All Chapters of Selena's Rebirth Diary: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
95 Chapters
Building New House 21
The family sat, drank milk and talked. In the morning, José looked for people in the village. Except for three people who were working outside, the others were idle at home and farming. There was still some time before the autumn harvest, so they could help build the house and it was good for them to be able to earn some money in the village, so naturally everyone agreed to it. Joseph also asked a elder to estimate the materials needed to build the house. In addition to the large amount of wood that is free, the other things and labor costs together will cost at least 60 silver coins. If you build a few more houses to store dried flowers, the patio will be expanded and the walls will be higher. 100 silver coins may be enough. But Mary was no longer worried, because she discussed it with José on the way, José had a good relationship with Pedro, the owner of the grocery store in the city, with the contract for essential oils it should not be difficult for them to borrow some 40 silver
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Secret observer 22
This autumn day is really hot. Selena helped Maria prepare the meal and braved the scorching afternoon sun to deliver the food. She was already covered in sweat on the road and her clothes were stuck to her body. Very uncomfortable. Her cheeks were also wet with sweat, some strands of hair were wet and stuck to her face, and her entire body seemed to be wet with water. But beauty is like that: not only does she not look messy, but she looks even more beautiful with whiter skin and pink lips. Selena was anxious at that time, so she didn't notice anyone on the mountain, she put the soap in Leo's hand with a simple explanation and then hurriedly went to help Maria pack her things so she could return early and gets water to bathe. Maria was also aware of her daughter's squeamishness, so there was still warm water in the pot at home for her to use for bathing. Seeing that everyone had eaten more or less the same, she quickly tidied up, put the dishes in the load and left them for José to
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Go back to the cave 23
At that moment Maria and Helena were sitting at the table weaving lace, Helena looked up from time to time and saw Selena pouring water, her beautiful appearance right after bathing really made her envious as a woman. For a moment she was envious of how Maria could give birth to a daughter with that appearance. Compared to her, her daughter is like an ugly country girl. But Selena's appearance is no worse than that of a city girl. Helena is a frank and direct person, she says what she wants to say: "Maria, your daughter Selena's appearance is the most beautiful in the nearby towns. Oh, it's a shame that my son Alberto, he is three years younger than Selena, from Otherwise I would have tried every means to turn Selena into our Alberto's wife..." She has a daughter and a son. Her youngest son is only ten years old, three years younger than Selena, he plays wildly every day and never thinks about anything like that. Maria naturally felt proud when people praised her daughter, even she
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Annoying relatives 24
Joseph expanded the courtyard while he repaired the house and built high walls around the courtyard. In this way, ordinary people cannot easily climb the wall and enter. The patio path was paved with stone paving stones as the girl said, so that even on rainy days the mud and water would not touch her feet. There were six or seven rooms, including a place dedicated to drying flowers and storing dried flowers. Joseph also planned a small room next to the fireplace. José said it was a specific room to make essential oils and blush for Selena. This room is ventilated in summer, but very warm in winter. There is even a small stone mill newly purchased especially for her to grind some saponaria seeds, which is compact and easy to use. Selena seemed very satisfied, these days her father was letting the carpenter build her some furniture, including the dressing table and matching chairs that she wanted. Ever since she found out about this, she had been running to the carpenter very frequent
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Shameful Request 25
They always love Iris very much and give her everything she wants. Carmen only has one daughter like that and she treats her like a treasure. Iris only treated her like a servant. Selena yes she was a little disobedient. If Iris complains to Carmen and Hugo, you will inevitably be reprimanded. Selena, who was eavesdropping outside the door at the time, saw that she couldn't hide, so she had to pretend that she had just arrived, carefully opened the door, and then walked in. As soon as she entered, everyone in the room looked, except Mary and Joseph, when they saw her, everyone else showed different signs of surprise, no wonder, at home she wore black or gray clothes all day, and her hair sometimes It was messy, which went very unnoticed. I thought it had only been more than a year since we broke up, but the ugly and low-key girl back then turned out to be so beautiful. As soon as people walk in, they immediately feel their eyes light up. Selena wore a peach pink muslin and thin cotto
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Injured Selena 26
Selena didn't hear him next, because Iris has already entered her room and called her twice impatiently. For fear of breaking her things, Selena had to hesitantly leave the door and walk quickly towards the house, but she was secretly worried about her parents' reaction. Before, she was extremely happy that they already broke up with her annoying relatives. Not only was the family relationship broken, but the friendship between them was gone. This was what she wanted. No matter what they would like in the future, no matter how good her family is, they don't need these relatives, because those hurtful things have been said and done, and everyone knows that a wooden stake with nails through it will leave a hole and never recover, even if you want to repent. But I didn't expect that these people were so shameless that they even came to set conditions. Selena was afraid that her parents would be kind and agree, which would cause endless problems, so she entered the house absentmindedly.
