All Chapters of My Alpha Wants Me Back: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
158 Chapters
Chapter 61
Kia's POV.Three years, four women later, and zero heir. My life had pretty much become a mess in a short period, and I had very much lost most of the respect accorded to me. Even the elders were pretty much tired of me. I knew what the problem was. It was not that I was medically unfit. It was that, for some reason I had become sexually bound to Tracy. I think it is some punishment. A curse, more accurately, for offending and maltreating a pure heart. And to be truthful, j deserved all of it. Each punishment.My home had been a chalet where females were sent to come to try their luck with me. As funny as it might sound, it's the most traumatising, agonising incident of my life. I dressed up and looked myself in the mirror, the man staring back at me, a shadow of his former self. Sighing, I put up a mental note to never look at the mirror again, or better still, have it taken out permanently. After all, it's not like I used it for makeup and stuff like that. I came downstairs dispas
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Chapter 62
Kia's POVThen it hit me, and I remember the day I walked into Tracy's room. I saw the fear in her eyes because she had not expected that I would come in there by that time of the night. She was clutching a book tightly to her chest before she hid it under the pillow."What is that?" I remember asking the minute I noticed her hiding something under her pillow."It ... It is nothing, sir", she quivered, unable to look me straight in the eye. "It doesn't look like nothing to me" I let out a throaty laughter. Stretching my hands to grab it from her."It truly is nothing", she insisted, not making any moves to hand it in."Nah, ahh, little mouse, now hand it in" I was losing my patience with her already.She shook her head"Hand it in now", I demanded.I scanned through the book, and it was filled with clothing designs, but this one, she had outlined it specifically, drawing butterflies around the page. I looked at the dress in the tablet and again, and I knew it was the same dress I ha
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Chapter 63
Tracy's POV “It is nice to meet you, miss TRACIAN,” the host welcomed me with a smile. "It is my pleasure to be here," I said, equally smiling at her. "And it is even more thrilling that you opted to show up here without a mask, so tell us what prompted you to appear without a mask finally.?" She asked, her eyes flicking with enthusiasm. "Well, I thought it was finally the time to show the world who I am, don't you think?". I shrugged. She nodded knowingly. "Miss TRACIAN, I am sure it is such an honor to your fans to see the face behind the beloved brand finally. And you know, know you on a whole new level." She winked. "Everyone, this..this is me". I said with a nervous laugh. "So what inspired you to become who you are today? Her question sent me into a trance, and I suddenly asked what inspired me to become the person I am today. I thought of some template answers, but I did not want to go with template answers. I wanted an answer that would inspire people as well. "Miss
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Chapter 64
Tracy's POV I smiled at her, looking around the room to ensure that we were still alive. "I am sorry If I took long." "Oh my goodness, you look way more beautiful without makeup. When you walked in here earlier, I thought you were stunning, but now, girl, you look downright gorgeous." She squealed, "And your skin, girl! What is your skincare routine," she said, reaching to touch my face. A warm feeling filled my heart because I thought it was a horrible idea for me to walk back in there without makeup, but I am glad and thankful for her reaction. "I do not really have a routine", I chuckled. "What dahhh fuck! Do you not have a skincare routine? How is your skin this glorious?" She yelled, momentarily startling me. I nodded shyly, not knowing if I was right to have admitted to not owning a skincare routine. "Alright, let us get right back into the interview," she said, suddenly turning serious. "I like your serious face. It is adorable," I remarked, suddenly feeling comfort
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Chapter 65
 Tracy's POV "I will take that as a compliment then" "You know it is, girl. Now, to the last question for today. She said tapping the top of her microphone lightly. "What was it like being anonymous?" 'well I was not entirely ready for the paparazzi with media and I really just wanted to live like everyother young girl."  Stelle dabbed her eyes again, but this time, there were actual tears; my words brought her to tears! I reached over to her and enveloped her in a tight embrace.  "It was really lovely to have you here Miss TRACIAN, she said as she reached over to me for yet another hiug. After she released me, I was contemplating on getting her contact info right after the interview, but on a second thought, it might be considered and seen as being unprofessional, so I swept off the thought. &n
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Chapter 66
