All Chapters of PAWNED TO THE BILLIONAIRE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
ELIZABETH'S POVI became frustrated that I chucked my phone onto the bed. I had been fruitlessly trying to get in touch with Aunty Lucy, but all my attempts seem to be in vain. Her calls were not answered and I wondered why. Even though I knew she had done something that cut the rope of friendship, I still couldn't bring myself to judge her based on that. After all, she's still my biological mother, and that's a fact I can't deny. In a fit of exasperation, I flung my body onto the bed, burying my face into the covers, trying to force myself to sleep so I could stop worrying about Aunty.My father had become adamant about severing ties with Aunty Lucy after her past missteps, but I couldn’t help but see a scared young woman in her. Fear could make people do horrible things, and even though her actions had been inexcusable.Just as I was about to finally drift off into sleep, my phone rang out, jolting me back awake. I scrambled to answer it, hoping that it might be Aunty Lucy on the l
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ELIZABETH'S POVAunty Lucy, now conscious, beamed with joy when she saw us. She couldn't let go of my hand as she grasped it tightly, tears streamed down her cheeks each time she looked at me. My mom and Uncle Stanley stood by her bedside, offering words of encouragement for her. Mr. Stanley, overcome with remorse, apologized for his previous intentions to divorce her and he vowed to remain by her side. To make Aunty Lucy feel relaxed, uncle Stanley started to crack jokes and the laughter gradually filled the room. I was also glad she had been distracted from her condition. I was jaw dropped when I saw my father standing in the ward doorway, his presence unexpected and surprising. Our laughter and mirth suddenly hushed as we all stared in disbelief. Just hours earlier, he had refused to accompany us, saying he would have nothing to do with Aunty Lucy again. And now here he was, standing before us, his face sober.My mother shared a confused glance with me, both of us struggling to
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ELIZABETH'S POVThe doctor' summons to Uncle Stanley’s office plunged me into a sea of restlessness. Despite my mom's pleadto take me home, I refused. I was adamant because I needed to stay and know what's wrong with my biological mother.As the minutes dragged on and the waiting room slowly emptied, my desperation to know the outcome of the meeting grew more intense. The uncertain future swirled around me like a turbulent storm, leaving me unmoored and desperate for answers.The agonizing wait began to take its toll on my father. He sat beside us, elbows propped on his thighs, his shoulders slumping forward. He mumbled words I couldn't hear and signed heavily at intervals. The seconds ticked by like hours, and with each passing moment, our hopes for good news dwindled. Uncle Stanley's protracted meeting with the doctor only added to the tension, as we remained in the dark, uncertain of our loved one's fate.Uncle Stanley's eventual return from the doctor's office was like a silent a
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Liam's POVI was summoned to the doctor's office as the only Lucy relative waiting behind in the hospital. I made a gentle knock on the doctor's office door and was met with a calm invitation to enter.The solemn atmosphere within was immediately apparent as the doctor's face remained serious and unsmiling. Hesitantly, I took the seat the doctor offered as I anxiously waited to hear the reason for the unexpected call."Please you will need to take heart, sir". He began. My heart rate accelerated as the doctor's words began to fall upon me like a heavy blanket, suffocating my already tenuous composure.I shifted in my seat, the sharp movement a reflection of the tumultuous thoughts racing through my mind. Could Lucy's condition have worsened or what could have happened to her?. My mind was a maelstrom of questions and fears, but I knew I had to maintain my composure so as to hear whatever the doctor had to say. "We tried our best, but I'm sorry to say…." He paused, his voice heavy w
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Elizabeth's POVLife, ever resilient, gently nudged the sorrow-laden days forward, carrying us all towards the light of healing. It had been two months since Aunty Lucy's departure, and the sadness, though still in our hearts, had softened with time. Uncle Stanley had woven himself into the fabric of our daily lives, his presence, once a cherished but occasional gift, now a frequent and welcome visitor.My father, his empathy brimming, remained unwavering in his support for Uncle Stanley. My dad made it a point to be present whenever Uncle Stanley showed signs of distress. He insisted on celebrating Uncle Stanley's birthday so he won't be thinking of his late wife because Aunty Lucy always celebrates his birthday every year. Today, as the early morning light filtered through the windows, I adorned myself for an upcoming celebration of Uncle Stanley’s birthday. The day promised to be a much needed respite from the shroud of sorrow that had weighed upon us all."Babe," my father calle
