All Chapters of One Luna, Four Alphas: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
588 Chapters
Chapter 0431
"You...." Lincoln was about to say something when a cough interrupted him and we all turned to Emily in sync. The both of them rushed over to her. "Damn....she is so hot..I...will call the Doctor now." Lincoln's voice shook after he touched her forehead to feel her temperature and he rushed out of
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Chapter 0432
EMILY'S POV The sagging of their shoulders as they walked out of the room made my heart ache. It was obvious that they didn't want to be away from me for very long and I felt guilty for making them worry about me for no reason. This sickness was something that would go with time and enough bed rest
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Chapter 0433
I laughed at the image, those two would be wrapped around her tiny little finger. Everytime I thought about it, everytime the thought hits me that I would soon become a mother, the feeling was nostalgic. “ Could you please call them into the room? I'll like to give them the good news myself.” I sai
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Chapter 0434
LUCAS'S POV I didn't want to leave her side but the doctor was very adamant about it. I stared at my brothers and I knew none of us wanted to leave her side. As I walked out of the room, I offered a silent prayer to the moon goddess, praying that she wouldn't take Emily away from me. I still find i
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Chapter 0435
Deep into our confrontation, someone cleared their throat and we turned to see the doctor standing awkwardly “ I'm sorry Alphas but I have to leave now. I have a lot of things to donate the hospital. Patients that need immediate surgery.” “ Fine! You can leave. I'll escort you out.” Lin said and wa
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Chapter 0436
LYNN. When I heard that Emily was pregnant, my joy was immeasurable that I had almost laughed out loud because I was going to become a Father. I had never thought that the time would come so soon. I had always fantasized about how my child would look like, I wanted a girl that would be a replica
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Chapter 0437
It could have been better if we were not brothers but we are, and it made matters worse. This whole thing is different from the images that I had pictured in my head, this was not the happy family that I had always dreamt off. I had thought that I and my brothers would live ever after with our mate
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Chapter 0438
It was a matter related to the life and death of my mate and cub, so it was necessary for me to pay full attention. The Doctor explained some other things to me, before she bid farewell after congratulating me once again, which I only smiled. The moment she left, my smile receded and I gritted my
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Chapter 0439
LYNN. The moment Lincoln and Lucas entered the room, I had already knew that my plan had been ruined, I could not help but curse inwardly at them. What exactly is their problem? Why couldn't they back out? Moreover, it was my turn to be with her today, I don't know what they were doing here? I
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Chapter 0440
The matter was getting more complicated as we have started conpeting against each other, it seemed that they both have the same plan in head since wr thought alike. Sometimes, I would always wished that we were not brothers and that we did not know each other so well, I couldn't hide from them and
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