All Chapters of The Billionaire Who Saved Me: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
149 Chapters
Strategy 1
Farrah fell silent. For the words Elice spoke to her, she had never expected. It she wondered in her mind. Was this really Elice standing before her? Because it didn't seem like the Elice she knew.But wait. It was weak, until Elice wasn't sure if it was a shake. Although in reality Farrah was shaking her head. She refused to admit that she had experienced something similar before.On Elice and Garrett's wedding day. Farrah wouldn't forget that. But Farrah had thought that maybe there was a euphoria of happiness that caused Elice to act out of character for her."I won't let you hurt me again," Elice said as she hugged her still slim belly. "Nor my child."And maybe Elice didn't realize that she had changed until now. But not with Farrah. For when something happened more than once, it was clearly no coincidence. Instead, it was certainty."You...""I will risk everything to protect my child. I will never lose a second time."That look felt like a stab to Farrah's heart. Maybe Elice's
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Strategy 2
It was a peaceful morning. Elice, feeling refreshed, decided to work. Garrett did not mind, but he made sure to remind Elice not to push herself too hard.With Elice and Garrett out of the house, only Norah, Wilda and Farrah remained. Three middle-aged women who could never sit together for long. So, it was not surprising when Farrah soon appeared, leaving Norah and Wilda behind.Alone, Farrah did not seem like her usual self at that moment. Something was on her mind, and Farrah knew exactly what it was."What am I going to do? Elice and Garrett clearly suspect me."Farrah should not be surprised that Elice and Garrett suspected her. She could not keep a straight face in front of them. Besides, her high ego often caused her to lose control, sometimes unconsciously expressing sarcastic remarks or attitudes."I'm sure Teddy can handle Elice. But I need to know what's going on in this house. And after Yocelyn failed, who else can I trust?"Farrah walked slowly, trying to find a way out.
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"How was it?"Garrett received a direct question as he opened the door, and Elice greeted his arrival with a visibly uncomfortable expression.Not at the Morales residence, Garrett and Elice were in the apartment. It had been Elice's home before she officially became Garrett's wife.Garrett closed the door and motioned for Elice to sit down. He could feel her hands trembling and sweat dampening his palms.Garrett took a deep breath and looked at Elice. He nodded, anticipating the answer Elice had already guessed."Just as we suspected. Aunt Farrah bugged our house."Elice had indeed suspected something was up, especially when Garrett came to her office and invited her to lunch. It wasn't just an ordinary lunch invitation. Instead, Garrett had deliberately arranged a meeting, making sure they would meet at the apartment after she returned home.While Elice suspected something was up, she didn't expect her house to be bugged. Elice had never imagined Farrah would go to such lengths."So
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Reflection 1
"How's Nana's accident case coming along?"Carolus answered Garrett's morning call with some unexpected news. "So far, the most likely possibility is that the driver will only be charged with negligent driving, sir," Carolus replied. "We haven't found any concrete evidence of a relationship between Mrs. Farrah and the driver."Garrett winced and stared at Carolus in pain. "Not even a little?"Carolus shook his head. "I apologize, sir."Garrett closed his eyes. He had not expected much from the beginning. After all, if Farrah could get away with it, didn't that prove she was clean? She could not have had a direct relationship with the driver.Of course not. She must have had an intermediary.There was a moment of silence. Garrett took a deep breath and reminded himself to stay calm. Acting hastily would only complicate the situation. He had to take a broader view of the situation. Try to find every possible loophole."Have you checked out the driver's family?""Not yet, sir," Carolus r
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Reflection 2
"Do you remember that orphanage visit you made with Nana and Mama before?""Yes. What about that?""It seems there's a similar event coming up soon. Do you know about it?""The opening of a new orphanage?""Exactly. But Amber told me this afternoon that the official invitation arrived at the office. And perhaps tomorrow or the day after, Mr. Carolus will meet with you."Oh dear. An orphanage. A charity event? Why were they discussing something so unimportant?It was Farrah who, before going back to sleep, reviewed the results of the day's conversation. At first, she thought she would learn something important. But what?"Elice? Why are you silent?""I-I..."Farrah's eyes widened dramatically as she faintly heard Elice's sobs from the other side. She sighed lazily."I remember Nana, Garrett. You know? When we visited the Harmony House orphanage, Nana told me."Farrah's body tensed. She wondered.What did Mama tell Elice?Strangely enough, Garrett was asking a similar question."What di
