All Chapters of Fake Identity: Chapter 71 - Chapter 79
79 Chapters
70. Dinner Invitation
Hearing Ilona's words Eldrian becomes silent. He felt sad because Ilona didn't seem at all interested in having a real relationship with him. He drove with a sullen face as if he wasn't enthusiastic about what he was going to do that day."Why does your face look like that?" asked Ilona, ​​who was starting to realize that the person she was talking to looked different."Nothing!" "Are you sure?" "I hate you!" "Wow! What's wrong!' "Why did you say you don't want to see me again? Is being my friend that much of a burden to you?" asks Eldrian. “Ups, hihi. Come on, I am just kidding! Do not take it seriously!" "But why does your facial expression look like you're in deep thought?" "Yup, I just worried about My first meeting with your parents later!" "Don't think hard, I will take all responsibility and also the risk!" said Eldrian. "Yup! You must, haha!" "Emm, can you share what you think?"" I just thought it was like in a soap opera! Rich people usually prefer to choose someon
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71. Bad Idea
Ilona, ​​who agreed to Eldrian's plan to pretend to be Eldrian's girlfriend, began to feel that there would be quite serious problems for her. Her cold sweat started to come out when Mr. Knight's firm eyes looked at her, from top to bottom."Please, sit down!" he said to Ilona."Thank you," she answers.Eldrian smiled, he didn't seem nervous at all."Why so long time! You always wasting time!" Mr. Knight protested."I am sorry, Dad. So traffic! This place isn't Japan, this is Jakarta!" he explained."Just an excuse! I have ordered a seafood menu, is there an allergy? How about you, Miss?" Mr. Knight asked Ilona."It's okay, Sir! I like seafood," explained Ilona."Good!"Ilona glanced at Eldrian, while Eldian looked at Ilona without hesitation with a very sweet smile."So you guys are dating?" asked the middle-aged man."Yes, that's her! My beautiful girlfriend, Ilona!" said Eldrian spontaneously praising Ilona.Ilona's face was blushed, she didn't expect Eldrian so confident in front
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72. Wedding Plans
Eldrian and Ilona's dinner ended with wedding plans for them. Mr. and Mrs. Knight finally went home with happy faces, leaving the two people who were seen starting to argue along the way home."Ian! Are you going crazy? Your parents are planning to hold a wedding party!" Ilona protested."Yes, I know, but don't take it seriously,""What! You just make a joke for all! Huh!" "Please relax!" "Relax? In this situation? It's nonsense! I won't care anymore and immediately refuse when there is an offer of marriage!" said Ilona looking angry."Emm, you can do whatever you want," Eldrian answered, sounding like he was playing around.Different thoughts from Ilona, ​​Eldrian felt embarrassed.He didn't expect that his parents would talk to Ilona like that."Huh, rich men always play with marriage," grumbled Ilona."It's not like that, I'm not even married yet,""Yeah, but you're already planning to mess it up! Don't involve me again in your problem, I don't like to make a fake wedding!""Then
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73. Everything Must Be Rethought!
Ilona and Eldrian agreed they would marry for one year with a stamped agreement. A stupid act that made their relationship even further apart even though they were physically close. Ilona thinks that Eldrian is just a man who likes to play around, while Eldian also feels that Ilona is starting to be as crazy as the other women he is dating because she is asking for wealth as a punishment.However, after Ilona got out of the car and Eldrian also left, they both hoped that they could be together in a real relationship."Crazy! I'm crazy!" Eldrian grumbled cursing himself."What are you thinking Eldrian, marriage! With Ilona? Huh! How can you agree so quickly? Marriage is legal and religious! That means you will soon have the status of someone's husband!" he grumbled again.Phew..!The man sighed, driving his car without enthusiasm."But, Ilona! Yes__ she's Ilona, ​​I'm sure Ilona is different from other women! She won't take my property or take advantage of me, right? But__ can't humans
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74. Agreement
