All Chapters of PerFecT LovE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Chapter 20
***Grace just went with the hug, ignoring all those warning bells ringing in her head.Walking into his office, holding his hand, she realized something big—she couldn't say no to him, no matter what. His sad face and voice made her heart ache, and all she wanted was to comfort him. If a kiss could make him feel better, she'd do it without a second thought. In that moment, she felt as shaky as the breaths they shared.***Noah kissed her like his life depended on it, savoring the taste he'd longed for. Now that he had it, he never wanted it to end.As their tongues intertwined, she gasped and melted into his embrace, craving more. Noah dove in, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. With each kiss, she felt her knees weaken, her core shaken to its foundation. His fingers pressed into her skin, seemingly with a will of their own.***Grace sensing that if this were to continue, something was bound to happen.She lightly pushed at his chest. "Hey, you said just a kiss, but that
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Chapter 21
*** Grace made her way to the photocopy machine, despite the fact that there was one in the opposite direction. She simply wanted to avoid James's curious stare. Little did she know that evading James's curious gaze would only invite another annoying one. Susan, from the moment she stepped out of the office, had been glaring at her. Why? Grace wondered. *** As Susan watched Grace exit the office, her blood boiled with anger. How could such a person, a nobody with no background, be working under Creed? "No matter which bastard I associate with, I could never secure such a position. I'm his cousin, and yet look at me," Susan muttered angrily. How had Grace managed to bend the unyielding Noah Creed to her will, even to the point of conflict with his own mother? Unforgivable. Susan suddenly stood up, her steps purposeful as she made her way over to Grace. *** “Ah... Here comes the devil," Grace murmured as she caught a glimpse of Susan walking up to her. "Oh God, give me the stren
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Chapter 22
****Grace took a deep breath as she closed the door, standing there for a second, almost forgetting James's presence until he spoke.“That took a while, you okay?” he asked, noticing the angry expression on her face.She looked at him with rage. “Oh yeah, I am perfectly fine,” she said through a forced smile.“Okay, you are definitely not okay. What happened?” He pressed.His question only worsened her present rage. “You must be talking about yourself, James, because I, GRACE BUSH, AM SUPER DUPER,” she spat out without even raising her head."Wow," James exclaimed, sensing the danger of continuing to pressure her. He gave up. "Sure, suit yourself." Though he had considered asking her again, her sudden angry demeanor made him think otherwise."Well, suited," she spat out in a fit of frustration.They worked in silence, James stealing glances in her direction. The rage on Grace's face remained as clear as day, so he decided to mind his own business.***Grace knew she could never have
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Chapter 23
***As they settled at a table near the window, Grace couldn't help but relish the cool breeze that wafted in. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment.When was the last time she had enjoyed such peace and quiet? She pondered, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.The shopkeeper approached, a jovial grin on his face. "What can I get for you folks tonight?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.Grace glanced at the menu before deciding, "I'll just have a beer, please. The cheap one with low alcohol," she said with a shrug. She had made a promise to herself to stick to one drink, and she intended to keep it.The shopkeeper chuckled. "Ah, going for the budget-friendly option, I see. Wise choice, my dear. And for you, sir?" he asked, turning to Noah with a knowing look.Noah grinned back. "I'll have whatever she's having," he replied, flashing a mischievous wink at Grace, “Oh, don't forget to add my usual,” he added.“Sure, Mr. Creed,” The shopkeeper said.Grace roll
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Chapter 24
*** "To the bone!?" Grace exclaimed, unable to contain her laughter at Noah's remark. "This son of a bitch," she thought to herself, chuckling. "Hey, I'm glad you find it funny," Noah said, his tone lightening up. "But seriously, Grace, I'm just trying to break the ice here. Can we please have a real conversation?" Grace rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine, Mr. Ice Breaker. Shoot." With a grin, Noah leaned forward. "So, tell me, what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" Grace's eyes widened in mock horror. "Oh, no way. I'm not falling for that one." "No? Come on, Grace, don't leave me hanging," Noah teased, nudging her with his elbow. "Well, okay," Grace relented, a mischievous glint in her eye. "But only because I'm feeling generous today. Let me think..." As Grace recounted a hilarious tale of a wardrobe malfunction at a high school dance, Noah listened intently, laughing along with her. When she finished, he wiped away tears of laughter. "That's pricele
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Chapter 25
