All Chapters of Born to be a Superstar: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
172 Chapters
"According to a source Mommy trusts, there has been some debate about the ongoing marketing. Although some big shots at Goojoo know who you are, Jane, but since this is already outside of Goojoo, you're considered someone who works independently and can provide their own benefits."Kate's explanation in front of Jane and Fabian does make sense."But this is too coincidental, right?" Jane asks, sighing softly. "Maybe if it were targeting Giselle or Harvey, I personally wouldn't have too many suspicions."Kate nods, understanding the concerns of the woman in front of her. When the car carrying them stops at one of the tall buildings in downtown Yazeran, the person Kate doesn't really want to meet welcomes them. With a mischievous grin and an overly relaxed demeanor.Although they've known each other for quite some time, but still, when she remembers their conversation, that night when they accidentally met at Jane's house, annoyance reigns in Kate's heart a
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"How's it going?" Samantha asks, a little excited. They're enjoying some time in the midst of what's actually a pretty busy schedule. But for Samantha, being here with a cup of coffee she likes and some snacks as company, it's all good. After all, Sams Group has been buzzing since the woman in front of her got involved.That's why Samantha won't easily let go of the woman who's now part of her family."I've tried to persuade Austin," Calysta sighs softly. "But it seems my persuasion skills still aren't enough. He just said he'll think about it.""Have you given him the best reason?" Samantha chuckles softly. "Usually, when you give that reason, even a tough guy like Austin won't be able to resist.""I have." Calysta's shoulders slump even more. "But it's okay. I'll wait patiently for his decision. I'm sure he won't be able to refuse me that easily."Samantha nods confidently. "No problem. While having an assistant helps me, since this position is j
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Frustration builds up, fists clenched, and Austin curses under his breath, but still, the outcome remains the same. It hasn't been resolved quickly. Checking various parts takes quite some time. But still, as long as Goojoo is in his hands, and as long as he's under his father's supervision, there hasn't been a problem like this before.Plus, with what's going on, related to the project he recently got. He's already cautioned the staff involved in the project to concentrate more because the number they'll be producing is much higher than last year. There's trust, but there's also hard work to prove they're capable."Still no word from Richard?" Austin asks, sitting roughly in his oversized chair. It's been the second day since the bad news hit him through email. He couldn't just take it easy then. He acts quickly, and one of them is asking Richard to check there in person.I don't know what his trusted man is doing in Yazeran, but one thing is clear, the distanc
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"Have they arrived?" Austin asks, checking the circular watch on his left wrist. It's almost an hour past the confirmed arrival time Fabian gave earlier."In a moment, Sir. Their car has entered the lobby area and is being directed straight to the upper floor to avoid the journalists. They're all after news about Miss Jane."Austin keeps striding towards the meeting room. At least he has to host the guests well, not let his image worsen. And he shouldn't lose focus either."Mrs. Calysta is also on her way to the office, Sir."Austin's steps slow down a bit. "For what?""She said she wants to meet the new Goojoo icon. Seems like Mrs. Calysta is giving full concentration to sales. I've seen her discussing a lot with Mr. Jacob in the past few days. Along with Mrs. Samantha, of course."Austin chooses to hold onto that information and pick the right time to talk to his wife. Since the investor trouble in Milan, his concentration has been disrupt
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"Why do you look upset, Calysta?" Austin asks, glancing over at the woman sitting next to him. Since the press conference they both attended, his wife has only offered a faint smile, not saying much."I don't know," Calysta sighs deeply. "Maybe I'm just tired because the work at Sams is pretty demanding."Austin furrows his brow, slightly surprised by Calysta's recent remark. "You've only been working for two days. And I think since lunchtime today, you've been out of the office."She chuckles softly. "You're right. I deliberately took the time to pick up Ursula because I felt that during her time at Goojoo, she helped us a lot, didn't she?"Austin just nods."But if this latest choice really feels right, then I think we should welcome Jane warmly."Austin chooses not to speak. He focuses on the road ahead, which is no longer as clear as usual. The crucial time has caught up with their car, and they have to be patient to reach their destinat
