All Chapters of His Lordship Alexander Kane: Chapter 1241 - Chapter 1250
1459 Chapters
Chapter 1241
"It's good that you have found her, but how do we prove that she is the young Island Lord?" Atwood's directness cut through the tension."The golden hairpin on her head is the best proof," Lark asserted, confident that the heirloom of Trio Alliance Island's leaders was sufficient evidence. Everyone
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Chapter 1242
The night sky was dark and overcast. Alexander and his companions sat quietly in the courtyard, not enjoying the moon but unsure of what their plan was."Why are we sitting here? Since we're trading with Atwood tomorrow, we should go to bed early," said Lark, confused."No one is stopping you," Alex
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Chapter 1243
"Atwood, it's a good thing you went early. Otherwise..."Truman was halfway through his sentence when he was slapped across the face, stumbling back a few steps. The sudden act left the room in stunned silence, one could hear a pin drop."Hmph!" Atwood took a deep breath, trying to control his anger
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Chapter 1244
"Mister Kane, you have to make it back in one piece. Olivia is waiting for you at home!" Janiella's voice was laced with worry as she watched Alexander walk away. She knew all too well the ache of living without parents."Don't worry about me. These guys are no match for me," said Alexander with a d
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Chapter 1245
The giant snake, outmatched and repeatedly thwarted, hissed in frustration and beat a hasty retreat.The disparity in their power was clear; this was no contest at all."Too late to run scared now!" Alexander bellowed, sword in hand as he gave chase. He was determined not to let his quarry escape. T
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Chapter 1246
Alexander honed in on the sound, quickly locating the Wolf King flanked by two massive wolves, its personal guards."Leave, or meet your end!"He was not out for blood; he just needed to get through to the village. However, the Wolf King, with a surprising glint of understanding, seemed to grasp Ale
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Chapter 1247
"I saw how you fought. You packed quite the punch, but I bet you were holding back, weren't you?" a coy voice chimed in just as Alexander entered.The voice was vaguely familiar, yet he could not quite place it."They were just a few critters, hardly worth my full effort," Alexander replied calmly,
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Chapter 1248
They left the village at dawn, their departure sending ripples of gossip through the community.Without a guardian, life in the wilds would only get tougher. Nonetheless, who was to say who should stay or go?"Pick up the pace! Did you skip breakfast or something?" Alexander called back as they trek
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Chapter 1249
"Well, I'll take your word for it—for now. But make one false move, and I'll end you without a second thought," said Alexander, having made his point clear, and left it at that.There was no connection between them, and he knew it. His actions were deliberate."Of course. Once I've taken him down, I
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Chapter 1250
"Here we are!" Red Rose halted, pointing to a cave nestled not too far off.It was shrouded in vines, thick as a man's leg, obscuring most of the entrance. The greenery was lush, yet eerily devoid of wildlife."Nothing left to stock up on?" Alexander's voice was deep and serious.That place was a no
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