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ELIZABETH'S POVAfter the baffling encounter with the strange woman, I noticed my mom's expression shrouded in mystery after she had discretely pulled her aside for a hushed conversation. The stranger, having whispered her piece, departed with as much intrigue as she had arrived. This perplexing occurrence seemed to cast a shadow over my father's mood, his silence lingering throughout our return home like a dense fog that refused to dissipate.My father's temperament, an amalgamation of fierce protectiveness and simmering jealousy, stirred like a tempestuous sea within him. Perhaps it was the sweet nothings exchanged between my mother and the strange woman that suddenly changed his mood. For my father, any display of closeness between women was akin to a treacherous path, one he adamantly discouraged me from traversing. His aversion to female friendships for me was a riddle I had yet to decipher. As the car came to a halt, my father uncharacteristically alighted without performing h
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Elizabeth's POVMy heart was racing as I approached my father. "Dad," I said, my voice shaking slightly with nerves. He turned from his TV program and smiled at me. "How are you, darling?" he asked, his voice calm and gentle.I'm scared the conversation might not turn out well, but I had to push through the discomfort. I had become desperate to ask him why he had such a negative view of female relationships. To him, it seemed that any sign of closeness between women was automatically seen as lesbianism. I need to understand why he had been so judgmental and narrow minded.My mind raced for the right words, but my mouth remained stubbornly silent. I took a deep breath, willing the words to come out. "I'm fine, dad," I replied, my voice still slightly trembling. "I want to ask you something." I managed to say.My father seemed to sense the gravity of my words and adjusted his seat to face me directly. "Of course, sweetheart," he said, his brows slightly furrowed in concern. "What is it
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Asher's POVAs I reclined in the comfort of my room, my daughter, Elizabeth, hurriedly entered with a look of bewilderment etched on her face. "Mom". She said "There is someone at the door asking for you," she said her voice laced with perplexity. "It's a woman, and she looks like that strange aunty we met at Uncle Stanley's birthday party. I think it's that aunty Pearl". Her eyes, wide with surprise, revealed the flutter of curiosity that stirred within her.On hearing Pearl's name, panic gripped my soul, and I sprung from the bed with haste. A silent prayer ascended from my heart, a plea that it wasn't her after all. And as I dashed downstairs, my heart racing in anxious fear, I was thankful that Liam wasn't around. If Pearl had indeed graced my doorstep, Liam's presence would have ignited a storm of trouble.My feet carried me swiftly to the living room, where my worst fears were confirmed. Pearl was already sitting comfortably, her very presence an unwelcome enigma. How did she di
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Liam's heart rate spiked as he walked into the sitting room, stunned to find the very woman whose identity he had been clamoring for, chatting with Asher in their house. His jaw dropped as if the world had suddenly tilted on its axis.Standing up with a warm smile, Pearl greeted him, but Liam's response was chilly at best, sending an icy chill through the room. Asher, caught in the crossfire, found himself quickly whisked away upstairs by a visibly agitated Liam, leaving Pearl alone to contemplate the reasons behind Liam's coldness."What is she doing here, and remember you haven't told me who she is?" Liam said, his face stern."Baby, like I told you earlier, Pearl is my old friend. I had wanted to tell you what had transpired between us, but you've been so busy lately." Her words hung in the air as Liam absorbed their meaning, his expression a mix of confusion and suspicion."We had a terrible fight before graduation, which was why I reacted so poorly when I saw her." She lied, her
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Asher's POVMy hands were immersed in a sudsy mountain of laundry when my phone's beep rang out, signaling a new message. I glanced at my phone's screen and saw that the message that came in was from Pearl and it read "I need to discuss something very important with you, and I would like you to come to my house to discuss it."My mind whirred with possibilities as to what she could be talking about, nothing coming to mind that couldn't be discussed via text or call. Anxiously, I dialed her number to find out if it could be discussed over the phone. The call went unanswered at first, but my persistence paid off when Pearl finally picked up. There was no friendly greeting or small talk, only her urgent message, "I'll send you my home address. It's very serious please." She ended the call after that before I could even utter a word.My mind raced with questions as I rushed to finish my laundry, speeding through the last stages of my cleaning routine. As I started to dress, a text from P
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