All Chapters of His Lordship Alexander Kane: Chapter 1291 - Chapter 1300
1467 Chapters
Chapter 1291
"Is that so?" muttered Alexander, a contemptuous expression crossing his face. He then swiftly unleashed a surge of energy from his fist.The second leader groaned in defeat, staggering back a few steps, his arm numbed by the impact. Despite being of the same realm, Alexander's strength far surpasse
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Chapter 1292
"Speak, but keep your words measured," Alexander cautioned, setting the tone for the forthcoming discussion. Aware of their limited acquaintance and the transactional nature of their interaction, he sought clarity without embellishment.Onyz, initially poised to make extravagant demands, pondered th
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Chapter 1293
"The man leading the charge is the head of the Rebel Roamer Gang, surpassing even the prowess of a Lord of War, and his saber moves with exceptional speed," Onyz hastily whispered to Alexander, recognizing the imminent confrontation.Acknowledging the critical juncture they found themselves in, Onyz
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Chapter 1294
Karl Town was lawless, a place where might made right and contracts were for the weak."Alright, I'm on it!" Onyz called out excitedly as he strode over to his people to coordinate the takeover.The Costas, or the Costa family, understood the gravity of the moment. They were finally making a name fo
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Chapter 1295
Alexander lit up his phone screen—three days to Friday the 13th.There was some secret to uncover, and there was only one way to find out.Onyz did not look like he was fibbing, but Alexander figured a little more testing would not hurt.Onyz went white as a sheet when he saw Alexander channeling so
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Chapter 1296
Thinking of running? He was too late.With his mind set on vengeance, Alexander was not about to let those bandits slip away.He swiftly pulled out a vial of healing elixir and gently administered it to the old man, steadying his wounds. With the elder secured on his back, he set off in hot pursuit
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Chapter 1297
Wyrmhold Mountain was wild, the kind of place where signals go to die.Lucky for Alexander, he had the Temple of War's satellite system—no dead zones for him.Half a day's trek with his semi-Empyrean strength, and he had blitzed through most of the journey.Jungle combat was old hat for him; that un
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Chapter 1298
A hush fell over the group at Alexander's words, their faces painted with awkward embarrassment.They had followed the compass for an entire day, only to find themselves more lost than ever.Still, Alexander had to admit there was something impressive about their blind luck. They had somehow stumble
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Chapter 1299
The crew got their stuff together and hit the road with Alexander in the lead.With a bunch of regular folks in tow, they were not exactly speeding along, but at least they were on the right track.Alexander was not sweating it. They would make it by dusk, and the real action was not until Friday th
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Chapter 1300
The journey continued without incident, and they had a good time.The sun was still up as they reached the area where the Costa family's family home was rumored to be, covering several kilometers. Scouting the place would take a while."Stay put and keep out of trouble. I'll shoot up a flare when I
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