All Chapters of Young master, your wife is reborn again: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
771 Chapters
Chapter 141 Cooking
She had just created an illusion.     The pair of furnishings in the room made her think that this man wanted to be with her for the rest of her life, and she almost forgot Murong Cheng's frivolous nature.     They say that a cunning rabbit has three caves, and for a house like this, I'm only afraid that he has many more elsewhere, even bigger and more luxurious than this villa! So it's not rare at all!     In the end, it was because she was too uninformed.     Murong Cheng then led Mu Zi to the study, vintage carved bookcases slightly empty, only scattered with a few books, computer stationery and so on is complete.     This is where Mu Zi reviews her homework.     Mu Zi immediately stated that it was time for her to study and pushed Murong Cheng out -     She just didn't want to stay with Murong Cheng.     Didn t want to before either, but
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Chapter 142 Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy
"Do you ...... know about the big mix?" After a moment of hesitation, Mu Zi asked him this way.     Murong Cheng did not answer, but just gazed at her with a smile in his eyes.     --Zi Zi is going to cook rice for him to eat.     He only cares about this right now and is in a rather pleasant mood.     Mu Zi hardened her heart and went to cook.     Although her cooking skills were not good, she felt that even worse, she should be a little better than Murong Cheng, right?     Big rice is the only dish she can handle, the practice is simple and brutal, that is, all kinds of vegetables shredded, boiled water, then put into the white rice, plus seasoning soy sauce and Korean chili sauce, after stirring, you can eat.     Tasty and filling, just look, may not be so ...... beautiful.     Mu Zi mixed the rice and was a little shy to take out her han
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Chapter 143 The so-called truth
Maybe it was because of panic, maybe it was because it was really too hot.     Mu Zi forgot to close her teeth tightly and let Murong Cheng get his hands on her ......     Murong Cheng's end was hot and intense.     Although Mu Zi is a modern adult woman, in the love affair has an extraordinary cleanliness and conservatism, her understanding of kiss and end, just stay in the lips together, is a gentle light touch of romance, is a shallow taste of the implicit, not Murong Cheng so -     Deep into the mouth, moistening entanglement, even the舎 head and teeth also use the force, imposing conquest crusade, both disgusting and perverted, but also with a kind of demolition of bones into the belly of the horror!     Murong Cheng released her when satisfied, smiling and asked her, "spicy or not?"     Mu Zi Liansha's head was numb, covering her lips with tears in her eyes, she replied,
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Chapter 144 Dreaming Again
During the night, she dreamed again.     Somehow, she always had dreams when she spent the night outside and couldn't sleep well.     But fortunately, this time, the dream was not a gruesome scene before her death, but when she was a child.     It seemed to be the same early fall, she and her little friends were playing under the big locust tree, and at the intersection, her grandmother, dressed in an old-fashioned pair of long coats and embroidered cloth shoes, shouted from afar, "ZiZi, come home for dinner--"     She ran and jumped home, and in the yard there was a wooden table with two simple dishes, plus a plate of Grandma's pickled crispy cucumbers.     While eating, she threw the rice grains that had fallen on her clothes to the ground to feed the ants, and in her ears was her grandmother's fine exhortation, "ZiZi, you have to study hard, study a lot to be smart, and smart people won't go
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Chapter 145 Not Free
Mu Zi got up and washed and fed the little crow with water and food.     When she opened the door to her room, she unexpectedly heard Murong Cheng talking downstairs, it was vague and not very clear, but it was indeed his voice.     Curious, she went downstairs and actually saw Murong Cheng busy in the kitchen again.     Unlike yesterday, Murong Cheng had an extra wide LCD screen by his side, and there was a French chef inside, demonstrating in real time.     Mu Zi was both shocked and felt very fantastical in her heart.     He had actually hired a chef to teach remotely over the internet?!     Just ...... for a meal?     Murong Cheng used French to communicate with the other party, beautiful pronunciation, fluent speech, slender fingers holding the cookware, simple frying action, was done by him also looks handsome and noble, extremely elegant.  
