All Chapters of Expectation Of Love : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
105 Chapters
Chapter Fifty-One
RajveerAs soon as I left home, I went directly to Yash's apartment to cool down a bit. I was was angry and didn't want Roshni to see me like that. Yash couldn't believe Sam could do something as evil as that when I narrated everything to him. "How could Sam do that to Roshni!" Yash asked in disbelief. He knew Sam was not that heartless before. "She doesn't like her." I replied. "That doesn't give her to right to do what she did. Why can't she just accept her as her sister in law when you have already accepted her as your wife? The reason behind her hatred towards Roshni is because you didn't love her then, right?" I nodded. "Then why does she still hate her now that you love her?" Yash asked."Don't ask me that. I wish I know the reason, but unfortunately, I don't. I just don't understand Sam anymore and the reason dad got so mad at me for slapping Sam, didn't he hear the horrible thing Sam did?" I asked."I guess he got mad because you were losing control and no dad would stay a
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Chapter Fifty-Two
RajveerThroughout the drive to Roshni's parents' house, she didn't speak a word to me and when I did, she completely snubbed me. She was still mad over the conservation we had at the hospital yesterday.I parked the car in front of her parents' house. I expected her to just get down from the car without bidding goodbye to me, but she did the opposite, she surprised me by what she said."I'm sorry for lashing out at you yesterday, I didn't mean to, I was just so angry and couldn't help thinking what would have happened if I had lost my baby." she explained. She didn't have to, because I knew she was not at fault at all. Her anger was justified, because I didn't think at that time before speaking. I understood and accepted I was wrong. "Apology accepted for nothing. Why are you apologizing? Huh? I was equally as angry as you were when I found out and reverse is the case, I should be the one apologizing for my unreasonable suggestion," I admitted."Really? You are not mad at me?" She a
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Chapter Fifty-Three
RoshniI woke up with a nauseating feeling and rushed to the bathroom to throw up. The morning sickness had not been easy for me for the past two days. I emerged from the bathroom and sat on the bed for some seconds, due to the dizziness I was feeling and as if Raj knew I was not feeling too well, he called. I received and we talked for approximately thirty minutes. He asked if everything was fine with me and I answered in affirmation. We talked about random stuff before I finally ended the call. I wanted to know what was going on at my matrimonial home, but Raj had not spoken a word about it, so I kept mum. I'd just have to wait for the time he would decide to tell me. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating on the nightstand. I picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID. I thought it was Raj calling again."Raj m—" "It's me Roshni," came mum's voice. Why was she calling me when we are in the same building?"Mum?" I asked and pulled my phone away from my ear to take
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Chapter Fifty-Four
RoshniIt's been a week since I have been staying at my parent's. I really missed Raj, though he visited almost everyday, but it was not the same as living in the same house as him, where I get to see him before I sleep every night and the first person I see when I wake up . The difference was huge. I emerged from the bathroom after the usual - throwing up, and met Raj in my room sitting on the bed. The excitement I felt was immeasurable. It was as if I was seeing him after a year or more, when in reality, it was just a day.I ran over to him, hugging him and he wrapped his hands around me."I missed you.""I missed you, sunshine," he pulled back and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.I was curious about what was happening at home. I couldn't wait for Raj to tell me when he wanted anymore, so I asked him, "how is everyone doing at home?" "Everyone is fine. Mum and dad miss you."Mom missed me? That was hard to believe, given how much she hated - maybe it was not up to hatred, b
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Chapter Fifty-Five
Third person When Raj and Roshni finally arrived back home, Raj's parents were happy to have her back, though Durga tried to hide her excitement. "Welcome back home, dear." Pratik hugged her."Thanks dad." she smiled, then turned to Durga. "good morning, mum."Roshni knew she shouldn't expect any nicety from her mother in law, but she still did and got none in return, she simply walked away. "She's just tired." Pratik attempted to excuse her behavior, but they both knew it was a blatant lie. Shortly later, Pratik went to join his wife, maybe to reprimand her for the attitude she displayed earlier."I'm so sorry about mum." Raj apologized on behalf of his mum when they got into their room. "It's okay." Roshni answered and walked towards the widow, staring at the scenario outside and letting the cool breeze hit her face. She was feeling hurt deep inside. Why was she still treating her that way, despite knowing the whole truth! She was being unfair to her.Raj knew she was hurt by h
