All Chapters of His Reject: The Alpha King's Hybrid: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
232 Chapters
Chapter 0161
“You are hiding something,” Killian said to me that night. He returned early today of all days, a day when I wanted to think more than I wanted to talk. “What am I hiding?” I pretended to not understand what he meant. “How would I know? You are even refusing to look at me.” His words sounded like
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Chapter 0162
“He hated everything about the monarchy and used to joke about running away and changing his name to Samuel. That’s why – that’s why when I heard he took – he took his life, I believed.” He covered his face with his palm. “He – He was not the type to do that and I suspected something off but he hate
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Chapter 0163
We watched in silence as she gave a forced laugh and then let out a sob. “Seth – my good boy – I knew – I knew he was not happy but what did I do – I kept pushing him and, in the end – in the end, he decided he had enough.” She wiped the corner of her eyes. “If anyone killed him, I did. I pushed him
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Chapter 0164
“No, that’s not what happened –“ She shook her head, her voice weak. “You believed you pushed him to suicide while trying to make sure the world saw him as my better so I am sure you hated me even more after his death. After all, if I never existed, you would have never had to push him so hard, you
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Chapter 0165
To stop Hawke, we had to act fast. If priests came out to discredit Killian and his lineage, things would become more difficult to handle. Before that happened, we sent a secret message to the High Priest who would help us put in a request to see the High Priestess. Esther, Fraser’s mate came to se
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Chapter 0166
“It is a privilege to have the Luna Queen visit the holy temple.” The High Priest said as I took a seat in his office. “To what do we owe this revered visit?” He spoke the words with a dull voice that made me even more nervous. Though he was not discourteous, he was not courteous either. “You must
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Chapter 0167
“I’ve heard about you,” the woman said. She looked around my mother’s age but in her chilling eyes shone ancient wisdom. “Call me Serena.” She put out a hand for a handshake so I shook her hand, fighting down the cold that spread in my stomach. “Nice to meet you, Serena,” I forced myself to say. “I
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Chapter 0168
How could she speak of my conception with such a bland expression!? “As someone who our benevolent goddess tells the future ever so often, I feel I have something in common with you, who can dream the future. It’s rare for the oracle to have anything in common with others. That is why I rushed here
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Chapter 0169
“He knows something.” Victoria wrung her hands together as she stared at me with eyes shining with guilt. “Did you say anything to him?” I snarled. She took a step back, hurt flashing in her eyes. ‘Is there any reason to be a rude child?’ Kalea asked with annoyance in her voice. ‘She promised not
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Chapter 0170
‘This forest belongs to the king’s pack so nothing dangerous can enter.’ ‘Kalea,’ I muttered, the awful feeling in my guts doubling. ‘Turn back.’ I tried to shift back but she resisted. ‘Kalea, are you possessed!?’ I screamed at my wolf. ‘Shift back right now!’ ‘Why? You never let me come out to p
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