Ilona, ​​who couldn't find Eldrian in the office, immediately sat in the lobby of the head office and started making calls. He didn't expect that the man wasn't even in Indonesia when he received all his calls."Hello? What else is there?" he answered."Where are you?" Ilona asked."I'm__working! Why?""Where do you work? I was in your office but you weren't there!" complained Ilona."Huh? Did you come to my office? Oh, yes, I wasn't there. What's the matter?" Eldrian asked."I withdraw all of our agreements! My mother should scold me then get into big trouble with you!" said Ilona to the point."What? Have you changed your mind? But why? Isn't marrying a rich man every woman's dream?" Eldrian asked confused."Says who? I didn't!" Ilona answered."Why?""Because your wealth isn't everything! Why do you sound arrogant? I liked you better when you were Ziyan!" complained Ilona."But Ilona, ​​try asking your mother if she wants to cancel our wedding. My father's men have even come to see
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75. Travel To Thailand
Eldrian, who came to Ilona's apartment that night, shocked Ilona with the information that they would be getting married in two weeks."Don't be crazy! In two weeks it will still be this month!" Ilona protested."Yes indeed, more precisely in 14 days, but I think in 10 days our wedding will take place! Gosh, it's unexpected, Ilona!" said Eldrian looking relaxed."But I haven't even done anything yet! This is Eldrian's wedding!""Why are you so serious, don't you know this is just a collaboration? Don't be too emotional or you don't want to fall in love and be crazy about me!" he said."Huh! The more you talk the more annoying you sound! Go to Thailand already!""Hahaha, hey, don't be so aggressive, we will live together for the next year!""Holy nightmares!""Hahaha, do you want souvenirs? There are lots of unique things in Thailand!" Eldrian offered."Erm, I just want chocolate!""Chocolate? Hey, why only chocolate? Don't you want other souvenirs?" Eldrian was surprised."Emmm, elep
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76. Change Mind
Arriving at the hotel lobby, Ilona called Eldrian, I don't know what was wrong, but without thinking Eldrian immediately picked up."Yes, what is up?" Eldrian answered."What are doing?""Shopping! Didn't you ask for souvenirs!""Oh yeah? Look!"Adrian immediately replaced the call with a video call."Here!" he said while showing the items when Ilona accepted the video call invitation."Wow! That's a lot! You must have spent a lot of money!""No! It's on a street street! I'm also haggling. I bought a cheap T-shirt and it costs 150 baths per piece," said Eldrian proudly."Hooo! Yes yes! Good!""Hahaha, what are you doing?""This is at home, your staff came to Mama's house with lots of invitations so we are choosing who to invite," answered Ilona."Ah, it's ready, just invite all your friends, and relatives, don't worry about the costs," explained Eldrian."Ah, I hid some of the invitations from my mother!""Why?""Aren't we going to divorce in a year? Why do I have to invite everyone?"
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77. Eldrian's feelings
Eldrian, who came to meet Ilona, ​​suddenly said something that shocked Ilona."What do you mean?""Just invite all your friends, your siblings, your relatives, we'll get married! Don't think about divorce!""Huh? Isn't this only valid for one year?""What difference does one year or forever make? We're having a wedding!""But__aren't we Eldrian's friends! You're crazy!""Then? Aren't you sad that we started a marriage for divorce? Don't you have any feelings at all?""Wait a minute? What do you mean you're starting to use feelings for our relationship?""At least I like it!""Like what?""Eating together, joking, talking, shopping, I like it when I'm with you!" Eldrian answered."But differentiate between friendship and romance! That's different Eldrian!""Then do you think friends will get married? Our relationship is not normal Ilona! Tell me if you don't care about me!""I care!""Aren't you darling?""I love you!""That means you love me!""Huh! You're so PD!""Try kissing me!""
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78. Wedding
On the day of the wedding, the EO crew seemed very busy, even though Eldrian didn't meet Ilona for several days, he still prepared well for the wedding. He knew Ilona wouldn't come, but he still dressed up as handsomely as possible in a European bridal white suit which made Eldrian even more handsome."Wow, really handsome!" Daniel teased."Haha," replied Eldrian, forced to laugh."Why is your face so gloomy? Aren't you getting married to Ilona today? You should be happy!"Hhhh..! Eldrian took a deep breath."Why? Why do you think so much?""Never mind Niel, you don't have to come to my wedding! Ilona won't come anyway," explained Eldrian."Huh? How? What are you talking about?""Ilona won't come! I was rejected by her, then she said she didn't want to get married!" Eldrian whispered clearly in Daniel's ear."What?""Shhh! Don't be loud! Only you know!""Crazy! Then if you cancel, why are you still wearing this handsome tuxedo? Why don't you cancel everything?""Because I'm just stupi
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