All Chapters of The Alphas And Their Human Girl: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
101 Chapters
Chapter 91. Formal Request
The stillness of the afternoon sun shining down on the town and the quiet of the chilly air as winter came mimicked perfectly the atmosphere inside the Blackwood mansion.Their icy breaths could’ve sent clouds from their lips and the looks baring distrust and lack of conviction only added fuel to the fire within the walls. The lavish interior sat bleakly on its tables and pedestals, showcasing to everyone what kind of wealth the Blackwoods dealt with as guests entered the mansion.No less so when the mayor decided to make a surprise visit and drive by this Thursday afternoon.The sound of tires screeching against the gravel alerted everyone on the ground that there was a visit.The gatekeeper had notified Alpha Jax who then sent a mind link to his pack telling them to behave; in which it was included that no one shifted or started fighting on open grounds whilst the humans were present.Jax and his mother welcomed Mayor Clan as he entered the mansion and guided him to the common room
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Chapter 92. He Speaks
The mayor had left, sensing the tension and knowing it wouldn't do him any good to stick around. After several times of being sidelined by Lavina, Lola was now fed up with the whispers and the backhanded comments.They stood face to face, Lola’s hands coiled into fists and she glared at the girl who had caused nothing but problems since her arrival. She was reminded of every occasion where Lavina had shown up with a backhanded comment, an inappropriate touch, or that smile that swayed with Mrs. Blackwood in unison in a way that Lola never had. Perhaps it was jealousy, or maybe she was starting to see what she had been warned about by Melissa and Ash- that her true intentions weren't as honorable as Lola had defended them.“I thought you were here because you needed to be among friends- but it’s not like that is it?” Lola asked.Lavina looked around the room, it looked like she needed time to think of a retort, she sucked in her lip and softly allowed her gaze to land back on Lola.“Wh
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Chapter 93. Feel The Pain
Mrs. Blackwood turned her head and with a softened glare looked at Lola.She swallowed and clenched her jaw; it was clear that this was a very difficult task at hand for her.“Lola,” she started and pinched her pearls between her fingers. She smiled, or at least she tried though it looked less human and more like the smile on a ceramic doll that stared in nightmares.“I apologize if my behavior-““No.” Jax interrupted, cutting off the strained apology and stepping in front of her.“I told you to leave.” He ordered.“But I’m apologizing,”“The only person that would believe that apology is Dad and that is only because he has been force-fed those half-assed apologies since the day you met him and not accepting them would give him more headache. You won't be poisoning my wife with those words but you can come back when it’s sincere.”They all stood around and watched as Mrs. Blackwood shrunk but as soon as she caught herself and remembered that they weren't alone she lifted herself back
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Chapter 94. Bitches And Baricades
Lola stood in disbelief staring at the empty spot where Mrs. Blackwood had stood when she gave the order. Lavina was gone since a while back and again, she stood alone in the room that her husband had left her in less than an hour ago.She leaned back her head and looked at the moldings around the ceiling. In the middle of the roof hung a lamp consisting of a cluster of glass orbs- around the lamp were moldings with beautiful leaves and branches stretching around.Lola shook her head and dragged her hand over her face, she couldn't stand there forever and also didn't want someone else coming in with more news so she decided to finally move her heavy feet and go for a walk.She only made it to the hallway when she saw Ash disappear out the door so she followed, figuring that she could hang out with him for a while and maybe receive some helpful advice about Lavina. His company has shown to be a pleasant time consumer these days.The weather was as it usually is in Wild Cliff, still and
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Chapter 95. Hands Up, Chin Down
They walked around the field. The sound of bones breaking and fists slamming against the leathered pads was all that was heard, you wouldn't believe you were in the middle of a neighborhood.Everyone was divided into groups of four, paired up with a partner and three trainers who kept everyone in check and made sure they knew what to practice.Some were on the grass, others on the concrete and it didn't matter what lay beneath you- they still threw each other up in the air and landed on the ground.One of the guys tossed the girl up using his shoulder, he grabbed around her throat midair and slammed her down into the concrete.Lola winced, the sound of the girl's back echoed like pop rocks and sent fantom pains down Lola’s own body. Never having experienced pain like these warriors had she couldn't know what exactly they went through but it wasn't impossible to imagine.“She’ll heal,” Ash said, not a shred of empathy detectable in his voice.She continued after him, trying to keep up
