Lahat ng Kabanata ng Forged In The Flames: Kabanata 91 - Kabanata 100
337 Kabanata
Chapter 0091
We ate in silence, and she appreciated the food but ate slowly. "So, are you king now?" She asked, and something in her eyes revealed that she knew the truth. She must have had a lengthy discussion with Gezel and Erica. I wondered what they might have told her. "Not yet, King Frederick is opposing
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Chapter 0092
"You know nothing about politics, Niko; these wolves would betray you as they did, Mathias," She said. "So what do you propose?" I asked her, wanting to know how far she was willing to go, and she nodded with approval and sighed. "Obey the Lycan unity law, and the committee will side with you agai
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Chapter 0093
"This is all my fault. Had I been there to guide you all these years, none of this would have happened. I need you to listen to me, Niko. You couldn't have fought for all of this, received battle scars, and lost comrades to throw it all away for a woman," she said, pointing at the scar on my left ey
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Chapter 0094
Aliana POV The moment Nikolas left the room, I became scared. Who would have thought he was King Mathias' son? His hatred towards my father when he arrived, was understandable. My heart broke, and I tried to hide it so I do not spoil his mood. It was unfair for a prince to grow up in the wild and
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Chapter 0095
"What?" Lisa said, sounding a bit angry and looking at me. "Ania was there; she saw how the woman behaved. She was disgusted by our scent alone. You should be worried, Aliana. That woman is not a good person. Feral or not, I think we messed with the mercy of the goddess by nursing her to health," s
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Chapter 0096
Aliana POV We sat quietly on the couch for almost five minutes, processing all that we had discussed. It was a lot. "What did Alpha tell you after he revealed his identity to you?" Ania said, trying to calm the situation. "He said he didn't care about the past," I said, and she nodded and touched
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Chapter 0097
He was yet to be home, so we moved past it. Lisa looked at the bracelet and touched it gently. "I wish someone would do something this nice for me. It would be romantic," She said with a dreamy voice, and we all giggled. For someone so pessimistic, she sounded too wistful to be true. Her cheeks
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Chapter 0098
"No one is forcing you to remain in Forest. If you feel Alpha Nikolas is too much of a savage to lead you, go to the forest and surrender to the snow hunters. I learned snow Hunters are looking for slaves," I said, and they began to throw things at me. "I am not ashamed of myself!" I yelled at them
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Chapter 0099
I looked for a hiding place, but it was too late because the woman had seen me. Our eyes locked briefly, and I immediately bowed my head. "Is that the whore?" She asked Gezel, and I heard Gezel answer her. "Yes, your majesty," I wanted to laugh, but I held my tongue. The illusion of the woman be
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Chapter 0100
Nikolas POV After lunch with my mother, we spent time catching up on events that she missed. She was genuinely grateful that I kept her, and she kept expressing her gratitude repeatedly. She did not spoil our time by bringing up the werewolves or Gabriel, but one thing she was hell-bent on was that
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