Tracy's POV"Momma, who is my dad?" Kian's question hovered above my head. This can not be happening. Kian can not start looking for his dad all of a sudden. 'what if one day he begins to look for his dad?' I remember the day Garvin threw that question at me. I had been too tongue-tied to answer it because I thought I would make sure to shower my boy with enough love that he would not feel the absence of his father. Now he is here barely three years later, looking for his Dad." Kian, why are you suddenly asking me that?""Because momma, I did not want to mention it earlier, but we were asked to bring our parents for career day. I knew that if I had told you, you would ask Uncle Garvin to go along with me, and my friends already teased me that I forced Uncle Garvin to take me everywhere. I do not want that, momma. So," he said, sniffing his nose, "I did not mention it to anyone but momma", he said, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. The look he gave me alone was enough to b
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Chapter 67
Tracy's POV "You say you have not noticed any symptoms of high temperature or headaches?" She asked once again, looking at me. I gave her a long look; this was the second time she was asking me this same question, and my response should be the same as the one I gave earlier. "No, ma'am, I have not- "Actually, I have", Garvin said, cutting me short. “And you did not bother letting me know? In case you have forgotten, I have Kian's mom, and I have every right to know what is going on with my son," I said, raising my voice at Garvin for the first time since the three years we have been living together. It's a good thing Garvin gave me an apologetic look before proceeding to Talk to the doctor. "Ma'am, it was about earlier this week, on our way back from school. Kian complained about having a headache, You know how these kids are?" he asked no one in particular, "So I thought, hey, maybe he played a lot and got a headache from all the schoolwork." "So what did you do when he comp
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Chapter 68
Tracy's POV I definitely knew why the doctor was requesting my presence. I glanced at Garvin; from the look on his face, I think he equally knew why the doctor was requesting me. Since the mild outburst in the doctor's office, communication between us has been strained. I know I was definitely wrong to get upset unreasonably, but it is my child we are talking about here. He would have, at the least, informed me about the headache. He nodded, "you can go, I will look after the lad," he said before moving his chair to Kian's bedside With that, I followed the nurse outside the room, taking one final look at my son. Soon, we were in another ward, with IV strips hanging on bed poles. "Get settled in one of the beds", the doctor announced, momentarily startling me. "Oh, alright, ma'am." "I believe you went through the pamphlet handed to you?" "Yes, ma'am, yes I did." "Alright" A needle was pierced into my skin, drawing a pint of blood From me. I prayed and hoped that my blood w
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Chapter 69
Tracy's POV"You know her already? The doctor smiled."Yes, yes, I know her". I managed to say."Wonderful, now we can proceed with signing the documents needed." She said, obviously beaming with joy to Begin treatment."Um, ma'am, there is no need for signing any documents. Tracy and I go way back. Kian is practically my child." Lisa said, her voice filled with emotions.I looked at Lisa and then the doctor, unable to understand what was going on,"Lisa, when you took the excuse, did you leave to go to the doctor's office?" "Yes, Miss Tracy. She said, not daring to look at my face, "Please do not try to stop me". Turning to the doctor, "Ma'am, did you give out information about Kian? What happened to the patient-doctor confidentiality agreement?""I did not give out any information; she walked into my office and talked about being a donor. I asked for her blood type, and upon mention, it matched that of your son, that of Kian.""Lisa... How did you know that your blood would match
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Chapter 70
Tracy's POVKian was soon asleep right after eating, and the energy in the room had gone back to zero. Everyone was trying so hard to act like they were engrossed in one activity or another. I glanced over at Garvin. He looked absent-minded, staring into space and taping his foot repeatedly. I used this opportunity to take in his facial features. His black hair fell over his face as it usually did, his jaw was tensed, and his eyebrows furrowed. He turned his face to meet mine, and I immediately broke my state."I will be leaving now", he said, standing up to leave."You are leaving? What about the test results? I asked, desperate to look for a reason to make him stay back"You said it yourself, and you are Kian's Mom after, so I guess you can handle it yourself. " He shrugged, "Garvin, I am sorry, okay? I know I have not said the nicest things in the last twelve hours, and I am really sorry. I... I can not say what came over me, and I am really sorry." I apologised."There is no nee
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