All Chapters of SHE'S THE LUNA I WANT: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
293 Chapters
Chapter 0121
"Are we heading somewhere?" Kairo asked. "The girls just wanted to sleep under the stars. But just outside this house." Mom answered. "That’ll be fun. I’m used to sleeping on the forest grounds." Kairo said. "We have a tent," Cassidy told him, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Seriously? Shifter
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Chapter 0122
JACE. The rest of the day went by swiftly, and as much as I wanted to push myself to join whatever the females were doing during the daytime, I decided not to. As it was unlikely for me to be bothered by their activities, so I just let them hang out on their own and hoped for the best for tonight.
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Chapter 0123
"What are you doing here?" She asked in a hoarse voice, her eyes following my movement. I crawled to one open sleeping bag and judging by the smell on it, it was Catherine's. "I'm tired. I just want to lay down, and maybe have a little talk with you." I lay on my side facing her, as she was alread
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Chapter 0124
"Were you able to tell her?" She asked. "No. I planned my trip here after your mom told me you flew here. I forgot about Alice, but I will tell her once I'm back." "Did you come all the way here for me?" she asked, and I wondered if she thought otherwise. "Yes. I left my whole pack to see you."
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Chapter 0125
KAIRO. I watched as Amber took Catherine inside the house, and I knew it was my time to move. I was right. The moment my gaze shifted back to Jace, he motioned for me to take Cassidy out of the tent. "How long do I need her away?" I asked in a hushed tone. "One or two, maybe three hours." He an
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Chapter 0126
"I have a wolf, Cassidy. I’m not going to abandon you." I stepped closer and curled a finger under her chin before tilting it up so I could meet her eyes. "You’re with an Alpha. And Alpha never abandons anyone in the face of danger, especially not a…" I cut myself just in time before I could say so
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Chapter 0127
JACE. "Right. So are we just going to pretend the rejection never happened? That if ever we accept each other, I will have a long line of Alphas and Alpha males to fight against at the Claiming?" "You think I didn’t know that?" Her eyes squinted before she stood up and opened the tent. The sun w
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Chapter 0128
I swung the door open and let her in, letting my ears hear any signs of their presence, but the house was too quiet. "Where are they?" I asked. Amara took a note from the fridge and read it. "Aunt Clair said they all went running." "They left us." "Catherine told me they would run in the morning
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Chapter 0129
She swallowed hard. "If I gave up my title..." In seconds, I was already in front of her. My hand grabbed her jaw and titled it up so she would look at me. "You’re not giving up your title. You will become an Alpha, and whoever ends up with you... he needs to settle as an Alpha’s mate." My heart c
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Chapter 0130
CATHERINE. Dad wanted me to train for the whole day yesterday as I would be shifting tonight. So he asked Mom to wake me up at five-thirty in the morning and start my warm-up immediately. At six in the morning, Cassidy and Kairo joined in before Amber came and decided to join the ‘fun.’ Mom looke
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