***"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Grace screamed, as she snapped her eyes open, her heart racing as she sat up in bed. "Seriously, not again," she groaned, rubbing her temples. "I thought those nightmares were behind me." She mutters, trying to shake off the remnants of her unsettling dream.As she glanced around, taking in her surroundings, her confusion deepened. "Where am I?" she mumbled, her voice barely audible in the eerie silence of the room, still scanning the room. Her eyes fell upon the familiar sight of her closet, the furnishings of her apartment slowly coming into focus. "This is my apartment, but how...?" did I end up here?Memories from the previous night trickled back like a rushing tide, fragmented and hazy. She remembered drinking with Noah, the laughter and warmth of their conversation but then... everything went blank. "What happened after that?" she wondered aloud, anxiety creeping into her voice.Her pulse quickened as she searched the room, panic rising within her. "Oh my God,
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Chapter 26
***"What are you...?" Noah's laughter died down abruptly as he watched her go, a sudden chill running down his spine.A pang of guilt tugged at his conscience, intensified by the fear that gripped him. It was a fear, unlike anything he had ever felt before, not even when he received the news about his own father's death.Without a second thought, Noah lunged toward Grace and seized her arm with a vice-like grip. "Okay, that's not funny, even as a joke," he declared, his voice trembling with urgency. His eyes widened in alarm as he scanned her face, searching for any hint of what lay beneath her unsettling attitude.But Grace remained eerily calm, her gaze unfaltering as she met his frantic stare. The silence hung heavy between them, broken only by the pounding of Noah's heart echoing in his ears.Sighing, she finally broke the silence. "And what makes you think I'm joking?" Her words sent a shiver down Noah's spine. "Why are you still here?" she asked after a moment, her voice tinged
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Chapter 27
***Noah sighed heavily as he glanced at his still-evident arousal. Being near Grace was like walking on a tightrope; one wrong move and it could spell disaster.If anyone had ever told him that there would come a time when he would have to restrain himself or heed a woman's words, he would have scoffed. But last night had been a wake-up call for him.Despite his strong desire to pound her, he couldn't bring himself to take advantage of her, even under the influence of alcohol. He knew how much she opposed the idea, and he respected her boundaries.He recalled a past experience where he had spent a night with a drunken woman who had seduced him intentionally.The memory made him shudder. He had unleashed his full sexual desire on her, fucked her like crazy, and then left her physically sore for days afterward.He had always prided himself on his stamina and never shied away from expressing his brute sexual desire, especially when his partners begged for more. But Grace was different.
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Chapter 28
*** Grace couldn't help but steal glances at Noah while pretending to be engrossed in picking out a new dish. There was something about the way he steered through the book, his easy charm, that drew her in. But each time she caught herself admiring him, reality came crashing back: he belonged to someone else. Throughout the day, Grace found herself wrestling with a whirlwind of emotions. Her attraction to Noah grew stronger by the minute, yet she knew it was futile. How could she allow herself to fall for a man who was already committed? It was like chasing a rainbow, beautiful but always just out of reach. Memories of her parents' love floated to the surface, like snapshots of a happier time. She remembered the joy they found in simple moments, like when her mom would play chef in the kitchen and her dad and she pretended to be hungry customers. Those memories felt like treasures now, reminders of a love that seemed so easy to attain. With a heavy sigh, Grace couldn't help but wo
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Chapter 29
***Even though Grace was initially reluctant to have Noah tag along with her, the grocery shopping trip went smoothly. There were no prying eyes or cameras, yet she couldn't shake off her self-consciousness.The weekend passed without any major hiccups, and true to his word, Noah spent the entire weekend with her.However, Grace found it difficult to fall asleep, as Noah continuously sought to steal kisses and perhaps more.The following week, Noah departed on a business trip to Australia. The launch of the new overseas branch kept him incredibly busy. His secretary, James, was left behind to compile all the necessary documents required for the trip. Since the call came suddenly, there was no time for farewells, and Noah had to leave without even saying goodbye.Whenever she was alone, like right now, Grace couldn't help but reminisce about the fun times she shared with Noah. It brought her happiness, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. With her father deceased an
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