All Chapters of The Mafia Kings Want their Woman Back: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
141 Chapters
Alicia’s POV“Ugh, I hate them,” My lips curled down into a scowl before I could help myself.The room was empty, blessedly so. I stood in my underwear in front of the wardrobe, and the thought of what I woke up to popped into my head now of all damn times.“What was I thinking? No, what exactly happened?” I muttered under my breath, looking through the wardrobe to find any thing that caught my eyesThe events of last night was a blur. I had chosen to try playing the two men at their own game and I admit I fell into the trap of drinking heavily. I almost never drank, so that was a huge mistake on my part. How was I to know that whiskey could be THAT strong through?And then, only to end up waking in bed with those two…“Ugh!”I tossed the jeans onto the bed. I was incredibly disappointed with myself. How could I give into them that easily?But the worst thing about it?A part of me really liked the idea.Like, REALLY really liked it.The dream I had the day before came to mind. A shiv
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Alicia’s POVI waited until a couple minutes after finishing we finished the sandwiches Matt laid out before clearing my throat. Andy caught the meaning behind the intense gaze I gave her and rose up from the seat, giving a cough.“Um, where’s the guest bathroom? I have to…” she gestured in an uncomfortable way and Matt responded just as awkwardly by pointing towards the hall behind me.“The second door on the left,” he said and she smiled gratefully, before giving me a well-meaning look. I could tell that she was curious as hell to know whatever i was about to discuss with Matt. Unfortunately I had no intentions of doing so.“So what is it you wanted to ask me for?” He turned to me with a discerning expression. “You clearly wanted to sspeak to me in private.”“So she told you that huh,” I sighed.“She didn’t tell me exactly what. I think you may have wanted to keep it secret from her.”“I know what you do for a living, Matt. So that’s why I NEED you’re help. Only you can help me rig
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Café Date with a Foe
Alicia’s POVI kept myself as calm as possible even when my heart started beating faster.“Cleo. What brings you to this side of the city?” I raised my brows at her as she sat down, right as the server approached my table with the tray of cappuccino.“I was meeting with a friend but ended up having to cancel. You know how it goes. What about you? What brings you here?” She asked while her eyes flirted over the tray which bore a small plate of cookies as well as my order.I decided to not answer her; she wasn’t stupid and certainly could tell if I was lying.“Here you go,” the server, a young looking girl with glasses smiled politely and I nodded at her.“Thanks,” I smiled back at her, as she reminded me of my younger self but suddenly I was cut off by the sound of a throat clearing.“You. Get me a coffee, black, stat,” Cleo piped up with, snapping her fingers at the bewildered girl. I grit my teeth at her, feeling embarrassed at such behavior.“Could you stand to be a little kinder to
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Foiled Car Stunt
Alicia’s POV:I strode out of the cafe before she could even say a word.Oh how I longed to hit her then and there.With a sharp exhale I hauled down the first cab I saw and it slowed to a stop, waiting for me to enter.I approached it, noting how new the interior was, and how the driver kept his hand on the steering wheel.Whatever, i thought, and entered the back of the car. But as soon as I shut the door I heard the sound of a lock and I looked up to see the driver gazing at me through the rear view mirror.What was going on?My mind raced as the car began to roll with no destination I knew of.Panic flooded my brain before I calmed myself down in an i n’ayant. I wasn’t defenseless.“So, who are you?” I asked, without fear.The driver seemed to jerk at the question and he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel for more than three seconds before replying, “l have no idea what you’re talking about.”“Oh, you know what I’m talking about,” i replied with ease. We were speeding now
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Deal with the Devil
Alicia’s POV Oh?Surprise ran through me and morphed into cruel amusement and irony.His child?Was that what he was after all this time? It was such an odd concept, that the normally malicious Cross would be so intent on retrieving his child.“Oh this is rich!” A laugh left my lips and I could hardly hold in anything anymore. “Il grande serpente cattivo ha paura di perdere suo figlio. Egoista, dopo che hai messo in pericolo il mio. Do you feel proud of yourself, hmm?”“Oh get off your fucking high horse, Alicia. My child is MY heir, do you understand?”Here we go again. Did he learn nothing?“And MY children are my life! Yet you thought you could not only frame me for a bullshit crime in the first place, you TOOK them from me and thought you could hold them over my head! You’re nothing but a selfish bastard who always whines when he cannot get his way!”He was silent again and for a while I thought he would have something else to say to irritate me. But no. It was still silent after