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Sever Ties 27
Maria almost fainted when she saw this. If Lucia hadn't helped her from behind her, she would have fainted. A girl's face is very important. If her appearance is damaged, how can she get married? Now that her daughter's originally beautiful and tender face was covered in blood, how could Maria not faint from fear? Lucia saw that Selena was injured and her entire face seemed to be covered in blood, and the blood on her hands continued to bleed. She immediately yelled to someone outside to find a doctor. After recovering, Maria ran to Selena's side, "Selena, tell me what happened, what was happening just now..." Selena seemed unable to hold on and dilated her pupils, grabbed Maria with her bloody hands and only said: "Auntie, she wants my base. She, she..." Before she could finish her words, then he fainted in Maria's arms. As soon as Maria heard the word "aunt", her eyes lifted and looked at Iris with hatred like a tigress protecting the child. Before, she always bullied Selena. Now t
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Pablo's Trick 28
Upon returning, Iris returned to her house to rest, the old house had many rooms, it became more spacious after José's family left, Carmen lived in the one that was better located. After a while, Pablo entered her room to discuss strategies with her. Paul said: "The grocery store at home has been losing money for a long time. Now he still owes thirty silver coins for the purchase. Originally today I went to cost Joseph a deposit, but this was now impossible. If you can't solve it yourself, I'll scratch Iris's face to make amends with Selena..." "you dare..."After Carmen finished speaking, she wiped away her tears: "Iris is only 14 years old. What does she know? She is still a child. She is still your sister. How could you do this? If you hadn't been so ruthless at the beginning, how could José become so indifferent? We don't even need to cut off the relationship anymore..." Seeing Pablo showing signs of anger, Carmen trembled and immediately changed her words: "Don't you think it's
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Unexpected Client 29
Selena walked around the house for a while after eating. At noon she ate two pieces of red date cake and a few pieces of meat, which were not much. What made her uncomfortable was that she drank two bowls of milk. Her parents don't like drinking it either, they only drink more than half a bowl at a time and the rest is hers. Seeing how Selena drank a big bowl every time, they thought she liked to drink this, but in fact, she almost vomited after drinking it, and adding sesame powder only slightly alleviated the taste, the aftertaste is really unpleasant. But there is no way, to be stronger you have to pay this price. Leaning in front of the window and looking at the scenery outside, she felt a little melancholy, wondering how long she would have to drink this milk before she could get stronger. Selena has been "recovering" at home for most of the month. Many women in the town like to gossip, openly or covertly, and ask indirectly about Selena's face. Because she fell to the ground w
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Seeds of Dreams 30
While the people of the village are idle, Joseph's family is very busy. Maria and Selena make blush soap every day, although they are not busy from morning to night, there is no free time completely. Since the New Year is approaching, there are many people buying New Year's products, and the items in Pedro's store are also very popular. Essential oils and blushes have been reserved, so seven boxes of rouge and five jars of essential oils will be made this month, which will be enough to keep Maria and Selana busy. In the end, Selena did not sell the base made with jasmine seeds to Pedro, after all, there were few jasmine seeds and she wanted to keep two boxes for herself and her mother. So in her spare time she used rice to make a common fragrant foundation and mixed some jasmine powder soaked with magic water into it, although it was not as good as jasmine seeds. It still smelled fragrant. It is better than the common ones and the price is more or less the same as other foundation o
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