All Chapters of His Lordship Alexander Kane: Chapter 1401 - Chapter 1410
1459 Chapters
Chapter 1401
Alexander sensed trouble, Gunter was likely grappling with some heavy stuff, and it was throwing him off balance."Let's eat. I'll catch up with him later," Alexander suggested, unveiling the breakfast spread—an egg, a grilled sausage, two slices of bread, and two cherry-sized Ruby Lotus."Tiny toma
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Chapter 1402
"You don't need to know who we are. Just understand that if you don't fight back, you'll suffer less."The stranger's voice was cautious, giving nothing away even though they seemed sure of their win.As he spoke, one of them stepped forward, hand outstretched toward Gunter.A flash of steel, and Gu
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Chapter 1403
Instead of heading to the New Chesire Group building, Alexander brought Gunter to Muse Hotel for a lavish banquet.The feast was a send-off for Gunter, who was bound to return to Oaklandia soon.With some time to spare before the family's arrival, Alexander got to work on his plan to aid Gunter. He
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Chapter 1404
Come morning, the family scattered for the day after breakfast. Alexander headed out with Gunter in tow.The docks, once crawling with attackers, might still hold a few secrets."Mister Kane, isn't it a bit late to check it out? If there were any cronies, they'd be long gone by now," said Gunter, vo
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Chapter 1405
Alexander turned his gaze to Gunter, but Gunter just shook his head, clueless about that mysterious power.Alexander had no choice but to press for details. "Out with it. Where's this Global Trader?""I swear, I don't know!" The leader's face twisted with the knowledge that his answer would not sit
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Chapter 1406
The duo from the Global Trader eyed Hawkins' departing group warily, scanning the area before they untied Gunter."Get him into these clothes," the man commanded, flinging a pile of fabric to the ground."Why is it always me doing the grunt work?" the woman griped, her annoyance bubbling over as she
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Chapter 1407
"Sheep Village, the animal market!" The guy from the Twin Shadows cut to the chase, confessing where the exchange was going down.They had no choice. Alexander was a force to be reckoned with, and any attempt to fight back was just spinning their wheels."Right on!" Alexander nodded, pleased, eyeing
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Chapter 1408
Papers?Alexander was there to stir up trouble, not to play by the rules. He had no such documents and could not magic them up either.The others reluctantly pulled out their phones, flashing their IDs for inspection. They were being thoroughly vetted."And what about these two?"The inspectors wrap
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Chapter 1409
"Kid, enough is enough. Don't be too arrogant." Xoan's domineering attitude could not tolerate Nile's behavior."Haha! I'm arrogant, but so what?" Nile cackled and leaned close to Xoan's ear, whispering softly, "I know you guys are martial artists, but my dad is the manager of the Global Trader. You
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Chapter 1410
"Uh..."Eilya felt his breath become labored, a wave of dizziness washing over him as his consciousness began to blur. It was rare for him to encounter someone who would resort to violence so swiftly, especially with lethal intent. "Sir, let's talk this through. We're all just trying to make a livi
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