All Chapters of Forget About Me, Billionaire : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 Chapters
61: Truth?
CHRISTY:Like a slow motion, I faced the newcomer. Mom. Compared to Dad, she became even younger from the last time I saw her. It looked like she did something to her body or went under the knife to become even more beautiful. What the heck was happening to her? She was not like this particularly when it came to her physical appearance. What if she would only spend the money on beautifying herself? For her own selfish reasons? "You don't have to fight our daughter."Mom scoffed. "Daughter? Why are you suddenly acting like a saint? You never wanted her, either. I remember how you said she was fat and was nothing to what you expected from your other child."Dad looked at me with a guilty expression…Funny how it was not painful compared to how Mom treated me. “If you did not want me in the first place, why did you even give birth to me?”Mom’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Why don't you ask your Dad? It was him who told me to have another child.”From the very beginning, I was
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62: Family Dinner
CHRISTY:Mom knew about Eden from the start, yet I did not know anything about it. No one had bothered to tell me the truth except now. They had kept me in the dark, which was painful. In the end, I was only used by Everette, Mom, and my family. My lips quivered even if I wanted to hide the surprise on my face. And she had a smug look on her face.“W-What do you know about Eden?”Mom threw back her head and burst out laughing. “See? You did not know that I know about Eden,” she declared after laughing so much while wiping the tears from her eyes. This was the first time she was happy beacuse of my statement.Mom shook her head. “Poor Christina. You never know anything about the man whom you professed who loved you.” The mirth in her eyes was suddenly gone in an instant. “I know my husband very well,” I defended.What do you know about him?Aside from what I learned when he was Rett and other snippets of his life when we got married, I knew nothing anymore. Mom lifted my chin and f
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63: Inheritance
CHRISTY:My eyes darted to Everette whose expression darkened for a moment before it was gone. Will Everette lose the inheritance if he has a divorce? I never knew that might happen. I looked at Everette. How could he not tell me about that? And he agreed that we will sign the divorce agreement after six months? I did not believe he did not care about the money. He would lose a lot. “Good. We are already clear about that. That includes you, Everette, and Christina.” Clara watched me under intense stare and for a moment, I felt self-conscious. It seemed like my husband had been hiding a lot from me. First, it was Eden. This marriage and now losing the inheritance. “Everette? Christina?” Clara asked when not one of us had answered her. “Yes, Mom. My wife and I won't be getting a divorce.” Everette pulled my hand and showed it to the family. “My wife and I will be with each other until our death. I will not be the first one who will have a divorce in this family.” He pressed a ki
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64: Why?
CHRISTY:Why would Mom cheat on Dad? She completely forgot she had children and now she had another man in her life?“T-that's impossible,” I said in disbelief. “Mom would never do that.” But then again, did Mom loved Dad that much?If she loved your Dad, she would never leave his side. Remember the last time you visited your house? She was not there. She was even mad when you visited your dad. “That is true. Why would I lie? You call me a liar?” “Mom! That's enough! Don't embarrass my wife like this!” Everette's voice boomed across the banquet. Everyone held their breath watching Everette's dark expression. A lump formed in my throat. He was too true to his promise that he would protect me under their judgemental eyes. Everette's hands snaked around my waist and brought me close to his body. “No one would bully my wife like this. Not even you, Mom.” A shiver ran down my spine. He was willing to wage war against his family for my sake?My chest tightened. Why would he do this
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65: Date?
