All Chapters of The Broken Warrior's Daughter: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
609 Chapters
Chapter 0121
“I love chicken parmesan and our chef makes the best I’ve ever had, isn’t that right Anders?” She says looking at her husband. He also has food halfway to his mouth, obviously not expecting to be pulled into the conversation. “Well, it’s not steak with truffle butter, but it’s pretty good.” He says
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Chapter 0122
I suddenly realize the room behind us has gone silent. Everyone listening to our exchange. Rik raises his voice to take in the entire room. “If anyone is foolish enough to take on my Guardian, good luck, you’ll need it. And after I defeat her in our sparring match on Monday, she’ll officially be my
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Chapter 0123
Dinner was great. I can see everyone watching us, watching Cara. It’s her first real public appearance and just as I expected, my mother circled her with ranked wolves to make sure she feels comfortable. I’ve been going back and forth talking to the others at the table while also keeping my attentio
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Chapter 0124
Mom looks up at me and back to Cara giving her a huge smile. “Oh that’s wonderful! And now that your father is training the warriors again, maybe we can get him to spend more time here as well. I’ve missed both of you.” “I’ll see what I can do.” Cara says and waves at my father before we walk out b
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Chapter 0125
Last night when Rik dropped me off after professing his love for me, I thought I’d have a really hard time getting to sleep. I had worried when he’d mentioned his room needing to be big enough for his Luna. It had reminded me that it might not be me. And it made my heart hurt to think of another wom
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Chapter 0126
When we’re done, we lay on the ground, catching our breath. Kai comes over and licks her face, rubbing against her face and neck, encouraging her. When she finally stands, she walks over to him, sliding her body down his, rubbing her scent all over him. Such a hussy. I was afraid she was going to p
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Chapter 0127
I have to admit, Cara’s response to seeing my dick fully aroused was not what I expected. I know she’s a virgin, she’s been clear about that, but she’s a wolf. She must have seen the warriors naked before. So, the hint of fear was surprising. But, there was also curiosity and that I can work with. I
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Chapter 0128
“Cara.” It comes out as more of a squeak than a warning. And goddess help me, she takes her other hand and wraps it around the rest of my length. I press my hand on the shower wall to steady myself. I give one last warning. “If you don’t stop, I will blow my load all over you.” My little guardian
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Chapter 0129
I don’t know if there is anything more powerful than holding a man in your hands and stroking him until he loses control. The feeling of commanding Rik’s pleasure was empowering, even if his size is intimidating. When he reversed roles, oh my goddess, what that man can do with his tongue. I mean…it’
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Chapter 0130
There’s an undertone to his question that I’m guessing relates to him knowing what has happened between Rik and I. So, I focus on the things that I’m willing to tell him. “My shift was more difficult than usual, but Artemis was able to run for a couple of hours before Kai had us rest. Then she was
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