All Chapters of My Alpha Stepbrothers Are Mine: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
171 Chapters
We trust you
They had me return home, to have a bath and change out of my clothes, claiming they wouldn't last minutes with me without vomiting. To show how much they meant those words, they had me drive home in my car while they followed behind with theirs. It was odd since they hadn't done something like that before. My mates who were always scrambling to sit next to me were keeping as much distance as they could from me, telling me they wouldn't survive more than a few minutes because of my smell. After I had my bath and got dressed in a fresh pair of clothes, Mike drove us to the new restaurant. They didn't mention the friend I met or the strange smell, which was unusual. With the way they always behaved with me, I thought they would be all over me, trying to know who the man I met was and why I hugged him instead of shaking him. We had dinner, with my mates feeding me most of the time, and eating from my plates. We conversed like normal, and they drove me home after that. None of them said
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A date
Even though we didn't conclude why they slept during dinner, we were convinced something out of the ordinary happened. I believed their words, not because of how genuine they sounded, but how puzzled they looked as they explained how their day went and how they felt sleepy after having a late lunch. They begged me not to let their alphas know, promising to be alert throughout the day. After speaking with them, I left for the office. My employees greeted me as I walked past, smiling. It was no secret my workers loved me. I could tell from how smiley they were each time they saw me. Janet met me by the door of my office, and so we kicked off for the day, discussing things that needed to be implemented in the office. I had done almost all my work and had sufficient spare time to discuss with her while having another breakfast.Though I wasn't as ravenous as I was during the first trimester, I still ate enough to last me a lifetime. Most of the time, Janet would refuse to give me any fo
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Why do you keep looking back?
John picked me up as he promised. He called me the moment he got to my office, claiming he was too tired to walk up the short flight of stairs that led to my office. This wasn't the first time though. My so-called best friend was the laziest man I ever met. “You arrived faster than I expected,” I said as I got into the car, smiling at him. “So, where are you taking me to?” I lifted an eyebrow. “You will see that. It took me some time to plan this.” He started the car and drove away from my car park. "I did my research well, knowing how picky you are." The moment we were out on the road, I spotted the familiar red car tailing us. John must have noticed them since he kept staring at the side mirror. “Do you know them?” He asked after a short while, still looking at the men in the mirror. “Yeah.”"Are they your workers? Or admirers?" He wriggled his brows. Sighing, I leaned on the car seat. “You can say they are my bodyguards. My boyfriend… S thought someone might mug me on my way
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An invitation
Though he didn't seem convinced by words, he didn't ask questions regarding them. Instead, he smiled and walked in. I looked back at the red car before I rushed in with him, smiling at the server by the door.Lunch was uneventful. We ordered and ate, while discussing our lives back in our college days, when we did everything together like the twins most people assumed we were. I felt emotional as I thought back to those days, and he felt I was acting like a baby. To him, the emotion was a bit on the top side. I didn't blame him though. This was how he always acted. “Let's do this again,” he said, taking my hand in his as he led me out of the place. “I know you are busy, and so am I, but we can always make time for each other, just like in our college days.”“Yeah. I think so, too. You can always visit me at work. Just tell anyone you meet you are here for me, and they will bring you to my office, okay? It's as simple as that.”“Because you are the boss?” He lifted an eyebrow, smilin
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Let's not contradict ourselves
MITCH“Am I the only one still thinking about Summer's scent yesterday?” I lifted an eyebrow at my brothers, who were working hard on the desktops.“I'm still pondering about that,” Miles looked up, his reply instantaneous. “I said nothing at first because I thought you guys would think I'm crazy for talking about it.” “Same.” Mike glanced up from his system. “I'm still disturbed. Somehow, the scent is familiar. Like we have met someone with such an odd smell. It's strange, though. That's not the human odour we are used to.”“What if he's not a human?” I blurted out, looking up at them. “Have you thought about that?” “Yep.” Miles nodded, while Mike looked like it was the first time something like that had passed through his mind. “That was my thought when I perceived it.” I sat up, still looking at them. “What do you say we do?” “What else? We will just watch things out. Since our baby girl said she knows who he is, and went to college together, I doubt there's anything wrong