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Acker’s POVAn hour ago:I entered the mansion, aware of Serrano’s men stationed at the gates and front porch, hidden by the bushes and growing vines on the pillars.I had to admit; the mansion was a nice choice on Serrano’s part.Stepping through the front door I was warmed by the sound of laughter that I could trace to the living room. Entering there I was briefly stunned by the sight of Serrano seated on the rug, his hair disheveled and laughing uncontrollably as Dante and Ashford climbed over his body.It was such a domestic sight, and one that irked me a little. Perhaps I should spend more time with our sons. He had the benefit of living in the same mansion where Alicia and the twins were placed in. I’d be changing that soon.The nanny noticed my arrival and bowed to me, but Serrano had yet to even glance my way.Clearing my throat made him freeze and I could see the moment embarrassment showed in his face, but quickly cleared up as he stood.“If you’re here for lunch, then you’r
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Alicia’s POVThis was a sight I never expected to see.Cleo, being on the unfriendly end of a gun aimed by Mikael himself.At first I was calm, then confused, then angry. Absolutely furious.How dare they play this drama out in a house where MY children were?“What the hell are you doing?!” I yelled at all three of them.Cleo openly glared at me.“Well would you look at that? She’s returned,” her voice was softly spoke but cut like a knife. “And where have you been? Gone on another stroll round the city?”I grit my teeth. I didn’t want to give off the vibe that I had been doing something incredibly secretive. But from her line of questioning it was clear she was doing this on purpose to rile me up.“Mikael, put down the gun,” I said. “Whatever lovers quarrel you two have, it will NOT be here that you do this.”Mikael dropped his hand and took a step back, his emerald eyes fixed on me.“Alicia-“ Acker stepped forward and I turned my glare on him. “You misunderstand the situation.”“Oh,
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Alicia’s POVAcker spoke with a graveness not normally heard from him.“I give you my word, love. I’d sooner burn my company and mafia to the ground than to hurt one hair on their heads,” he promised. “Nor would I ever want to hurt you.”The tension between us was palpable and I swallowed, trying to not show how affected I was by just a little touch from him, or his words, or his closeness to me.Just like Mikael was very good at riling me up, Acker seemed to have a knack for calming me down. I couldn’t explain it.I let go of the anger I had felt and the hurt, and focused on him. Only on him. And I couldn’t look away.“Let’s go home,” l said, and he nodded, reaching out his hand to steady me as I stood, before we both went to where Dante and Ashford were playing, oblivious to our conversation.…Hours passed and I shifted in bed, sighing heavily to the silence of the room.Had the boys eaten dinner? Surely by now they would be in bed too.The clock beside me glowed with its numbers s
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Mikael’s POV“G’night daddy.”The tension buried in my spine bled out from me and it was all too easy to muster up a smile as Dante hugged me, and ran to Madden to do the same. Ashford followed in his brother’s footsteps and the nanny led them away from the living room.As soon as they were gone from sight I ordered the maid, “Bring me the Macallan on my desk.”“You should drink less, Serrano,” Madden’s tone was chiding and I showed him my middle finger.“Non me ne frega un cazzo,” i shot back with, rolling my eyes.Within minutes I was sipping slowly at a small shot of whiskey, thinking of how badly the day turned out.That bitch had stirred up trouble again. Cleo fucking Abrams.“I’ll kill her one day. She’s more trouble than she’s worth,” I mused aloud, my Italian accent thicker than usual. I was exhausted to say the least, a far cry from the relaxation I expected this day off work to be for me.Fuck my life, I thought, taking a large gulp of the whiskey, adding another kindling to
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Forced Discussion
Alicia’s POVA couple of minutes ago:I stood at the entrance of the dining hall, hesitating. Should I go in? Somehow I didn’t know if I could control myself, pull back from my anger enough to have breakfast with Mikael being right there.Could I fake a smile?My hands clenched into fists.Could I pretend like my father’s death wasn’t their fault?Could I? It felt like a betrayal to remain in this house, to live under Mikael’s roof and to accept them forming a relationship with our sons, knowing what they had done.“Everything okay?”Andy’s voice made me turn, pulling me back to reality. She looked gorgeous as always, reminding me of how much she was enjoying her time at this house once again, while I was suffering inside.“Uh, yeah, I’m alright,” I mumbled as she parted my shoulder. “Just feeling tired is all.”She smiled and nodded in such an understanding manner before moving past me to walk into the dining hall.“Ah, Andy,” I heard Mikael’s voice distantly, and my heart skipped at
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