All Chapters of Mystery of Fate: Luna Della's Second Chance: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
382 Chapters
Chapter 0311
Della’s POV“Jack–”“Are you hurt? Do you need anything?” I couldn’t finish my sentence when his worried question echoed through the phone like a bullet.It’s vivid how worried and anxious he was just by hearing his words. My heart throbbed, and tears welled up in my eyes.Since childhood, my brothe
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Chapter 0312
My heart skipped a beat, and I tried to swallow the knot that had suddenly formed in my throat. Anxiousness suddenly rushed into me.“What exactly on earth happened to Albert?” I asked in a panic.He wouldn’t happen to be hurt, was he?“Jackson! Tell me!” I shouted after he remained silent for a cou
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Chapter 0313
Della’s POVRight after I ended the call, I suddenly felt weak, and my arm dropped to my side, not even giving me enough strength to hide my phone in my pocket.I leaned back on the wall and looked up to the sky, praying that the heaviness I felt would ease up a bit.But it didn’t. Instead, memories
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Chapter 0314
If guilt was a devouring monster, I would have been swallowed up whole already.“Della…” he called out in a very tender tone. “I want to tell you something. I know it’s probably long overdue but I wanted to give you more time and–”“I decided to be with Kylian again!” I shouted, interrupting him fro
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Chapter 0315
Della’s POVFae stopped in her tracks and stared at me with blinking eyes, scrutinizing what was happening and looking as confused as ever.“What did you say?” she asked.Sighing, I repeated, “Do you think I’m cruel?”“Why would you ask something like that?” she asked in a gentle voice before contin
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Chapter 0316
Della’s POVAfter listening to Fae’s words, my breathing became heavy, and my heart trembled with unimaginable pain.At that moment, a strange scene flashed through my mind. I saw Albert stood in the middle of the reef with a loose jacket and a gray T-shirt.Suddenly someone pierced his heart with a
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Chapter 0317
Once again, my heart bled in pain and guilt. He’s a huge part of Wakeland’s success, yet he won’t attend it, and I knew that it was because of me.My hands tightened on my phone as I wept in pain while staring at his message. I wished I could do more to ease the pain and suffering I brought to Alber
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Chapter 0318
Della’s POVAs if I was burned, I pushed him in an instant and took a step back.Merely hearing that stupid name was already sending indescribable disgust in every inch of my body. With a cringed face, I glared at him. “And why will I want to see that woman?”Kylian’s lips widened into a smile. With
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Chapter 0319
She wore the clothes of a slave. With that improper fit, torn ends, and dirty clothes on her body, Gianna’s once arrogant facade was stripped off. Now, she looked nothing but a pitiful woman with nothing.I took a deep breath as we got closer to them. In front of me was a woman of the same upbringin
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Chapter 0320
Della’s POVKylian immediately opened the cell and went in with an upright posture and domineering demeanor.“A-Alpha Kylian!” Gianna gasped in surprise as soon as she felt Kylian’s presence. She hastily removed her hands from the guard and put distance between them.The guard, on the other hand, sw
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