Semua Bab The Bitten and the Born: Bab 21 - Bab 30
59 Bab
Hail to the Royal Family
As they went to the now longer head of the table, they found people waiting to pull back their chairs. They took their respective places as in the throne room, stepped in front of their chairs in unison. The people pushed their chairs in simultaneously. They lowered into their chairs together. It was a sight to behold! They moved as one. How connected they must be! People shuddered in fear of the way the attendees were looking at their Royal Family. Thoughts jolted from one mind to the next, “What kind of potential does this Royal Line contain?!” “What if this blows up in all our faces?” “My heart, they’re beautiful!” Raven looked at them all and smiled. She thought of how they resembled her forrest friends and their temperaments. Alexandre looked upon them and stayed perfectly poised. Bradford looked at them and specifically wanted to see the expressions of his old posh acquaintances. And Bastion looked over the room entirely. His wife was the exotic powerful intoxicating woman he
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Bloodchild and Company
As the banquet came to a close, several of the military leaders were present. Bastion called for them all to meet in the business suite. As they filed into the room their weapons were placed on the rack. Bastion planned to nip this vile bud from the vine. “Thank you all for coming. Please come in. Have a glass of blood and take your seats. We have much to discuss.” The men all came in chattering amongst themselves about their battles and their fronts they held. “We’ve held the Lycans off up until the enchanted forrest and its water.” “We have kept the trade lines clear of bandits. There’s hasn’t been an incident in a long while now.” “Yes, but the neighboring clan has been making their way towards our forrest borders and I fear they have foul intentions,” one of the officers mentioned. “All right. Meeting is in session. We have all been trying to figure out what we can do in order to make things more peaceful between the clans. The one thing we have in common, the Lycans, has bec
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Ravens Lessons
“Thats all we need to cover tonight. We will reconvene when all members are present. Tonight go feed your souls and trouble me no more.” Bastion left and went to find Raven. He went to the ladies apartments to see what the plan was going to be for her lessons. He rapped at the door and gently turned the knob. “Raven?” He saw her sitting by the fire holding a letter down by her side while she gazed into the oblivion. He knew that she discovered her mama’s departure and he felt the pain in her. “This isn’t a long goodbye. We only have weeks to prepare you both and divide and teach is the best plan. I need to teach you how to do your best powerful work with your dark abilities. It’s trickier than you think to do it on demand. You’ve always been a natural. So let’s move from emotional control to intentional control.” Raven cried as she sat there. She recalled the years of fear and loneliness. Her heart ached that she didn’t even get to say goodbye. What if they never see each other ag
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Cast Away, Cast Towards
Alexandre and Bradford stepped into the protective circles. The familiar scent of lavender and lemongrass filled their noses. This time felt different to Bradford. He felt welcome and safe. They stepped inside to the cabin and Alexandre went straight to tending a fire in the fireplace. She dumped out the putrid stew that had been left behind in the slop bucket. She then pulled out a water bucket from her reserve and began cleansing the whole place. “We need a good clean place to rest and the table needs to be clear. Looks like someone made quite the mess,” looking up at Bradford she smiled. He shuffled his feet a bit and jumped in to help. Bradford had left so quickly last time he didn’t even clean up his mess. “I was attempting to make your potion. I couldn’t remember the portions for the herbs so I made them in all possible ways. I can go to the enchanted garden and get them replenished here.” “That we will both do. I have to teach you what they are. Then you will know which to
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Custodes S. Guilde
Bloodchild returned to his villa enraged. Walking through the threshold he threw his cloak, gloves and cane at the wall. His Butler came quickly retrieving the items. As he shed his layers down to his dress shirt and slacks, the butler ran around grabbing them all and carrying them neatly. “Where is my wife?” The Butler stopped and replied, “She’s in the library still. She’s hardly left it since you went to the Castle. Sir, I can report she has found some encouraging news. Shall I take you to her?” “That would be ideal. I require some libations, Richard. I’ll escort myself to the library actually.” Bloodchild replied. He would actually like to see her working. He loved how the candlelight danced off her beautiful red hair and how intently she read as she traced her finger along the sentences. Using his dark abilities he silently moved into the corner behind a bookshelf sticking out with stacks of books on it. Danessa peering over the words, spoke slightly with her whisper, “An