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Chapter 96. Falling For You
He stumbled closer, his arms flung in the air- he fell like a cut-down tree and fumbled with his feet. His heel got caught behind his other foot when he tried to shift to the side and he grabbed around her waist when he realized he wouldn't be able to stop himself.Ash shifted to the side throwing himself around her as they landed on the ground. The mat softened the fall, as Ash’s body did for her and Ash pressed Lola against him to make sure she didn't sustain any injuries as they collided on the mat.“Ouch,” Lola whimpered. Her chin slammed against Ash’s shoulder, and dots formed in her vision when her brain took a tumble in her skull from the impact.She lifted her head, her hands were stuck under Ash’s arms and she did not attempt to free them.They lay there, watching each other, and disappeared into one another's gazes.Ash lifted his arm and put some stray hairs behind Lola’s ear. His thumb graced her jaw and moved down to grab her chin.A knife was thrown against the wooden m
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Chapter 97. Attack On The Luna
The snarls got louder and one turned into two and then there were four, all from different directions.“Do. Not. Move.” Lavina warned as she circled Lola to make sure she covered her every inch.Lola looked toward the path they had walked on as they left the warrior's training grounds and thought that they would all be running up here any second.She remembered her lesson with Ash on pack rules and laws, one of them being that there was border patrol at all times and that whenever an outsider stepped over the border it was sensed by the Alpha and his warriors.If that were true then where was everyone? Shouldn’t the cavalry be arriving?The snarls got louder and closer, moving in on them as the girls tried to stick as close to each other as possible.In that moment it truly dawned on her just how useless she was in a fight against werewolves. Lavina was all alone if a fight were to break out.She remembered the story of the Doe and how the Doe supposedly had powers beyond healing abil
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Chapter 98. Let's Be Honest...
The car came to a stop on the familiar grounds and Jax turned the key, shutting the engine off. They sat in silence and looked out the window at the little lake where they had taken a stroll at the beginning of their relationship.At that point things were starting to thaw between them, a seed had been planted and was slowly setting roots in their souls. It was a brighter time even though they had no clue as to what they were doing or what it would lead to. Lola was starting to trust him, she felt in her bones that he wouldn't do anything to harm her and that she could finally lower that guard she had around her heart. Jax was happy to have his mate, his wife, the woman he loved by his side. He knew it would be hard but he was ready for it, for all of it. He took her to the lake to make a promise, one of love and eternity.Jax stepped out of the car and stepped around- he opened Lola’s door and held out his hand. As Lola left the car their hands dropped as if their skin didn't dare
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Chapter 99. The Truth Can't Be Retracted
“What do we do now?” Lola asked. neither had spoken a word since Lola’s confession. Jax fell back like he’d been pushed, he stared blankly at her face as if trying to figure out if he’d heard her correctly. She shook her head and tried to compose herself. They needed a plan for how to move forward, maybe a divorce, but she needed to keep a clear head as they continued.“I don’t know.” He said in a raspy tone and turned his body to face the lake.Jax put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and drew a deep breath- on the exhale his body visibly relaxed and he hung his head. “We should get a divorce. You’ll be free to be with whomever you want,” Jax’s head snapped to the side in a flash and he glared at her for the statement.It was as though her words were completely misguided though that was the path they were on. If he didn't love her any longer then they shouldn't be together, at least that was the course of thought that Lola walked- Jax seemed somewhere completely different.“W
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Chapter 100. Vanilla Scented Bliss
The morning sun shone in through the window and woke Lola up from her light sleep. The day would bring warmth and crowded streets as people soaked up these rare rays of sunshine.Early winter cold wouldn't stop them as they layered on the clothing to stay outside for as long as possible.Lola groaned, the pain of knowing where she had to head off to in just under an hour had her questioning whether she should get out of bed at all.She and Lavina are supposed to meet at Mayor Clan's house to help plan for the Winter Whimsy- company she'd rather avoid and plans she couldn’t care less about, it wasn’t shaping up to be a good day after an awful night.She rolled out of bed, dragged herself to the closet, and got dressed.The Omegas whose job it was to look after the mansion had fixed the guest room in under a day. They had put in new closets, as well as other amenities, to make it more homey for her. As if they’d somehow gotten orders from high up as if they knew she wouldn't be spendin
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