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"You don't need to complain like that, Calysta," Samantha laughs in response to all the rants of this woman she can rely on. She didn't expect Calysta's steps to be so smooth, flawless, and well-considered. She places the freshly brewed cup of tea specifically made for the woman in front of her. "Drink it to calm yourself down.""How can I calm down?" Calysta grumbles. "I believed Ursula could be influenced by me. But in reality, she's just like Giselle. I have to retaliate for what Ursula did to me yesterday."Samantha laughs. "Do you really want to be in their circle of friends?"Calysta sighs softly. "You know that if I'm in their group, I can have much greater influence. What's the use other than enjoying it together?"The owner of Sams Group woman chuckles even more. "You're really making use of everything in your hands without exception, huh. You've truly thought about what you want to do."Calysta grins. She slowly sips the tea made especial
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"You'll pay dearly for what I did," Richard said as he loosened his tie. "I'm the host here but why do you like to intervene so much?"Austin just chuckled. "You got this apartment as a bonus from me, in case you forgot.""Gosh, I just found out that a gift that happened a long time ago can be brought up so easily." Richard stared at his interlocutor in disbelief. "I devoted myself and worked my heart out but was always appreciated like this?""Don't be so silly, Rich. I don't have much time."Richard's laughter immediately erupted. "Since when did Don Austin William have a time limit?"Indeed, talking to Richard at a time like this was a bad thing. Rather than force the man to talk, especially since he had just arrived, it would be unethical to push too hard."While you're reading this report, I'd better get cleaned up. And afterward, we do need to have an important discussion and you should know what I found out while checking out their co
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"Would you like me to make you some coffee, sir?" she asked with a bow. The lord of this house's late return home surprised her. Ever since the master got married, he rarely came home late. He was always on time and made time for dinner. Although the kind of dinner that made Maria feel, was only a formality.The conversation that took place there was only dominated by the new mistress in Don William's family. Responded with a warm and loving smile from the master. Ignoring the middle-aged woman who spoke more often than necessary rather than responding to whatever the woman said. In contrast, when their old mistress interacted either at dinner, or just to pass the time.Although the old mistress... was never acknowledged by the master, but at least, there was still warmth and cheerfulness around them."You're not asleep yet, Maria?"To the butler, Austin's tone was just like the time when he knew the man with a warm personality despite being stiff and qui
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"How is it, Uncle?"Calysta seemed to close her mouth. Her face lit up brightly. She twisted her body slightly in the well-organized room with many clothes and accessories. Including the luxurious bags and shoes that made up the woman's collection."Take it easy. Austin is busy with the deal in Milan. I admit he's very good at negotiating. But you don't have to worry, we'll drop him at the right time."...""Just prepare what even though it's prepared. There are no more Goojoo people watching, right?""...""That's good. Because I've already prepared the necessary files. I had Aunt Samantha's help. You know, that woman is just as sneaky." Calysta sat back comfortably. "I understand. I'll still be careful.""...""You're right." Calysta looked up briefly. Her eyes wandered far away. "That man loves me too much to have any suspicions about my actions.""...""Ah, you're right. My marriage is about to take place. I d
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"I think the concept of the ad is pretty clear," Fabian said as he handed over a sheet outlining what would be done during the ad. Together with the creative team from Goojoo as well as some of the people who would be involved, they were still in a long but exciting discussion about the work this time."I agree with you." Jane smiled slightly. Imagining how it would be as long as she was involved in this work. "But I've told you many times, I'm not good at acting.""Take it easy, Nyo-I mean Miss Jane." Jacob spoke this time, though it was a bit awkward but he quickly shook it off and smiled broadly at the woman who had been sitting across from him. "We're sure you'll do your best.""You have high hopes for me, Mr. Jacob."Jacob's smile refused to fade. "I hope that we can achieve our targets. And I also hope this job goes smoothly."The discussion returned to a fairly serious mode although sometimes interspersed with jokes but according to Jane, th
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