All Chapters of Young master, your wife is reborn again: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
771 Chapters
Chapter 671 Reasonable Doubt
For a moment, Jiang Chen almost thought she was hearing things.During this period of time, she had knocked on door after door, asking the same question over and over again, and receiving countless "I don't know" answers.Frankly, she had become numb to the question.Who can remember a joke made at a party three or four years ago?But now a man told her that it was Zhuang Jia who said it.Jiang Chen subconsciously glanced at the roster file in her hand: Ding Houwei, 21 years old, started out as a model and recently transitioned into a fashion stylist.The reason why he and Zhuang Jia would cross paths was because he had attended one of Shen Xinru's clothing shows, and there would be party get-togethers after each show."Are you sure?" Jiang Chen looked at his eyes fixedly."Oh ...... to say I'm sure, I'm not that sure." The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "After all, it was a long time ago, and just now when I heard you say Fili, I had th
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Chapter 672 Zhuang Jia’s illness
To be fair, he was not familiar with Zhuang Jia.It was only because of Mu Zi that they knew each other, and his impression of Zhuang Jia only rested on the fact that she was a rich young lady with a cheerful and lively personality, nothing more.Because of this case, the interactions have inevitably increased, and the understanding has also increased.Yu Yang knew that Zhuang Jia had a dog called Markusu, knew that she liked cool boys, knew that she was extremely talented in design, had won big and small awards, was particularly partial to jewelry design, and already had a place in her mother's design company at a young age.Without this case, Zhuang Jia's life would have been smooth sailing.Yu Yang leaned back and closed his eyes.If ......If Zhuang Jia was imprisoned for this, her vivid life would be cut short in his hands.There was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting Yu Yang's contemplation.Yu Yang opened his eyes, "Please co
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Chapter 673 Deputy
"Hmm?" Mu Zi looked at Zhai Nan, "What is it?"Zhai Nan looked like he was embarrassed, his face reddened, his skin itself was on the pale side, and when he blushed, it was especially obvious.Mu Zi smiled and asked again, "Say it, what is it?""I watched that, that news ...... " Zhai Nan stumbled and said, "The trial will be held this week, can ...... you let me be your deputy? "Mu Zi froze.This is something she entrusted to Ming Jun Law Firm, although it is her defense, but the identity of the lawyer is temporarily confidential, not until the day of the trial, the reporter should not know.How did Zhai Nan know?Zhai Nan red-faced self-referral nervous and full of sweat, "Uh ...... if you don't mind, I, I can help you, although ...... although I lack the experience of criminal defense, but other aspects, I will try to do a good job to Help you share the pressure ......""Zhai Nan ......" Mu Zi looked at him with difficulty, "I'm sorry, thi
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Chapter 674 The situation is delicate
The trial formally began, according to the routine should be asked by the prosecution first, the prosecution half a day did not move.The judge frowned slightly, out of the voice to remind: "Prosecutor?""...... Oh, oh!" Qin Lei returned to his senses and hurriedly stood up.He had always had his heart in the right place, but when it came to the day of the court, he didn't expect that he would actually fight against Mu Zi.If this wins, will it offend the president ah?Qin Lei was slightly nervous, and once he was nervous, his brain cells became even more active, and he couldn't help but wonder if Yu Yang's initiative to avoid this case would be because he didn't want to offend the president's daughter....... This moralistic guy."Your Honor, I would like to question the defendant first." Qin Lei straightened his lapel and said.This was the intention to cut straight to the chase."Ms. Zhuang Jia, the next question I ask, please try to a
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Chapter 675: Win the game
Mu Zi finished her question and sat down with an expressionless face.Qin Lei's heart thumped and a sound effect similar to that of an arcade game popped up in his head: k-o!He carefully observed the expressions of the jurors, feeling that the scales were tilting slightly, and all he had to do now was to try to add weight to his side!Be steady, whether or not you can get on TV depends on this one!Qin Lei gave himself a pep talk in his heart."Your Honor, please allow our party witness to testify." Mu Zi got up and said, the material in her hand flipping through pages and pages, going through the process in an organized manner.From Qin Lei's angle can just see her side face, rosy cheeks with childishness, but her demeanor is calm and composed, her aura is as stable as Mount Taishan.The heart can not help but slander: really not a person ah ......At this time, a man dressed very elegantly and well-dressed sat on the witness stand, with a d
