All Chapters of Pregnant With Alpha's Genius Twins: Chapter 521 - Chapter 530
582 Chapters
Chapter 0521
“Inside, Evelyn, please,” Victor growls, and Evelyn moves away from him. She looks between the two brothers for a moment, and though she would usually push against an order like that from Victor – or anyone, really – something, in this case, suggests that it’s best not to engage. So she simply move
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Chapter 0522
But clearly… “You’ve got to figure it out, Rafe,” Victor says softly, all anger gone from his voice. Replaced, now, with disgust. “You have got to get it into your head that being Alpha is not about having complete control and shaping the world into what you want. It’s about building the world in w
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Chapter 0523
The next morning the house is somehow…different. I can’t place my finger on it but…something is somehow not right. I look around, trying to figure it out. In so many ways everything seems…normal. The Betas are buzzing, moving around doing their work. Burton is here again – thank god – doing some ge
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Chapter 0524
“Just because I am nice to you, mama,” Alvin says, pulling himself up on the bed to sit with his twin, “doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed with you.” “You’re disappointed with me?!” I ask, devastated, going to sit on Alvin’s bed, which is positioned parallel to Ian’s. I lean forward to look between
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Chapter 0525
My mouth falls open and then I’m laughing, my shoulders shaking almost with hysteria, and I put my head in my hands. Twins. Twins! Again, twins! Oh my god. I’m still processing the news when I feel warm hands on my shoulders. I look up, then, into Victor’s serious face. “Please, Evelyn,” he murm
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Chapter 0526
“I’m sorry,” I say to them all, my voice muffled by the closeness of Victor’s body – “I didn’t mean to keep a secret – or, well, I did – but I just wanted to be sure before I told everyone and we got all excited –“ “It’s all right, Evie,” Victor murmurs, pulling back from me and giving me a warm sm
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Chapter 0527
The boys then throw their heads back, wailing harder and I… Well, I do something that, in retrospect, is probably very dumb. But I gasp and smile broadly, my eyes shining as I lean forward, my voice breathless with joy. “Girls!?” I ask Alvin, thrilled. “They’re girls!?” “See!” he shouts, staring
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Chapter 0528
“And we could tell that they will be girls,” Alvin says, assured. “I don’t know how we know. But we could tell.” “Amazing,” I murmur, shaking my head a little and looking between them. “I thought that you two could connect with each other because you were…well, because you’re twins. You’ve always b
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Chapter 0529
“I can’t believe they talked us into this,” Victor murmurs, anxiously massaging his temple with two fingers and glancing at me in the rearview mirror. I’m sitting in the back seat with one twin in my lap, the other pressed tight against my side. Rafe, seated next to Victor in the driver’s seat, like
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Chapter 0530
Victor laughs a little, shaking his head. “But,” I continue, “do I think it’s really going to benefit them to stay home watching Paw Patrol? No, I don’t.” I shake my head, really meaning it. “I think we have to walk a fine line, Victor, of keeping them safe and happy while showing them the realitie
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