Lahat ng Kabanata ng His Elusive Antidote: Kabanata 71 - Kabanata 80
82 Kabanata
SC # 3 (A Forbidden Pleasure)
Zarina sat in the dimly lit hospital room, her eyes fixed on her sister lying in the bed. Machines beeped rhythmically, a stark reminder of the fragile thread that held her sister’s life. Tubes and wires connected her to various apparatus, painting a picture of dependence and vulnerability, the beeping of machines providing a haunting backdrop to Zarina’s anguish.Her sister’s pale face was lined with exhaustion and pain, a stark contrast to the vibrant woman she had once been. Her breathing was shallow and labored, each breath a struggle against the weight of illness.Tears streamed down Zarina’s cheeks as she whispered words of encouragement to her sister, willing her to fight. The doctors had informed her that her sister needed an urgent operation, but the cost was beyond what Zarina could afford. She felt helpless, her world crumbling around her as she watched her sister’s life slip away.Zarina felt a lump form in her throat as she struggled to hold back her tears. She had been b
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CS #3.1 (A Forbidden Pleasure)
Zarina’s heart pounded with a mix of anger, frustration, and betrayal as she faced Alexei in the luxurious room. Her love for him had blinded her to his deceit, and now the truth lay bare before her, shattering the illusion of their relationship.“I trusted you,” Zarina’s voice trembled with emotion, her words a mix of hurt and disbelief. “I loved you with all my heart, and this is how you repay me?”Alexei’s eyes were filled with remorse, but Zarina’s anger burned too fiercely for her to see anything but his betrayal. She felt like a fool for believing in him, for letting herself be vulnerable to his charms.“I never meant to hurt you,” Alexei’s voice was tinged with regret, his words a desperate plea for forgiveness. “I was foolish, blinded by my own ambitions. But please, Zarina, believe me when I say that my feelings for you are real.”Zarina’s resolve wavered for a moment as she looked into Alexei’s eyes, seeing the pain and regret reflected in them. She wanted to believe him, to
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SC # 4 (Stolen Heart)
Detective Taliya stared at the evidence board in her office, trying to make sense of the seemingly impossible case before her. The latest robbery had left no trace, no fingerprints, no CCTV footage, nothing. It was as if the perpetrator had vanished into thin air.She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, frustration mounting. She was known for her sharp instincts and keen eye for detail, but this case was testing even her skills. She needed a breakthrough, something to crack open this baffling mystery.As she left her office to clear her mind, Taliya found herself in the bustling hallway of the police station. Officers hurried by, each focused on their own tasks. Taliya made her way to the vending machine, hoping a cup of coffee would help clear her thoughts.As she reached for the machine, she collided with a man she didn’t recognize. He was tall, with a casual yet stylish demeanor that caught her attention. His fashion sense was understated but effortlessly cool, like the boy nex
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SC # 4.1 (Stolen Heart)
The night was cast in shadows, the sky a blanket of thick, stormy clouds that unleashed a torrential downpour upon the city. The rain fell in relentless sheets, drenching everything in its path and shrouding the world in a veil of darkness. Detective Taliya stood in the alley, her gun held firmly in her hands, her eyes darting warily from shadow to shadow. Beside her, Zachary lay on the ground, his body battered and bruised, a dark pool of blood spreading beneath him from a wound in his side. “Taliya, please,” Zachary gasped, his voice strained with pain. “You need to go. They’re coming for us, and I won’t let you get hurt because of me.” Taliya’s heart clenched at his words, but she remained steadfast. She had a duty to uphold, to protect and serve, no matter the cost. But as she looked into Zachary’s eyes, filled with fear and desperation, she felt a tug at her heartstrings, a pang of something she couldn’t quite name. The sound of approaching footsteps echoed in the alley, the h
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SC #5 (Isla Naraya)
“Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay, our dear visitor!” This was the greeting that welcomed me as I stepped off the plane. I thought it would be like any other trip, where we would disembark at the airport. I was surprised when we landed directly on the island, confirming Charline’s statement that the island was indeed exclusive.There were only ten of us on the plane, and it felt like we had rented the entire island.We were greeted by our tour guide, Korina, who would be with us for the first two days of our stay on the island while we familiarized ourselves with the area. I felt like I was the only first-timer, as some of my companions seemed to be quite familiar with the place.“Miss Aviana, this will be your room, feel at home. Just call me if you need anything,”Korina said as she showed me to my room. I nodded and smiled, watching as she left. The room had two single sofas, a center table, a cabinet, a mini-kitchen, and a bathroom, the latter visible from my vantage point due to t
