All Chapters of Once Rejected, Now Desired : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
257 Chapters
Chapter 0131
"Where is your mother?" I heard her ask. "I'm right…I'm right here." I replied, trying to sound strong. She turned to look at Savanna, who nodded and took her hand off her shoulder. Queen Claire turned to look at me with the usual displeasure etched across her face. "We need to talk." Of course,
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Chapter 0132
FEW HOURS LATER SOPHIA As we drove back to the Palace, I stayed silent. David, Daniel, and Darwin continued to go back and forth with endless theories concerning what had happened at the hospital, but I knew my boys, and I also knew that they were too smart. We all knew what had happened, what wa
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Chapter 0133
ASHER Fucked up. That's the one and only word I had for everything I had been told in the past…what? Seventy two to one hundred and twenty hours? Once again, I kept my gaze on the window and allowed my thoughts to wander off. It was the only thing that kept me busy these days. The nights I fou
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Chapter 0134
ASHER The door pushed open a few seconds after nurse Karren stepped outside. I raised my head to find a smiling Dr. Brian at the foot of my door. Great. Just great. He shut the door close after giving the nurse a curt nod, and returned his attention to me. If I didn't know better, I would have
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Chapter 0135
When I was done speaking, doctor Brian heaved a loud sigh and returned to his chair. "You say you do not know who the woman in the dream is." "I am certain. I have never seen her face in the dream because she technically has no face. It's like bare skin." "But you see the color of her hair?"
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Chapter 0136
A FEW DAYS LATER SOPHIA "Mummy, do we really have everything packed up? I really feel like I'm forgetting something." Daniel tugged at my right arm as he questioned both himself and me. I looked away from the boxes stacked at the front of the door and turned to look at him, while fighting hard to
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Chapter 0137
"You're not angry, mummy?" He asked, sniffing in tears. I cupped his cheeks and stared into his eyes. "No baby, why would I be?" "Cause I dont…cause I don't have big plans yet?" I smiled. "Come on, baby. You're only eight years old. You do not have to have your entire life figured out now. It's
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Chapter 0138
SOPHIA With all the things that had happened to me in the past two to three weeks, I would have thought the moon goddess would have at least been kind enough to spare me of the need to see some certain faces, but she didn't. I had a feeling I would soon be forced to atone for my unknown past sins.
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Chapter 0139
"All Asher ever did was love you. Even while we were together. It was one of the things that made it so easy to cheat on him. The night you saw us together, it was nothing but the force of the mate bond, and alcohol laced with...I drugged him on Reed's command. He was...he was so ashamed to look at
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Chapter 0140
ASHER "Oh! My darling boy!" I could trust my mother to be over dramatic at any point in time. The doctors had told me that being in a familiar environment would help me slowly remember my past. I really hoped they were right. Losing memories sucked, especially when it felt like a huge part of me
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