All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 831 - Chapter 840
914 Chapters
Chapter 831
"Henry, get the hell out here right now, you fucking idiot!"Jennifer yelled angrily and quickly went after her daughter. Then John saw Lydia return with a face full of sorrow and pain. He pretended not to know and asked, "What happened, Lydia? What's going on?"Jennifer hurried back and shouted angrily, "That damned Henry! How could he do such a thing to Lydia and with Maeve no less?""What?!" William was shocked and furious. "Are you saying Henry is in there with Maeve?"Jennifer nodded."How dare he do this to my daughter?! I'll kill him!" William was enraged."Enough!" John stopped William. "Calm down. Let's get the facts straight first. Jennifer, are you sure?""Yes!" Jennifer replied angrily. "This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been here. No wonder Henry got drunk so easily; it was all on purpose.""And what about Maeve?" John asked with concern."I don't know. But she was pinned down by Henry. She's weak. How could she have fought back?"Jennifer fumed. "I've al
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Chapter 832
No one could fight that grandmaster. Henry had just risked his life to save the Millers but was trapped by them. Lydia would also not trust him at all again.Henry felt exhausted.However, he still held onto a sliver of hope. He ignored the Millers and asked, "Lydia, if I told you I was drugged today, would you believe me?""Drugged?""What are you trying to say? Are you accusing us of drugging you?" Jennifer got agitated immediately."Stop making baseless accusations," John said coldly."I've treated you well, yet you dare to slander us!"Do you think I would do such a thing, Lydia?""Yes, Lydia, you know how much I care for Maeve. I would never let her suffer like this. She's always been obedient and close to you. She wouldn't lie about this. Let's ask her.""No need!" Lydia cut in firmly."Henry, stop trying to sow discord between us. My parents might do so, but not Grandpa. And Maeve would never do something like this."And you've been involved with other women more than
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Chapter 833
In the following time, no one spoke to Henry, except for John, who asked if he had all his documents on him.Henry kept all his important documents with him since he had a unique space that others did not have.Lydia stayed with John and did not say a word to Henry. Jennifer went inside to be with Maeve, who came out shortly after.Maeve glanced at Henry, who happened to look at her. Her expression trembled, but thankfully, Henry did not ask any questions.Even though Jennifer had repeatedly instructed her, Maeve feared she might have revealed the truth if questioned.Maeve walked over to Lydia and called her softly.Lydia glanced at her coldly and did not say a word.Maeve felt guilty and regretful. However, it was too late to back out then. She could not afford to lose all the effort if Lydia refused to marry into the Trumans in Aurelia.About an hour later, several staff members from the Civil Affairs Bureau arrived with the necessary equipment and materials. As they entered
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Chapter 834
Lydia stopped Henry and walked over, speaking coldly, "Don't you have anything to say to me?""We're divorced. What's there to say?" Henry replied."Good. From now on, we've nothing to do with each other," Lydia said coldly."Don't worry. I won't show up in front of you anymore," Henry responded, then left without hesitation.His stride was slightly different from the usual; he had a faint tremble. Only one who looked close enough would notice.He never imagined they would reach that point, but since they had, maybe the divorce was for the best.His opponents were becoming increasingly terrifying, possibly even peak-stage grandmasters. He could not handle them and had not found a quick way to recover his power.Who knew when he might meet his end?As Henry left, Lydia could not no longer hold back her suppressed pain, and tears fell like rain. She struggled to stifle her sobs, making her silent crying even more heart-wrenching.John felt deeply sorrowful as he saw Lydia was in
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Chapter 835
Lydia vented her feelings, from Lewis to Eric and Peter—the threats she faced became increasingly terrifying and dangerous. Things would not have escalated if it had not been for her family, who had pushed her repeatedly.She received a call from Peter that day. He expected to see her in Aurelia within three days, or else he would destroy the Millers.He also said Henry would meet a tragic end.Previously, John had pretended to be Peter to intimidate her, but Lydia had received a genuine threat from Peter.Peter had grown impatient. Initially, he intended to win her over with his charm and power, but he changed his mind after a few calls from John. He threatened her instead so he could have Lydia immediately without marrying her.That was the main reason Lydia rushed back home to discuss things with her family and figure things out.She knew that no matter how powerful and terrifying the opponent was, Henry would never let go, and she needed to find a way to protect him. Otherwis
