All Chapters of The Miracle Doctor Won’t Be A Kept Man: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
962 Chapters
Chapter 0141
"Oh? Why?" Delight flashed across Yvonne's face."I wanted to humiliate Fabian by stealing you from him in front of everyone," Kiran said truthfully.For a moment, Yvonne looked disappointed, but she soon resumed her normal demeanor. "See you in the afternoon."She spun on her heel and walked away,
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Chapter 0142
None of them had expected Kiran to show up.Frowning, Snow opened her mouth to speak."Get out!" Next to her, her aunt Susan snapped.Mr. Scott and the others stifled their anger and eyed Kiran mockingly, waiting for the drama to unfold.They already knew Kiran was Snow's husband.They were also awa
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Chapter 0143
"Aunt Susan, Kiran just came to Bayville! He doesn't know anything about that!" Snow anxiously defended Kiran."We'll talk about that later in the afternoon. What matters now is the withdrawal of shares." Kiran glanced at Snow. "Call the finance department to come up now. We'll transfer the money on
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Chapter 0144
"Kiran York, Have you lost your mind? You were practically bullying them!" Snow was close to ripping her hair out.On the other hand, Kiran was perfectly calm. "I won't do that to people who can become my friends. If you don't bully your enemy first, they will bite you. Have you forgotten your previ
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Chapter 0145
Rain gaped at Kiran, unable to believe her ears.Changing the price back to 25 dollars already felt unreal, but now he was asking her to add another 5 dollars!"Well, do it!" Kiran patted her on the shoulder. "Once you're done, print it out and give it to me. No need to show it to Snow.""Kiran, i-i
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Chapter 0146
Bayville Hotel.Kiran stopped the car and glanced in the direction of the parking lot. Suddenly, the smell of a tracking spell and mixed medicinal powder wafted up his nostrils, startling him. Why were those things here?He passed the folder containing the contract to Snow. "Go ahead without me, hon
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Chapter 0147
"Peace Echeveria Pills are very effective. I've been using them for a while, and my health has improved significantly." The female judge deliberately flipped her hair to show off the charm of a middle-aged woman, as if to tell everyone that the drug really worked wonders.Those judges who were middl
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Chapter 0148
The other judges nodded in agreement. Silence descended upon the conference room.Snow's heart sank, and her face fell. She had failed this bid completely.The Elder chuckled softly and smirked."Disqualified from this bid?" Kiran regarded Ysabel coolly. "Why?"Ysabel vented all her humiliation from
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Chapter 0149
An eerie silence descended over the room.The next moment…"Ahhhh!" the Elder roared in fury and indignation, covering his bleeding lip. "Kiran, what're you doing?" Snow grabbed Kiran's arm, afraid the situation would escalate into a full-blown disaster.Kiran whirled around and, once again, wiped
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Chapter 0150
Whoosh!All heads turned to Yvonne. The judges looked slightly embarrassed and even worried.In the heat of the moment, they had sucked up to Kiran so he would agree to cure them, but they had forgotten that Yvonne was from the Quinn family.If it were not for the Peace Echeveria Pill, they would ha
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