All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 801 - Chapter 810
918 Chapters
Chapter 801
Just moments ago, the Millers discussed how to frame Henry and kick him out of the family. Suddenly, they received a call from Norman Steward. Twenty years ago, the Millers had a conflict with Norman during a real estate demolition project.Back then, the buildings in that area were already condemned, and all the other residents had received compensation and relocation funds and had left. However, Norman and his mother demanded an outrageous 3 million dollars for their 96-square-foot house.The person in charge of the demolition from the Millers was Victor. He resorted to threats, intimidation, and even cutting off water and electricity. However, Norman, a notorious thug, did not back down. Without their signatures, the project could not proceed.Unexpectedly, a storm destroyed the fragile house, and Norman's mother died in the collapse. Norman blamed the Millers for forcing them to stay in a dangerous house, leading to his mother's death. The Millers eventually paid 750,000 dollars
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Chapter 802
There was no solution other than protecting Lydia if she encountered a grandmaster. After all, skilled female bodyguards were hard to find. After all, a grandmaster would not engage in such vile activities.In the car, Maeve could not contain her excitement. "You're awesome, Henry! How are you so strong? It's incredible!"Her excitement caused her chest to heave noticeably. Henry glanced briefly and quickly looked away."Why aren't you talking? Who are you?""I'm just an ordinary person," Henry said calmly."No way! Come on! Tell me who you really are!"Maeve clung to Henry's right hand while his left hand held the steering wheel."Didn't Lydia tell you?" Henry asked."No.""Well, actually—"Henry was about to explain when his phone rang. He answered, "We're almost home, Grandpa Miller.""Good, hurry back! Lydia's in trouble," John said urgently."What happened?" Henry's expression changed drastically."She's been kidnapped. I'll explain everything when you get here," John s
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Chapter 803
Henry was extremely anxious. After getting out of the car, he quickly entered the mansion.At that moment, John and others were already waiting at the door. As soon as they saw Henry, they rushed to greet him as if he were a superstar."Thank goodness! You're finally here, Henry!"They completely forgot about their earlier conversation. Just before they received Norman's call, they had been discussing how to frame Henry."Henry, Lydia is your wife. You must save her," Jennifer urgently pleaded, trying to ensure Henry would not back out."Don't worry, I'll do everything possible," Henry replied. He had no time to consider Jennifer's motives. He then turned to John and asked, "What happened? Tell me everything in detail."John quickly explained the grudges and the situation."So, you're saying the kidnappers called and told you not to call the police or seek outside help. They want 75 million dollars to be transferred to their overseas account," Henry said."Yes, 75 million dolla
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Chapter 804
Norman almost exploded in anger when he heard Henry's voice. He said coldly, "Who do you think you are to talk to me? Let the old man talk.""No," Henry replied coldly."From now on, I'll represent Mr. Miller. My words are his words. But of course, if you don't want the money, you can ignore me.""Are you threatening me?"John Miller, get over here now if you care about your granddaughter's life!" Norman shouted.John was nervous and was about to speak to defuse the situation, but Henry cut in and warned coldly, "He won't be dealing with you from now on. Talk to me directly."And let me make this clear—if my wife is harmed, even just a little scratch, you won't see a single cent.""Arrogant fool! Who do you think you are? I'll harm her right now and then storm the Miller Mansion for the money," Norman fumed.That sounded like his usual approach, but his senior brother, Keith Murry, had warned against it. The Millers were not as simple as they seemed.No one knew what could hap
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Chapter 805
"No problem, but where should we find you?" Henry wanted to know that the most. He could make many arrangements if he knew the location in advance.Unfortunately, Norman was not that foolish. He said, "Just follow my instructions, and you'll find the place."But remember, I don't want to see anyone other than you two.""If I find out you're bringing someone else, I'll immediately kill Lydia. The old man should know me well enough. I'm a man of my word.""There won't be anyone else following us," Henry assured. Clearly, Norman was well-prepared, so Henry decided to handle it himself. Continuous injuries had affected Henry greatly of late. If his enemy was powerful, even a master, it could be disastrous.However, it was unlikely that a master would do such things."Alright, get in the car now and wait for my call. I'll tell you where to go."Henry agreed and said, "Is the money ready, Grandpa Miller? Bring everything we need for the transfer. Let's go now.""It's all ready to go.
