All Chapters of Young master, your wife is reborn again: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
771 Chapters
Chapter 631 Survival from desperate situation
In the rest room, Jiang Huan was furious."What are you guys up to? I killed Pan Zhe?" He looked at Zhang Xiaona in disbelief, "Nana, you think I did it too?""I didn't! I didn't know it would be like this either!" Zhang Xiaona's face was pale and shocked.She twisted her head to look at Zhou Chen and asked, "Lawyer Zhou! What the hell is going on here?""I'm very sorry, Ms. Zhang, but this is all I can do." Zhou Chen said, "I'm your lawyer, not Mr. Jiang's, I have to do my best to defend your interests, the situation is very unfavorable for us now, rather than both of us being convicted together, it's better to sacrifice one of them."At the end, he glanced at Jiang Huan and whispered, "If Mr. Jiang really loves you that much, I think he would be willing to sacrifice ...... for you.""What did you say?!" Jiang Huan was shocked."Calm down." Mu Zi, who was sitting on the side, said powerlessly."Calm? He just called me a murderer in front of t
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Chapter 632 Hearing too many stories
Before the closing arguments began, Mu Zi's cell phone received a short message sent by Murong Cheng.She glanced at it, the content of the short message was more or less what she expected, Mu Zi closed her cell phone and didn't move.Jiang Huan sat beside her and asked in a lowered voice, "Are you sure?"Mu Zi's eyes looked straight ahead, no expression on her face, "If your girlfriend's lawyer didn't play dirty, I think we should be somewhat sure now.""...... "Jiang Huan choked.The first person to make a closing argument was prosecutor Yu Yang.His closing statement, the style is just like him as a person, revealing the indifference of public affairs, but also full of rationality and credibility."...... The sleeping pills are Zhang Xiaona's, there are Jiang Huan's fingerprints on the wine glass, the witnesses saw Zhang Xiaona and Jiang Huan leaving from the deceased's residence, and the scene of the crime, in addition to Zhang Xiaona's and Jia
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Chapter 633 Finally concluded the speech
Mu Zi finished, quietly looking at the jury's crowd.After a long time, she slowly said, "Pan Zhe, took the sleeping pills by himself, walked up the stairs to the bathroom by himself, took off his clothes by himself and laid into the bathtub, so the autopsy did not have any external traces! That's why there was standing water left on the bathroom floor! That's why the surveillance failed to capture Zhang Xiaona and Jiang Huan! It's not that they avoided the cameras, it's that they didn't return to the villa at all!Are you all wondering if I have evidence to prove these inferences. Is there evidence for the prosecutor's inferences? Is there evidence for the defense attorney's inferences? In fact, the most subtle aspect of this case is right here! --We have two suspects charged with murder without any direct, critical, conclusive evidence! There's only a bunch of circumstantial evidence! Such circumstantial evidence as I have, and could enumerate many."Muzzy ret
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Chapter 634 Do you think I can’t do it?
After Pan Zhe's case came to an end, Zhang Xiaona held a press conference to announce that the Angelina girl group would be disbanded on the same day, and that she personally would be retiring forever.Some people speculated that Lina's retirement was a preparation to get married, stay away from the entertainment industry, and from then on, she would be at ease with her husband and raise her children.Mu Zi knew that this was not the case.Because if Jiang Huan was going to get married, the Jiang family would have invited her, but she never received any news.After a few more days, Mu Zi learned from Jiang Zhinuan that Jiang Huan and Zhang Xiaona did break up.It was Zhang Xiaona who initiated the breakup.She couldn't let go of Pan Zhe's death, Pan Zhe had accompanied her for nearly ten years and had been the most crucial decade of her life, from the age of eleven to twenty-one, from a girl to a woman, her habits, personality and even her soul had Pan
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Chapter 635 Run
What Murong Cheng said was just a joke.He sat as the head of the Huo family for all these years, and although he had caused the wrath of the heavens and the people, those chilling tactics of his had caused most people to talk about him with fear and trepidation.Murong Cheng is the life of a chaotic lord. What does it mean to be a lord of the troubled world? It means that the more chaotic the world is, the more he is able to make something of himself, whereas in a peaceful world, he will be mediocre for the rest of his life.Huo Zheng has used so many means to not be able to get him killed, which further validates how flamboyant Murong Cheng's destiny is, while people in this line of work are superstitious and mysterious and add a heavy weight to his accumulated power.Huo Jun knows that he is a small character and does not dare to mess with Huo Zheng, let alone Huo Rong.If Huo Rong appeared in front of him in a sorry state like a rat in hiding, Huo Jun mi