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Chapter Fifty-Six
Third person POV"Roshni." Sam called, running after her when she saw her coming into the house from school. Roshni chose to do what she always did, she ignored her and kept on going towards the room she shared with her husband. She didn't know if she would be able to control herself when she faces Sam, so she always ignored her for that reason and besides, what good would talking to Sam do? She only knew how to do one thing, and that is to irritate and frustrate me- she shook her head at the thought and proceeded in walking towards her room.Unfortunately for Roshni, Sam quickly caught up with her pace. "Please listen to me Roshni, I'm sor-" Before she could finish what she wanted to say- to apologize, Roshni's hand collided with her right cheek aggressively. She couldn't control herself anymore. There she was trying to avoid the little witch and she appears before her. She was positive Sam didn't really want to apologize to her, but to mock and insult her instead and she has had
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Chapter Fifty-Seven
RajveerI was very frustrated with Roshni. What was my fault in hers and Sam's quarrel? I just wanted to help calm her down, but hearing her say all she did to me hurt. I knew for a fact she didn't mean it. She needed me, just like I needed her in order to function properly. In the few months we had spent together, I had gotten so used to my wife that I feared what would happen to me if she ever decided to leave me. I wouldn't be able to live. She had become the central of my existence in the short span of time I have known her. She was my wife, the mother of my unborn child. Suddenly, I felt my anger vanishing and replaced with remorse. Why did I leave her alone? She asked me to leave, yes, but I knew she didn't mean that as well. She only said that in a fit of rage - I understood, but I couldn't bear seeing her so broken and there was nothing I could do. She wouldn't allow me come closer to her and that broke my heart...more than she would ever know. I left thinking she would calm
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Chapter Fifty-Eight
Third personEarly the next morning, Raj and Roshni went to the hospital together for Roshni's appointment. They were both equally excited and nervous at the same time and prayed for their child's safety. The doctor applied the cold gel on Roshni's stomach for the ultrasound examination and a visual image appeared on a screen. The doctor pointed at a peanut-like thing and told them it was their child, in the early stages of development. Roshni and Raj looked at the screen in awe and excitement. Seeing the image before them, they couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions.Overwhelmed with joy, Roshni and her partner exchanged glances, their hearts filled with love for the little life growing inside her.Roshni couldn't believe she really had a child growing inside her stomach. She knew she was pregnant, but seeing the little bundle of joy moving with her own eyes made her overjoyed and few drops of happy tears escaped her eyes, rolling down her flawless cheeks. Raj's gaze averted ba
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Chapter Fifty-Nine
RajveerHaving to take care of a pregnant wife was not easy. I always had to keep up with Roshni's constant mood swing. One minute she'd be jovial and all, the next, she'd get very irritated at even the slightest things I do, but I wasn't complaining, I totally understood it was her pregnancy hormones, so I always allowed her have her way. There were times when her mood swings would catch me off guard, and it could be challenging to navigate through those moments. However, I reminded myself that it was temporary and that she needed my support more than ever. I also constantly reminded myself to not take her irritability personally and instead, focus on being a source of comfort for her as it was what she needed the most. I also took time to educate myself about pregnancy and the various changes that occur during this time. This helped me understand what she was going through physically and emotionally, and it allowed me to be more empathetic towards her experiences.I emerged from t
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Chapter Sixty
RoshniI came back from school very exhausted and was about to go into our room and take a nap, when I heard my name being called. Mum wanted to talk- no, reprimand me for something I didn't do. Probably. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Good afternoon, mum." I greeted. Why did she call me - I wondered, because she had been avoiding me since I came back to the house. What changed?"Follow me to my room, we need to talk." she commanded, before walking away. I hoped I was not in trouble with her. I trailed behind her and stopped at the entrance of her room. I was having second thoughts about going in. She motioned for me to come in and I did, with a bit of reluctance. "How are you?" She asked, startling me a bit. Was she asking me how I was? Raj's mum?? The last time I checked, she had a strong dislike for me. "Fine, I guess..." I trailed off."You must be wondering why I want to speak to you, aren't you?" She asked with a straight face."I am," I answered, curtly. What
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