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Alpha Xander
Lycans. You’ve heard of werewolves, people who turn to wolves when the moon is full. They are larger than people and strong like freight trains at a full gallop. Lycans are three times larger than the biggest werewolf. They were also many times stronger than their counterparts. The most powerful Lycan is Alpha Xander. He comes from a long line of Alphas who ruled well and with brute strength. The great Pack of the Blue Mountains was known as Blood Moon Mountain Pack. They were the head of all Lycan packs. They were the strongest of them, the more intelligent and the hardest fighters. Even the females were above and beyond males in other packs. Alpha was the mightiest among them all. The mere mention of his name inspired fear and respect. His Mate, Luna Avery, was also a pure blood alpha from another pack. Alpha’s pack held the purest of all Lycans and thus were the most powerful and unpredictable. He and his Luna readied their Clan for war.Beta Chance knelt before his mighty and
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The Trials
A month had passed and Bastion and Alexandre had spent every possible moment teaching their respective child the gifts and spells they needed to be as prepared as they could be. The council had convened and required the tests to be administered. “It’s okay, Papa. You taught me so much in such a short time. I love you. Let me go in first. I’m ready.” Bastion nodded to his daughter and looked to his wife. “I believe in her. Besides, we can listen.” She winked at her husband. She missed him. “Princess? Would you like to begin?” The Elder of the committee asked her. “Yes, Elder, I am.” He spoke a spell and the door opened to her. “Only you, Princess. No one can assist you so we must remain out here. Be steadfast and trust in yourself. You’re more than capable.” Raven nodded and lightly bowed to him. She went inside and the door closed behind her. “She’s a very special person for us, Your graces. Thank you for making it so.” He bowed and took his seat on the bench outside the door. “W
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Settling into their Positions
The royal family went down to the kitchen and found the people scurrying to prepare a feast for them. They kept meat roasting and vegetables ready for Raven and her mama pretty much all hours of the day. If they weren’t there, they would slow cook stew over the fire. The night people would keep it stirred and going. Tonight, the castle was absolutely buzzing with the good news, the Royal children were inducted officially into the Holy Clan and leaders. Their magic and knowledge proved to be a great advantage for the Holy Clan. The people felt gratitude to them for making sure they were going to stay safe and well taken care of. “Celeste! It’s good to see you! Emiline is doing so well. I hope you are happy with her progress.” Raven told her newest friend. “I’m pleased with both of you, Mum. The progress Emiline tells me about is befitting of a future Queen. We are both very excited.” “That makes me very happy to hear.” Bastion smiled beaming with pride. “I’ve always tried to keep
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Stopping the Rising Sun
Danessa and Lucas sat at the Bloodchild villa and discussed the findings with their supporters. Gathered around the table were noblemen and women, elders who supported the cause and other members of the Holy Clan. Candlelight brought light to their faces as the flames danced on their wicks. The room was tense with civil war talk. “We don’t want to cause any major damage to the realm. We can keep this to a small militia of soldiers that can abduct Raven and keep her hidden until after the eclipse passes,” Mr Banderman spoke. “We will take her by any means necessary and damned be the consequences. This isn’t a time to roll over. We have to take back this realm before someone else decides to make changes none of us will benefit from.” Bloodchild spoke up. His frustration was only increased by hearing Raven and Bradford not only passed the trials but did so flawlessly. “She can’t be the ruler. We won’t recognize her power. We are ruled by the males. Not the females. It is blasphemy t
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Blood Moon Mountain Pack
“Alpha, we have received a letter stamped with the wax seal of Elder Lord Bastion.” Beta Chance presented. “Thank you Beta.” Inside it read, “Greetings Alpha Xander of the Blood Moon Mountain Pack. I extend a hand of reverence and respect in requesting an audience with you. As you well have heard, I am preparing my daughter Raven to ascend to the throne. Your pack in particular is exactly the kind of strength we want to show. I wish to discuss this matter further. I will venture to your land with her and expect you will respectfully receive us. We do not come with talks of war. We come with ideas to better our relationship. I will leave shortly after this letter is sent to you. Please prepare. Best regards, Elder Lord Bastion of the Holy Clan.” “Interesting,” Alpha rubbed his chin. “Beta, make sure the guest quarters in the Alpha house are prepared. Please also prepare the Alpha no and Luna suites. While they are here, they will be under my ever watchful eyes.” “Yes, Alpha.” Beta C
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