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Chapter 836
Lydia would delay as long as possible. She would rather die for the sake of Henry, rather than give herself to Peter.As for the Millers, she had done enough; their fate would be in the hands of destiny.John's face darkened as Lydia's hysterical accusations rang out. He remained silent, questioning his decisions.However, he quickly reassured himself that he was not wrong; Lydia was too young and naive to understand what she truly needed. She would appreciate his well-meaning efforts once she married into the Trumans.He did all that for her own good.Lydia's mother was taken aback by the harsh words but soon retorted angrily, "What do you mean? It's you and that shameless good-for-nothing, always boasting and offending others. We wouldn't have had so many troubles if it weren't because of him. Why are you blaming us now?""We've done all this for your own good. It's fine if you don't understand that, but you can't blame us!"William chimed in sternly, "You're wrong, Lydia. You
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Chapter 837
Mike grabbed Lydia's hand and said, "Don't listen to them. Let's go find Henry!"Jennifer was furious. She could not believe that Mike had also been deceived by Henry. She remembered Mike being fooled last time and humiliated himself by trying to please Henry."Mike, stop right there!" Jennifer shouted angrily.Mike ignored Jennifer's command and insisted on finding Henry. However, Lydia shook her head and said, "We've already divorced. No point in finding him now.""But—" Mike wanted to argue."Enough," Lydia said, then walked straight to her room, leaving everyone behind.She could no longer hold back her tears once she got in her room. All her suppressed pain and despair poured out in that moment.After a while, Lydia sat up and took out the jade pendant she had always treasured. She recalled Little Beggar again. For some reason, whenever she faced difficulties, she would look at the pendant as if it gave her strength and courage.However, the pain and despair were too overw
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Chapter 838
Mike left angrily as well. Perhaps he had been through a lot; he was much more mature then. He was very different from before. He realized the change in himself and felt very grateful to Henry. He would only take Henry as his brother-in-law regardless.Jennifer was helpless and decided to take things slowly. She believed Henry's true nature would be exposed one day. The most important thing was for Lydia to move on from Henry and be with Peter.The Millers would indeed rise if it ever happened.After leaving the Miller Mansion, Henry got into the car and noticed Jensen. Surprised, he said, "You've been waiting here all this time?""I noticed you weren't in good shape, so I stayed here. Besides, cultivating can be done anywhere," Jensen replied, never forgetting his cultivation."You're very observant." Henry sighed as he thought about his own condition."You don't look well, Mr. Truman. Did something happen?" Jensen asked."Nothing big," Henry replied. He could not believe such
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Chapter 839
Henry hung up and said calmly, "Back to Paradise One.""Yes, sir!" Jensen responded and started the car, but he was worried. He had never seen Henry in such a state since he knew the man.Once they were back, Henry tried various methods to recover his condition quickly. However, after two hours of attempts, no progress was made, and it turned even worse.He realized he might need to call the Elder Master of Golden Liberty to see if he had any solutions. The situation was dire, and he needed to regain his strength quickly.Just then, his phone rang. He answered it even though it was an unknown number.It was Maeve calling him to apologize."What is it?" Henry frowned and asked coldly."I'm sorry, today I—""There's no need to talk about it," Henry said."No matter what, I have to apologize. I didn't mean it; I had no choice.""Doesn't matter. You were the one who suffered. That's it. Don't contact me again; I don't want to see you," Henry said and hung up immediately. His good
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Chapter 840
Any ordinary man would find it impossible to endure all that.However, Lydia had not realized her mother had drugged Henry so heavily. Even though she found out everything, there was nothing she could do. She was helpless and hopeless about the Trumans."I'm sorry, Lydia!" Maeve apologized again."I'll explain everything to him," Maeve said."No need," Lydia replied."I don't want to be with him anymore.""Is it because of the Trumans?" Maeve asked."Partly," Lydia said."Have you considered that maybe Henry can protect you from the Trumans?" Maeve asked."Impossible! You have no idea how terrifying the Trumans are. He can't fight them."Lydia shook her head, stood up, and left the room, her eyes filled with despair. She hoped Henry could live well and marry a good woman so he would not suffer because of her.At the same time, six men in black were approaching Paradise One. The leader moved with a mysterious agility."It's here, Master of Ghost Gate!" one of the men whisper
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