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Odd mates
SUMMERMy mates were true to their promises. They didn't ask more about John, though I expected to hear them inquire about it. It felt odd that they acted like whatever I did wasn't their concern. I tried to ask them about it but thought more about the question. It would seem like I got a friend just so I could see them get angry and possessive of me, which wasn't my plan at all. The only thing they asked when I returned after the lunch meeting I had with John was why I smelled odd. They were still hell-bent on their beliefs that there was something wrong with John's smell. I told them it must be his perfume, and they demanded to know if I hugged him. When I replied in the negative, they pointed out that his scent wasn't about his perfume, but his natural smell, telling me there was something wrong with my friend. But that was all. They didn't inquire more about him, opting to let me do whatever I pleased, as long as I was safe. Yeah, those were their words. They didn't care how ma
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Strange questions
It was two weeks after meeting John that I noticed something odd about him. It wasn't obvious at first, and I seemed to have overlooked it when we were in college. Or you could say he started it new. He said something about feeling too lazy to climb the stairs during our first lunch together after the reunion, right?It turned out he needed my permission before he could enter both my office and car, something that didn't sit well with me. The first time I asked him to meet me at the office, but he asked something odd. “Should I come in?” That was his question when I called to tell him I was busy and would like to have lunch with him in my office. Playfully, “I told him yes, of course.” And that was why he met me upstairs. From that time, he didn't ask for permission and always came up on his way back to work. I had forgotten that incident until the day he came in a cab. I offered to drive to the restaurant he chose. Instead of entering the car like a normal person would, he asked
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Docile pack members
MILESWe sat down, watching the people of the pack as they discussed among themselves. We didn't tell Summer we were having a meeting with them, knowing she would love to go with us. We wanted to keep this a secret from her until we were certain they were ready to accept her. Sighing, I watched our people. The ones present were the elders and those working in public offices. The only ones who weren't with us were the teachers, though each was watching us with their phones or laptops. We made it this way, so they could concentrate on their students while listening to us. We also made it possible for them to contribute to what we would discuss in the meeting. This way, none of them would claim we did not inform them about it like we knew they would. For those who were always against whatever decision we made, they might try to slip out from it all. Mitch cleared his throat as he got up from the armchair he was reclining on. The moment they noticed him standing, the entire place went
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Jeremy to the rescue
“Is there anyone who has an objection concerning this? You are free to make your thoughts known. We won't hurt you or fault you for saying your mind. You are free to whatever thoughts you might have. Everyone has freedom of choice. We will never force you to support what you don't want. So, what are your replies?” Mitch looked around, his gaze going to the big screen set up, to know if the ones watching us had something to say. Just like those in the hall, they knew objecting would only land them in trouble. “We support your decisions, Alpha!” They chorused, knowing it was the right thing to do if they wished to keep their heads. When they quieted down, Jeremy raised his hand. “I have something to say, Alpha!” He called out when Mitch didn't notice him. “Oh. Please tell us what you have in mind, Jeremy. Please keep in mind, that everyone is entitled to their choices. We are not forcing you to support us. You are free to speak your mind with reasons, just like Elder Mazi did. I'm no
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We are here to keep you safe
SUMMER“Are you alright, Luna?” Don asked, rushing over to me. He must have seen me rise from the bench when I saw Fred. “Is everything alright?” He demanded, sounding worried. “Yeah, I'm good.” Nodding, I forced a smile, wondering if I had imagined everything. But there was no way that could be the truth. He turned to stare at me, so I didn't imagine seeing him. Fred was just here. Don didn't look convinced by my response. He frowned, looking at the spot Fred was standing before he turned to focus on me. “Did you see someone you knew?” He seemed to be fishing for an answer from me, trying to know why I acted the way I did. Smiling, I shook my head as I stepped back. “I'm good.” I perceived he could tell the smile was forced, from the way he looked at me, with his eyebrows raised. He didn't ask anymore, though. Shrugging, he helped me back to the bench. “Should I get a bottle of water for you?” He inquired, ready to go on any errand I might send him on. Frowning, I glanced arou
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