CHRISTY:Everette's forehead knotted, then laughed to cover the awkwardness in the air. "Love you? Why would I love you, kitten? I thought we already talked about your purpose in this marriage.""I love you, Everette," I confessed. “I love you, you hear me?”I wished the ground would swallow me whole when he only stared at me with a bewildered expression. Dammit. Was it a mistake that I confessed to him or not? Was it too soon? Everette and you had already known each other for a couple of months already. It was when we were in Swiped. My hands shook, and I wanted to run away from him and hide after this confession. But no. I won't be a coward and face him.My breathing labored. "Y-you love me? Kitten...why?"My feet went cold. That's the only thing that he could say? My explanation? "Why? You're asking me why I loved you? Isn't it obvious already? You're my ideal man. And you were right. You set a standard for me. So please don't tell me not to love someone else."I easily fel
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66: Cruise
CHRISTY:I held my breath as I continued to wait for Everette's reply. But as he continued staring at me intently, I could not help but feel shame. “Of course. Why would you date someone like me?” As he continued watching me with an intense stare, I couldn't help but back away and dropped my hand in the process. "I know I am not desirable," I continued and laughed. "But I just want to date you and get to know you even better. Y-you don't have to lie if you don't want to. I mean…I would completely understand.”And it wouldn't be that embarrassing if he told me that it was because he was busy and could not spend more time with me. I mean…I had no right to demand anything from him. He had been good to me. And that was already more than enough. It was my greed to be with him even more that was the reason for all of this. His eyes softened. "I don't want my wife to beg me to do something that I should be doing," he whispered. “I'm so sorry, kitten for not doing my job as your husban
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67: Loving Two People
CHRISTY:“You would be joining us?” I asked in disbelief. “Why?”My heart secretly swelled in happiness. The things Everetts and I could do while we were there. And I wanted to make sure that our wedding will be consummated. It was always long overdue. When I was already prepared to give him my body, would he accept me? Will he accept the fat me?“Everette does not have to answer your question, dear,” Clara interjected as if she did not want her son to change her mind. “We will inform everyone when the cruise will be. Thank you for all your warm acceptance of the invitation especially do my son, Everetts.” Clara raised her glasses for a toss. “I am already excited that my son is going to join us,” Clara squealed.Facing Everette, I asked, “Are you sure about this? Promise. I won’t take this against you.”“You don’t have to worry about anything, kitten. I will just finish everything.”“Are you sure?” I asked again. “Everette. You don’t have–”“Don’t change my son’s decision. And don’t
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68: I Will Not Forget Her
CHRISTY:Too bad my husband did not love me at all, and this was one of the saddest things that happened in my relationship.“I am certain that these feelings will fade away in a matter of months. Like how it happened to my previous boyfriends,” I muttered which was a lie of course. “Bear with me, husband.”Removing these feelings? Stopping a flood was much easier than making my feelings for Everette disappear.I was certain this would not disappear at all. My feelings for him had already rooted in my chest and they wouldn’t be uprooted just like that. I needed something. A big reason why I should stop loving him. And I could not find anything at all. Everette was almost perfect, except for loving Eden until now. Everette straightened himself and shifted his attention to the window.“You are an amazing woman, kitten. I wanted to teach myself to love you. Aside from Eden, but…I don’t know. The thought of me loving someone else causes my heart to bleed.”I heaved a sigh and closed my
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69: Right Away
CHRISTY:My heart was bleeding and if only the blood could be out in a basin and be weighed it would weigh a lot. Everette never even filtered his words. The truth was...when it came to Eden, he looked like he was another person. And it fucking hurt a lot when he never considered my feelings when it comes to Eden.Why did all the men I chose to love were so complex? Could I love someone with a less messy life?“I never said that I want your love or you should reciprocate your feelings to me, Everette,” I said quietly. “I want to be clear on that.”His touch which brought peace to my chest became acidic, burning my body, and causing me a lot of pain. Still, I never bothered to break away from his touch.He heaved a sigh. “Just don’t... don’t order me to forget about her. It makes me mad. I’m getting sick of hearing it from my family and I did not want to hear it from you either, kitten. I brought you here because I thought you would understand what I felt.”You brought me here to infli
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70: Cemetery
CHRISTY:May I cry now? May I scream in anger after hearing what my dear husband had just said? Awesome how Everette did not want to divorce me right away, but when it comes to Eden, he would. Without a doubt.I looked up and stared at the blue sky. How could I have missed it? It turned out, Everette was not that perfect. He had his own set of flaws which I only realized now. And everything was about Eden.“You will divorce me?” I asked, in disbelief. “Are you sure, my husband?” My voice was full of sarcasm.What was painful was that he never thought about it a couple of times. Which also meant he would rather want to lose me than Eden.In the end, I was replaceable. Always. “I will if it means shutting your mouth. My family was already giving me a hard time, kitten. I brought you here because I trusted you. But what are you doing? You’re breaking my trust, kitten.”“And because of that, you’re going to divorce me even if you already know my feelings for you? Even if I want to di
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