All Chapters of His Lordship Alexander Kane: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1463 Chapters
Chapter 0141
The Prince looked Alexander in the eyes and smiled smugly at his threat.In Woolpackton, one could go by without knowing who the mayor was or who the wealthiest person was, but one had to know how powerful The Prince was.No one ever dared to offend him. Those that did were already dead."I've met m
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Chapter 0142
"You're Tommy Lind? The boss of this club?"Alexander ignored everyone else. He stared at Tommy intently and said coldly, "I'm not going to waste my breath or time. Hand over my wife and daughter! Don't ever doubt my power. I could kill you as easily as slaughtering a chicken!"Everyone gasped. Thei
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Chapter 0143
"M—Mister Posey…" Tommy was on the ground with his comatose son in his arms. He was shell-shocked to see Mister Posey's headless corpse.He was only the king of the underworld in Woolpackton because he relied on Mister Posey. He was unrivaled because of Mister Posey all these years.Tommy had seen M
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Chapter 0144
The bullet tore through the air with lethal speed.However, Alexander was quicker.As Sean's finger squeezed the trigger, Alexander swiftly jerked his head to the side and stepped forward, his form blurring like a mirage.The nightclub erupted in gasps as Alexander seemed to vanish and reappear in f
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Chapter 0145
Three days had slipped by since Amber and Olivia were saved from the nightclub.The branch's big players had been lying low, and the surrounding areas of Ol' Mare followed suit, enjoying an unusual spell of peace.However, even in the face of unrest, Alexander would not flinch. New Chesire Group was
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Chapter 0146
"Look quick, everyone, check out Miss Chesire's face—it's totally changed!"Behind the service counter, a few female clerks had been keeping an eye on the drama unfolding. Seeing Amber's stunned expression, they could not hide their glee. "Isn't her hubby loaded? Why doesn't he just buy the car?""I
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Chapter 0147
Amber stepped out of the dealership, her face still a shade too pale, her hands shaking slightly.She was the General Manager of New Chesire Group, second in command only to Patrick. In truth, however, Patrick was hardly ever at the company. Amber was the one with the real clout, managing finances a
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Chapter 0148
A gleaming red Porsche rolled to a halt at the community's threshold.Given the age of the neighborhood, the roads were tight. Alexander narrowed his eyes at the last available parking spot and, with a steady hand, guided the car ever closer."Huh? That's not Cirroc."Carmela, steadying Missus Thomp
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Chapter 0149
Alexander had his gaze fixed on Carmela, distant and detached.He was seated in the backseat of the car; the one-way mirror kept the outside world from peeking in. Carmela could not see inside, but Patrick and Susanne had a crystal-clear view of every expression that crossed her face.Susanne had be
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Chapter 0150
The minutes ticked by swiftly.Carmela was still on a tirade, demanding Alexander move his car, backed by a chorus of minions relatives echoing her every word."You're Amber's husband, Alexander, right?" Cirroc's patience was wearing thin as he glared at Alexander. "Your car's causing a blockage. Wh
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