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Chapter 806
Even though Lydia looked pale and frightened, Norman could not help but silently marvel at her beauty."So beautiful!" Norman approached, bent down, and removed the cloth from her mouth."What—what do you want to do?" Lydia was terrified, her face filled with fear. The lustful look in his eyes scared her even more. She would rather die if he ever laid his hand on her. She could only accept Henry to touch her.She had tried calling for help earlier but quickly realized that the place was likely abandoned and isolated, rendering her cries useless. At that moment, all she could think about was Henry. He would definitely save her. However, Henry's martial skills would not help as she was held hostage. Moreover, they had made it clear that John had to go there alone."Why are you so scared?" Norman said."I'm quite handsome despite my age. If you agree, I can take you to Islehaven. It's beautiful there, and we can live a happy life together."Lydia was horrified and angrily retorted,
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Chapter 807
Lydia felt increasingly hopeless as she heard the conversation. They were not going to let her go.They were so formidable, and Henry might not be able to match them even without her being held hostage.She had witnessed Keith in action before—it was almost like teleportation. How could John possibly save her?Seeing Lydia's fearful expression, Keith approached with an evil smile and said menacingly, "Your grandfather will be here soon. You better be obedient. Otherwise, I'll make sure you endure the most brutal punishment."Spit!Initially, Lydia was filled with anger and despair upon hearing his words. She spat at him, thinking it might be better if they just killed her outright to prevent them from harming her grandfather or even Henry."You're asking for it!" Keith shouted.Norman was shocked at her display of disrespect. Keith was ruthless, and he would not tolerate such humiliation. He stepped forward and slapped Lydia across the face, causing her to collapse immediately,
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Chapter 808
They did not go to some remote wilderness but arrived at an abandoned factory, which was quite spacious and conveniently deserted, making it hard to be discovered.After exiting the car, John quickly tore off the blindfold covering his eyes and immediately assessed the surroundings."Where's my granddaughter, and where's Norman?" he asked urgently."What's the rush? I'm here."Norman emerged with a cold smile, dragging Lydia along with him effortlessly in one hand. Although Lydia was a hostage, they did not threaten her. They were confident that Henry and John could not take anyone away.When Norman and Lydia appeared, Henry's gaze swiftly swept over them. He immediately noticed the finger marks on Lydia's face.He also noticed the blood on Lydia's lips and her slightly disheveled clothing.Henry was furious and decided to summon his vital energy to kill them, even if it would cause significant harm to his body.John's face was also grim as he anxiously asked, "What have you do
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Chapter 809
John prepared to transfer the money without hesitation, as Norman had been very cooperative. He even released Lydia before they paid the ransom.Keith looked satisfied with John's cooperation, too. Despite being rich, 75 million dollars was still a considerable amount of money for John. Furthermore, catching such a stunning woman was a significant achievement. Keith's future would be promising if his senior brother was satisfied.However, at that moment, Henry suddenly said,"Hold on!"John was slightly taken aback and stopped.Keith's face darkened, and he angrily retorted, "I've already given you what you want. Are you trying to pull something?""I'm not trying to pull anything. Do you remember what I said earlier?" Henry's expression turned cold.Keith inexplicably felt a shock but quickly cursed himself internally, wondering how he could be scared by Henry's gaze."Of course," he replied coldly."Then you should know she must not be harmed."I told you, if she suffers eve
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Chapter 810
It might take Keith a while to get John to transfer the money.John's face changed completely. He was shocked and angry as he asked,"I can give you the money. Why do you have to do that?""It's because your granddaughter is so pretty that we all fancy her," one of the men replied.Keith could not be bothered to delay any longer and said, "Leave the old man and kill that kid!"When Norman heard Keith's instruction, he laughed maliciously and said, "You brought that upon yourself."And let me tell you, it was me who slapped her. Also, her clothes were disheveled because I intended to rape her."Henry's demeanor turned icy cold instantly. He had been slowly gathering his inner strength to deal with Keith, but his strength surged abruptly at that moment. Despite the apparent strain on his body, he said coldly, "I'll make sure you pray for death today!""Arrogant fool! I can kill dozens of trash like you in minutes."Even though Norman sensed something was off, he was unafraid of He
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