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Chapter 146 Picking Fruit
After eating, the two of them changed into their traveling clothes and put on comfortable hiking shoes and set off.     Mu Zi didn't like climbing mountains, but if she was just wandering around in the mountains, she was still gladly looking forward to it.     The two of them hiked forward, and since they weren't in a hurry, it was very leisurely.     The leveled concrete path only stretched forward a short distance before it reached the end, and further in, there were dense woods and shrubs.     A trail was tucked away, almost on the verge of being covered by vegetation.     "Could there be wolves in the mountains? Or snakes?"     Mu Zi followed Murong Cheng into it and realized that the woods were denser than she had imagined, and the sunlight above her head was blocked out for most of it.     She subconsciously clutched her satchel to her chest, worried th
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Chapter 147 Memorize it
They picked up a lot of wild fruits on the mountain, all kinds of them, red prickly rose fruits, round gooey santinas, and dark old crow's eyes.     The little crow loved them, and while Mu Zi was picking them, he ate quite a few, but he preferred to carry them in his mouth and play with them than eat them.     Crows like small objects with bright and shiny colors.     Mu Zi also found a pomegranate tree, right now is the time of pomegranate ripening, a pomegranate red and full hanging in the branch tops, heavy.     Mu Zi is not interested in eating pomegranates, but she fell in love with the fun of picking, picking down many large pomegranates, can not reach the Murong Cheng to pick, until the two bags all filled.     To go down the mountain, Mu Zi only surprised that time has passed so fast, do not know, the sun has been west.     She and Murong Cheng had been playing in the
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Chapter 148 It’s all him
Mu Zi was first stunned, and then came back to her senses and said angrily, "How can you just look at my things? Do you know anything about privacy?!"     "Privacy?" Murong Cheng lost his smile, "I've kissed and touched your entire body, and you're talking to me about privacy?"     Mu Zi instantly became furious, "Shameless!"     Murong Cheng let out a laugh and sighed, "Alright, since you're awake from your nap, go downstairs and eat, I just wanted to see your recent homework, who knew that you're investigating Su Zi's case."     Once he explained this, the fire in Mu Zi's heart subsided a bit, her face was still puffed up.     Murong Cheng took her downstairs to eat, the two of them walked down the stairs next to each other, when Mu Zi saw the meal on the table, remembering his hard work throughout the day, the last bit of anger also dissipated without a trace.     He should
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Chapter 149 Alumni
In October, the autumn weather was crisp and warm, and although it was autumn, there was no overcast or cold, and every day was sunny and nice and warm.     After returning from the mountains, there was not much left of the National Day vacation. The students were enjoying their last vacation, while Mu Zi was in her room every day studying her homework and waiting for the grade skipping test after the vacation.     Murong Cheng didn't mess with her anymore.     He wasn't a clean person, and when he was away from home from time to time, his family only thought that he was playful, and didn't find it strange that he was soaking in any casinos or women's nests.     "Don't look at your brother's indolence now, he was very smart as a child." Bai Wei said so to Mu Zi.     No matter how scummy her son was, he was still her own son, Bai Wei only had her heart to feel sorry for him, she chatted with Mu
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Chapter 150 What are you laughing at?
Mu Zi smiled with a gorgeous appearance, Mu Ling looked at the heart hair blockage, but remembering the next plan, her face resumed to raise a pleased smile.     Mu Zi sat in the car, and Mu Ling sat in the back seat together.     The car drove forward smoothly, leaving the Mu family mansion.     "Did you bring everything? Smear pencils, neutral pens, erasers, rulers ...... Check it, don't miss anything." Mu Ling was very understanding and took the initiative to remind her to check her exam supplies.     Of course Mu Ling would not be so kind.     Mu Zi knew it in her heart, her emotions were collected, and she said with a smile, "I just checked it before I left, and I brought it all."     "It's better to check again, in case you missed something, you can go back and get it before the car is too far from home." Mu Ling advised again.     Mu Zi thought about i
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