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Chapter 676 Your Story
Mu Zi quietly watched the man on the witness stand.Tall and stocky, with strong arm lines, he could tell that he had a habit of working out for years, and his face had a wooden, unreadable expression."Is it him?" Qu Mingjun beside her lowered his voice and asked her.Mu Zi looked indifferent: "We will know soon."The prosecution had only one purpose for asking Ding Houwei to testify in court, and that was to disprove Zhuang Jia's testimony. Since Zhuang Jia said that the story was heard from someone else, they brought in a witness to prove that the story came from Zhuang Jia's own mouth."Mr. Ding Houwei, please tell everyone what happened at the party.""It would have been just after a costume show, we were drinking and eating at the party, someone suggested playing a game where everyone shared one powerful thing, then Zhuang Jia told that story." Ding Houwei said.Qin Lei asked, "Can you be more specific? About that incident."Ding Houwei
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Chapter 677 Confession
The prison guard uncuffed Zhuang Jia on the spot.Zhuang Jia looked at her wrists in a daze, and then looked at Mu Zi, first in a trance, and then feeling incredulous.The charges were dropped.There was no need to wait until the end of the trial, she was already innocent.Zhuang Jia was free.Shen Xinru hugged her daughter tightly, emotional, and Mu Zi, Jiang Zhiwen and Jiang Chen also gathered around.Everyone was very happy."Thank you so much!" Zhuang Jia looked at her friends, it was hard to express the gratitude in her heart, she suddenly wrapped her arms around Mu Zi's neck and gave her a hard kiss on her cheek!"Zi Zi, thank you!"Mu Zi laughed out loud.Zhuang Jia went to hug Jiang Chen again and gave Jiang Chen a kiss on the cheek as well!"Sister Jiang Chen, thank you!"Jiang Zhinuan didn't fall behind and was kissed by Zhuang Jia, crying and laughing, "It's not like I'm doing anything to help.""You already
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Chapter 678 Doing meaningful things
This villa was her private residence, unless her husband Murong Cheng, no one else had the right to enter without authorization.Mu Zi's heart, uncontrollably beating fast.The kind of joy and leap of joy that flooded and overflowed from the bottom of her heart was difficult to accurately describe in words.Murong Cheng had returned.If he was free, he should have gone back to Jingling, but he returned to Qingjiang, which meant that he knew that Mu Zi had just finished the lawsuit and had specially come to Qingjiang to see her.Before Murong Cheng's car stopped, Mu Zi's eyes were already smiling.The car door opened, Murong Cheng got out of the car, long legs and broad shoulders, straight posture, handsome and suave as always.He walked over and gently pinched Mu Zi's face, "Do you want me?"Mu Zi immediately blushed.Even after getting along for so long, even though the two of them were already married, but in front of Murong Cheng, she
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Chapter 679 Small and pitiful
Zhang Suming is considered a very experienced police officer, serious and responsible work, the prosecutor trusts him.When Chen Beishi that case, the autopsy report on a number of key information was Zhang Su Ming private deletion, this practice makes Mu Zi a little bit of opinion on him, but also understandable, after all, the environment is there.Prosecutors in the country of Huaya is the most glamorous career, and behind the glamor is to pay an immeasurable amount of hard work and sweat, eighty percent of the prosecutors are continuous rotation non-stop, a person's hand at the same time to deal with seven or eight cases is a common thing.As Zhang Su Ming said, if any trivial evidence are handed up, the prosecutor will be exhausted.And to put it bluntly ...... on that kind of eggs, that kind of trace pesticide, even if handed up, the prosecutor at the time may not find abnormal, after all, there is a preconceived view, identified Chen Beishi is the murderer
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Chapter 680 Drowned
Women are so spoiled that they are unreasonable.Men believe that the husband's program needs to be uplifted, and there is no bargaining when it comes to cleaning up a woman's act.The time is too short for Murong Cheng to play, so he postponed the take-off time. Private airplanes are so convenient.Murong Cheng insatiable.A cloud and rain, tossing and turning for two hours before closing.Mu Zi is covered in sweat, her voice is almost hoarse, and she doesn't know whether she is screaming or crying, and she is thirsty.Murong Cheng brought water and fed it to her to drink, teasingly said, "Just now you want to drown it?"Drinking water Mu Zi choked, coughing shockingly, face red, "Cough cough cough cough! ......No......cough......shameless!"Still want to curse again, but have no extra strength.Murong Cheng especially favor her this kind of annoyed blushing appearance, as if teasing Mu Zi is a fun thing, feed her drink of water, then em
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