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Chapter 636 You don’t recognize me anymore
The news media should never promote superstitious ideas, so the news commentator satirized the current situation of the Huo family.When ordinary people saw this news, they would only lament that the Huo family head was so sick and confused that he even believed in evil ways.But if one has the heart, one can detect what this news really means.The Huo family's descendants all have parents and brothers, and their parents and brothers are also members of the Huo family.The lover who protects his calf has all of them, and Huo Zheng is committing the wrath of the people by taking his own family members to task. Even if there is no solid evidence, no wind can't make waves, Huo family members would never allow such a person to sit in the position of the family head.Mu Zi can almost foresee civil unrest in the Huo family.And the one who started it, no need to think, it must be Murong Cheng.Speaking of which, Murong Cheng should really be thankful for
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Chapter 637 The wedding is here
"Miss, if it was that easy to borrow a corpse and return it to my soul, I would have already given myself a handsome and young skin."After finishing, old ghost Huang smiled and stared at Mu Zi, as if he was looking at his greatest achievement, his mouth tsked non-stop."Luck ah ...... this kind of thing, too much need for luck ......" sighed Old Ghost Huang.Mu Zi had a complicated mood.Originally a stomach of questions, now looking at the yellow old ghost, she did not want to ask anything.Really ...... feel that even if you ask, the other party may not know the answer, may also be nonsense a fool her.......Almost to noon, Murong Cheng came back.Yellow old ghost should be very jealous of him, hiding in his house did not show up, and Murong Cheng mood, also did not go to find him trouble.Mu Zi asked Murong Cheng what was going on in the news.Murong Cheng laughed, ''You ask that anonymous person? That's Huo Jun. With this kind
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Chapter 638 The Fourth Time
It hurts too much.Mu Zi sucked in her breath in pain, her eyes went black in circles, her vision became blurry, and her ears were buzzing with chaos.She heard MuLing crying and screaming, then there was a slap, and all sounds came to an abrupt end.MuLing was slapped violently by Mu Zenin, knocked out of her mind."Go downstairs and entertain the guests." Mu Zenin said.His voice was like today's gloomy weather, carrying a thick and hard-to-melt haze that was oppressive to the extreme.MuLing had never dared to disobey him, and with tears in her eyes, she stumbled and fled out.The door to the room was shut and unlocked.Mu Zenin walked towards Mu Zi step by step.Mu Zi's injuries were not fatal, and she couldn't even die for a while, she lay on her side on the floor, gasping for breath, feeling like a fish on a chopping board.In her heart, she thought, "Is he going to kill me? The pain I've caused him has built up to the point wh
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Chapter 639 Doll
Murong Cheng led Old Ghost Huang into the hospital room and immediately unlocked the door."What's going on with her?" Murong Cheng frowned and asked, "Why can't she wake up?"Old Ghost Huang shivered and pulled out a large handful of yellow talismans from his arms, again with vermillion sand and red rope, and whispered as he set up the formation, "The Soul Vessel is too severely traumatized ah! The soul has a memory, it remembers that it was drowned, and when it encounters water again, like inertia, it will avoid it on its own!"Mu Zi had lost serious blood due to the gunshot and had been held down in the bathtub by Mu Zenin for a long time, her airway was blocked and her blood was lacking oxygen, even if she was resuscitated, the soul would not be able to return to its place before the symptoms of drowning in her body had been completely relieved."What will happen to her if she can't return?" Murong Cheng asked."Of course we can't leave it unattended, th
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Chapter 640 Poor Daughter
Murong Cheng looked at the door with some surprise."Mr. President." He uttered a greeting, his gaze moving from Situ Yan to Chen Cailin next to him, "Madam."The attitude wasn't exactly warm, but he did his best to be courteous.Situ Yan and Chen Cailing momentarily did not know what attitude to use to face him.If it was a serious boyfriend, they would probably exchange pleasantries like elders and ask each other about their family background, but he was a ...... was a ......Situ Yan could not believe it.How could the smart and clever Mu Zi be coaxed by such a vain man?Right now is not the time to question, Situ Diffractive and Chen Cailin went to see Mu Zi on the hospital bed.She is still unconscious, her face looks pale due to blood loss, and the term "breathless" is aptly used to describe her.Thinking that she should have been a spirited child with a bright future, but now her life is in danger, Situ Yan's heart aches for a mome
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