All Chapters of The Broken Warrior's Daughter: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
609 Chapters
Chapter 0071
Mr. Nelson takes Cara’s hand in his then turns around to look back at me and Dr. Harris. “Kevin, what can you tell me?” He asks the doctor. “Clint, I was just asking Alpha Rik here some questions, since he found her.” He turns back to me. “Has she been unconscious the entire time she has been with
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Chapter 0072
I take a deep breathe, breathing out heavily for what feels like the first time in hours. “So, what does this mean, long term.” I ask. I need to know if there is still hope for our bond. Dr. Harris looks at me as he answers. “We’ll have to take more samples and continue to test her blood, but it m
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Chapter 0073
I look at Mr. Nelson, “Anything?” I ask. “Nothing new. They are giving her extra fluids as Dr. Harris said and they took more blood to check her venom levels.” I pull up another chair so I can be closer to her. I reach out a hand to touch her leg, just so there is a connection. I don’t know how m
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Chapter 0074
There is so much pain. It’s everywhere, overwhelming me and my senses. I try reaching out to Artemis, but she is fighting her own battle. I can feel her struggle but cannot reach her. We will need to fight this from opposites sides and meet in the middle. While I’m conscious, I can’t open my eyes or
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Chapter 0075
The doctor comes over to me. He begins checking my vitals, flashing his light in my eyes, looking over the machines as he talks. “Cara, I’m Dr. Harris. How are you feeling?” “Terrible.” I reply. He nods. “Can you be more specific. Do you feel burning? Aching? Sharp pains?” “Burning, yes. Aching,
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Chapter 0076
When Mr. Nelson kicked Liam and I out of Cara’s hospital room, I was furious. I had made promises to her. She may not have heard them, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to keep them. I head back to the packhouse and up to my room. I’m pacing around, trying to figure out how to get back to her when
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Chapter 0077
True to their word, Lacey and Jason provided hourly updates. Several hours later, I get my first bit of good news. Cara woke up for a short amount of time and the doctor said he’s impressed with her healing ability. I can’t help the smile that spreads on my face as I head to dinner in the pack hous
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Chapter 0078
The next time I wake up, not only do I feel stronger, but I have a minute where Artemis is forward. She let’s me know that she’s countering the venom but it will be another week before she’s back to full strength, but she has effectively eliminated his mark from our neck. The bruises will take lon
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Chapter 0079
“I need to take some more blood and I need you to eat a full meal.” “Deal. What are you looking for in my blood?” “We’re checking to see how Artemis is doing getting rid of the venom.” “She told me it’s working and that the marks are gone.” Yeah,” Lacey interrupts, “Look at her neck, doc. It’s s
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Chapter 0080
My dad gives me a side-eye glance. “If it were up to me, I’d make it last longer, but it’s up to you, now that you are back on your feet.” I smile at my dad and as we pull up to the house, he turns to face me. “And…you may be willing to forgive them much faster than I am.” “Why is that?” “Liam le
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