with the promise of holding a meeting soon with them to thank them for their help and give them a run down of what happened.“I think we can travel with her now.” Josh said “surely, you must know how Adriana misses you. Plus I'd like to see my mate and assure her I'm still alive”I took a deep breath. He was right. I do miss my daughter a lot and I know if I stayed any longer, she'll be hard to conso
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Chapter 59
Ares’ Pov“Just because I said I gave a piece of my soul to Athena doesn't mean you should expand yourself to this point” Selene said. “What were you thinking, child?!”“Am I dead?” I asked fearfully. I didn't want my thoughts to be true, but if it was then I'd gladly accept my fate. At least I know I died saving Jason and all the others.“Not quite,” Selene said “but if you had pushed more than you had, you would be dead now”“So how am I here?” I asked “wait! Is this another warning? Does it ever really end?”“You are as dramatic as your father,” she chuckled. “No, this isn't another warning. When you passed out, your subconscious must have wanted to come here and having Athena's soul back made it happen”“How can I go back?” I asked, “Jason must be so worried.”“All in good time.” She said “Give yourself a chance to recuperate” “But..” I started to protest.“Do you want to miss a chance to spend with your parents while you are recovering?”“There's no way for me to go back right n
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chapter 60
Jason’s PovAfter we got back last night, I carried Ares up to our room. I wasn’t surprised to see my daughter laying there. I laid Ares gently and kissed her head and my daughter’s, softly. I could have cuddled with them both, but I didn't want to risk waking Adriana, so I sat on the chair at the far corner of the room and watched them both as they slept peacefully.The night felt the longest it had ever been. I watched the sun shine through as the morning finally came. Both my girls were still sleeping. I went downstairs to make breakfast for Adriana after brushing my teeth and washing my face. It's been a minute since i did that. When I finished, I took themeal up to our room and covered it up. Went to her room and got her toothbrush.“I promise to be good if you wake up” I heard my daughter’s voice from behind the door. She was awake and definitely speaking to Ares. I pushed open the door. When she saw me, she jumped from the bed into my arms.“Daddy!” she said excitedly.“Hi, bea
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