All Chapters of The Miracle Doctor Won’t Be A Kept Man: Chapter 841 - Chapter 850
960 Chapters
Chapter 0841
The three of them searched together for a long time but still couldn't find an exit. Finally, Kiran York sat down, and the two women followed suit, sitting next to him, looking at him with questioning eyes.Kiran took a couple of deep breaths, scanned the surroundings, and said, "Could it be that th
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Chapter 0842
“What’s the name of that strike?” Aoki Kosner pressed for details.“Ghost Shadow Palm!” Elder Murphy replied, clearly proud of the technique.Fukada and Kosner exchanged glances, evidently not understanding the significance of this Ghost Shadow Palm.“The strike itself isn’t very powerful; it merely
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Chapter 0843
"Go!" Kiran York suddenly shouted, grabbing Kate Gannon and Yvonne Quinn, and launching himself like a cannonball, shooting out of the tunnel.Kiran’s reaction was so quick that it took everyone by surprise. Elder Murphy tried to strike Kiran’s head, but Kiran had already twisted and shot sideways.
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Chapter 0844
"Old fool, your death is near," Kiran York stopped laughing and cursed angrily.His fist shot out like lightning, attacking Elder Murphy with incredible speed. Elder Murphy, caught off guard by the ferocity of Kiran's counterattack, tried to withdraw his hand to evade, but it was too late.With a lo
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Chapter 0845
Kiran York didn't expect Sue Walton to shout, so he quickly let go of her hand. However, to his surprise, his hand didn't move away; it remained tightly clasped to Sue's as if glued together.Kiran was shocked and stared at Sue, utterly confused. Sue continued to act as if she were being molested, s
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Chapter 0846
"Kiran, you should seize the opportunity. If someone else gets me first, you'll regret it for the rest of your life," Sue Walton said, her face smug with a hint of a reminder.Kiran shook his head firmly. "There's no chance between us. Don't even think about it.""I think a devoted man like you is g
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Chapter 0847
"Master, where are you?" Sofia Carter's excited voice came through as soon as Kiran York answered the phone."I'm at Dragonsmount, about to head back," Kiran replied."Are you there sightseeing or having a wild adventure with Mistress?" Sofia boldly asked.Kiran's face turned dark, looking like he w
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Chapter 0848
This was so sudden that it caught Sofia Carter off guard, leaving her in shock. Joshua Carter also stood there, stunned.As they came to their senses, they rushed out, only to run into Kiran York and Yvonne Quinn."Master, my mother was taken away by Cedric Bruh!" Sofia cried out, grabbing Kiran's a
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Chapter 0849
"Hello, we're here to visit Sofia Carter," Kiran York said politely to the security guard.The guard noticed that Kiran was driving a Lamborghini and showed respect, but he still replied, "I'm sorry, sir, but this neighborhood does not allow uninvited guests.""He is Sofia's master," Yvonne Quinn sa
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Chapter 0850
Kiran York and Yvonne Quinn moved quickly, taking the stairs two steps at a time. They found Sofia Carter standing at a room door, her face pale with worry, her gaze darting between them and something inside the room.Kiran and Yvonne hurried to the door and were shocked to see Macy Wendell curled u
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