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SC #5.1 (Isla Naraya)
As Avianna stood before Sebastian, tears streamed down her cheeks, reflecting the shimmering moonlight. The gentle breeze carried the scent of the sea, mingling with the faint aroma of tropical flowers. They were on the beach, the soft sand beneath their feet, the sound of waves lapping against the shore providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.Sebastian’s usually vibrant green eyes were clouded with confusion and pain, his tall, lean frame tense with emotion. His raven-black hair tousled slightly in the breeze, adding to his disheveled appearance. He looked at Avianna, his expression a mix of defiance and vulnerability, as if he were fighting an internal battle.Avianna, on the other hand, was the picture of anguish and determination. Her caramel skin glistened in the moonlight, her long, flowing hair cascading down her back. Her eyes, usually bright and full of life, were now red and swollen from crying. She looked at Sebastian with a mixture of love and desperation, her
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SC # 6 (His Obsession)
Letisha arrived at the party venue, the soft glow of the lights casting a warm ambiance over the room. She scanned the room, spotting her colleagues mingling and chatting animatedly. She made her way over to the group, her red dress catching the light and drawing admiring glances.“Letisha, you look stunning!” exclaimed Sarah, one of her coworkers, as she approached.“Thank you, Sarah. You look lovely yourself,” Letisha replied with a smile.As the evening progressed, Letisha found herself engaged in lively conversations with her colleagues. She shared anecdotes from work and laughed at the funny stories that were being exchanged.“So, Letisha, any plans for the weekend?” asked Mark, another colleague.“I’m thinking of taking a day trip to the countryside. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to relax and unwind,” Letisha replied.“That sounds wonderful. You deserve a break,” Mark replied, raising his glass in a toast.As the night wore on, Letisha felt a sense of camaraderie and
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SC #6.1 (His Obsession)
As Letisha sat in her car, tears streaming down her face, she felt utterly alone. The weight of being scammed pressed down on her, and she didn’t know where to turn. She had always been independent, used to solving her problems on her own, but this time, it felt like too much.She stared blankly ahead, trying to gather her thoughts, when a sudden knock on her car door made her jump. Startled, she turned to see Alex standing there, looking concerned.“Letisha, are you okay?” Alex asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.Letisha wiped her tears and tried to compose herself. “I… I’m fine,” she replied, her voice shaky.Alex didn’t seem convinced. “You don’t look fine. Can I come in?”Letisha hesitated for a moment before nodding. Alex opened the car door and sat down beside her, his presence comforting.“What happened?” Alex asked gently.Letisha took a deep breath and explained how she had been scammed, losing a significant amount of money. She felt embarrassed and foolish for fallin
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SC #7 (Sin and Sinner)
Sin sighed as he pulled on his jacket, preparing to slip out of the house unnoticed. It was a typical Saturday afternoon, and he had plans to meet up with his friends at the park. But just as he reached for the doorknob, his mother’s voice echoed through the hallway.“Sin! Can you come here for a moment?”He froze, knowing that tone all too well. With a resigned sigh, he turned around and headed towards the living room where his mother and brothers were gathered. As he entered the room, he saw Catherine, his ten-year-old sister, sitting on the floor surrounded by coloring books and crayons.“What’s up?” Sin asked, trying to sound casual.“We’re having a bonding moment with Cath,” his mother said, gesturing towards the coloring materials. “We thought it would be nice for you to join us.”Sin glanced at Catherine, who looked up at him with big, hopeful eyes. He felt a pang of guilt for wanting to leave her behind. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’ve made plans with my friends,” he replied, alread
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SC #7.1 (Sin and Sinner)
Catherine stumbled into the condo, her vision blurred from the tears that streamed down her face. Sin stood in front of her, his expression unreadable. Outside, the rain poured down in a relentless torrent, the sound of it drumming against the windows like a thousand tiny fingers. The sky was a dark, brooding mass of clouds, obscuring the moon and stars from view. The air was thick with moisture, the humidity making it feel like a sauna. The condo was a small, cozy space, with soft, dim lighting that cast a warm glow over the room. The walls were painted a soothing shade of blue, adorned with framed photographs of happier times. A plush couch sat in the center of the living room, facing a small television set. The floor was covered with a plush rug, soft underfoot.“Please, Catherine, you need to leave,” Sin pleaded, his voice tinged with frustration.Catherine shook her head, her voice trembling. “No, not until you tell me why. Why were you avoiding me all these years?” Catherine sto
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