All Chapters of The CEO's Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
382 Chapters
Chapter 0301
The next day, Sherwin and Claudia Ross sat in the living room, waiting for their special guests, as their son, Sean, had suggested. The suspense was killing them, but eventually, they saw Reese walk in with her mother. Smiles formed on Sean's parents' faces, seeing an old friend. "Audrey," Claud
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Chapter 0302
Sean's father nodded approvingly. Claudia turned to her husband with a smile and said, "I think Reese's return came at the right moment. We are surprised with a granddaughter, and Reese will be here to help Sean recover." "We thank you, Reese, for returning and giving Sean something to look forward
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Chapter 0303
Brooklyn gritted her teeth, watching the video of her and Aaron, fooling around in Sean's office. She thought the incident when Sean caught them red-handed was the only time he had found out, but no, apparently, he had a recording! She angrily turned to Sean and his lawyers. Evan, Wendell, and Keit
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Chapter 0304
They all had refreshments in the sitting area of the man's office when Evan asked his friend, "Has Anna agreed to cooperate?" Sean nodded, saying, "Yes, she has." "And the Department of Labor? Have they gotten back to us about our request?" Sean sought. Sean had seen in the books how Brooklyn ha
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Chapter 0305
Outside the operating room of the Heart and Lung Center, Sean’s parents awaited the news of his surgery. Reese was also present, showing her support. Wendell, Evan, and Keith had visited earlier but left to care for their families. After two hours, Doctor Phil stepped out with a smile. He reported
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Chapter 0306
Reese gave him a puzzled look, but Sean dismissed it and merely focused on Shauna. However, because of that promise, the little girl began identifying things she and Sean would do. “Then, Daddy will play tea time with my friends and me at school, watch me sing in school, and talk to teacher in sch
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Chapter 0307
"Let's get your legs straight," Reese instructed while putting a leather pillow below Sean's heel. He was lying flat on a yoga mat as he straightened his leg and occasionally lifted it. Each time Sean raised his leg, he grunted. "Why do I feel like I am lifting weights?" Reese chuckled and said,
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Chapter 0308
*** On the following weekend, Shauna was with the Rosses again. Like the last, Reese went to the mansion for Sean's therapy. Sean was walking better. He could bend his knee with ease, and he could extend it without pain. The only thing he couldn't do was run, but Sean knew he was getting there. S
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Chapter 0309
Gravity Ventures was Evan's financial company. It worked as an investment enterprise, opening opportunities for small companies and private individuals to grow their funds with minimum risk. Gravity Ventures would invest pooled money in assets based on specific management objectives. Most of the tim
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Chapter 0310
Following Sean's speech, dinner was served. Some guests skipped the meal altogether to speak with an agent who could represent them with their investments. While all this was happening, Brooklyn found the courage to approach Sean at his table. Despite being in front of Sean's friends, she called,
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