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"Get rid of?"When Ariel repeated the one-word Ruben had said, he suppressed a grin. His eyes showed disbelief, for it still seemed highly unlikely that Ariel would believe such information. That his mother had ordered the head of his household guards to kill Elice.Ruben lowered his head again and gave a slight nod that Ariel could barely see."Yes, sir."Ariel couldn't hold on any longer. His legs completely lost their strength and he fell onto the chair. Ruben lifted Ariel's face and the shock on the man's face was truly pitiful.For a moment no one spoke. Both Ariel and Ruben were silent. Ariel closed his eyes and felt his heart pounding inside of him. Heat and sweat immediately enveloped his entire body.Elice. No. Not Elice.Because Ariel would never forget what Farrah could and had done to Elice before. Farrah hadn't hesitated to intimidate Elice when she was pregnant with her baby. Not even the presence of the innocent creature in Elice's womb could soften Farrah's heart. And
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Reluctantly, Elice had to make a decision. It seemed difficult for her to balance her job and responsibilities while caring for the Morales family. Something had to give between the two. And it didn't take Elice long to make her decision.It might seem a bit unprofessional, considering that Elice was very new to Metro. Especially since she had just taken over the position of editor-in-chief. But unfortunately, Elice had no choice. She had to put aside the discomfort and guilt that was growing in her heart. She was forced to squander the trust Hollis had placed in her. The middle-aged man, who had been her mother's friend, had used his authority at Metro to facilitate Elice's work all along. This made Elice uncomfortable not only as a subordinate and a superior, but also for more personal reasons."I've made my decision, Garrett."As Elice helped Garrett straighten his tie that morning, she said it."What have you decided?" Garrett asked, lifting his face slightly to give Elice room to
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So Hard
Elice felt her body shake as she finished reading the message. Ariel? She had never expected this man to contact her again. After days of peaceful existence without Ariel's name, why should she receive another call and message from him?Momentarily stunned, Elice jumped in surprise when her phone rang again. As it showed the same number as before, it was undoubtedly Ariel calling Elice again.Would Elice answer the call? Reply to his message? Or even accept his invitation to meet?The answer was, of course, no.Because moments later, Elice took a deep breath. And without hesitation, she rejected the call. And without a second thought, she blocked Ariel's number.*Just like the last few days, Garrett couldn't concentrate on his work. At least not until he met Carolus, as usual. Hoping to get some good news. But what he got was just the opposite."I'm still trying, sir. But it seems Mrs. Farrah has anticipated all of this."Farrah was no newcomer to the dirty and cruel game. She had be
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When Garrett returned home from the office that afternoon, he found his wife standing by the window. Elice looked lost in thought, holding her phone in one hand.Closing the door behind him, perhaps because of Garrett's footsteps, finally jolted Elice out of her reverie. She turned to see Garrett's arrival and greeted him.Garrett looked down at the phone in Elice's hand. Somehow Garrett's instincts told him there was something there.Fortunately, it didn't take Garrett long to satisfy his curiosity. Without being asked, Elice showed Garrett her phone a moment later."This morning Ariel contacted me."Prefacing her explanation with this sentence proved to be effective in changing Garrett's expression. Surprise was clearly visible in Garrett's eyes."Ariel?" Garrett asked, making sure Elice hadn't accidentally mentioned someone else's name. "He contacted you?"Elice sighed deeply and nodded. She let Garrett take the phone and continued."He tried to contact me over twenty times. I happ
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It had been a few minutes since Ariel had left the office, but Farrah was still stunned by the questions that filled her mind."What's wrong with Ariel? He's never been like this before, has he? It's not like Ariel to visit his parents' house so often."The more Farrah thought about it, the more strange she felt. Especially since Ariel's recent visits coincided with her conversations with Teddy."Is he planning something?"Farrah wondered again; her thoughts interrupted by a knock at the door."Come in."It was Teddy, who had returned to meet Farrah. Seeing Farrah's troubled expression, Teddy asked, "What is it, madam?""It's nothing," Farrah replied quietly, shaking her head. "I'm just confused about Ariel's recent behavior."Since this was Farrah's only child, Teddy refrained from speaking. He remained silent until Farrah spoke again."I feel there's something strange about Ariel.""Strange?" Teddy asked, unsure. "Does that mean we need to change our plans, madam?"Farrah was silent
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