All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 901 - Chapter 910
922 Chapters
Chapter 901
Lydia quickly stepped forward and said, "Henry, if you leave now, they won't be able to catch you. Please, go."That startled the others, especially Jennifer, who immediately grew anxious and exclaimed, "No! If he leaves, who will take responsibility for this? He can't leave!""Yes, he's the main troublemaker in this whole affair. He mustn't leave.""No, he can't leave. We must stop him!""You hear that, Henry? You can't leave!" John said sternly.Henry chuckled lightly and said, "I heard you, but I'm still leaving. Who among you can stop me?"His words left everyone speechless, and John looked highly embarrassed, realizing they could do nothing."Hmph, a bunch of idiots!" Henry retorted."Why would I even show up here if I wanted to leave?"Henry's cold reprimand silenced everyone, leaving them awkward and embarrassed. Despite their embarrassed expressions, they felt relieved knowing Henry was there to stand up against that.However, Lydia grew anxious. She did not want to d
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Chapter 902
Upon hearing that, everyone from the Millers felt even more terrified. They would undoubtedly meet a grim fate if no one intervened and saved them.However, Henry smiled and replied, "So what?""What do you mean? Do you even realize the trouble you've caused?" Jess rolled her eyes helplessly."I do. The Trumans and the Ivory Unicorn—indeed, it's quite a mess," Henry acknowledged calmly."Then why are you so relaxed?" Jess shook her head."Although I dislike you, I support you in this matter."Would you like me to try to help you?" Her statement left everyone momentarily stunned.Everyone was initially puzzled by Jess seeking out Henry. They quickly deduced that the two must know each other.Also, they finally understood how Henry had gotten wind of the situation ahead of time.They had initially assumed Henry had some powerful connections to know in advance. That connection seemed to be an ordinary police officer.Yet, that seemingly ordinary officer claimed she could help.
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Chapter 903
As Jess left, the Millers fell into fear and despair once again, especially as heavily armed forces surrounded them within moments.The mansion was completely locked down, with no way out."Dad, what do we do now?" Jennifer was terrified as her face paled."We'll face the music. Luckily, Mike isn't here. Hopefully, he's safe," John said."Are we really going to die?" Jennifer was genuinely scared.She looked at Henry, who seemed calm and collected. Despite her doubts about him, she could not help but plead, "Henry, you've got to find a way to save us."People often underestimated Henry, but sometimes he could surprise them.Henry shook his head. Jennifer had always looked down on him, yet she had asked for his help."Are you kidding?""No, I'm serious.""Maybe I've wronged you in the past. But don't worry. If we can get through this, I'll support you and Lydia in getting back together," Jennifer said."Yeah, Henry, as long as we're safe, the Millers will support you two reun
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Chapter 904
That was definitely a cry for trouble.Garrett had never been so publicly insulted. He angrily said, "How dare you insult me, kid? I don't waste my time on nameless punks. State your name!""I'm Henry Truman, and I don't bother with nameless dogs either," Henry replied coldly.Henry did think people should be revered as sacred, given their role in protecting the country. Yet there they were, mobilizing so many to deal with Henry for the sake of Peter, which he found utterly disrespectful."You're courting death!" Garrett erupted in anger.However, he quickly calmed down and sneered, "So, you're here, Henry. You've saved me the trouble of hunting you down."He was not afraid of Henry's so-called martial arts. He believed Peter lost to Henry because his strength was accumulated based on external resources rather than his own cultivation.Peter likely exaggerated Henry's strength to cover up his embarrassing loss. Such a young man could not be a grandmaster.Garrett had never hear
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Chapter 905
Upon hearing Henry's question, Garrett's expression changed subtly. He had mobilized out of concern that dealing with Henry under normal circumstances might not suffice.Unfortunately, Brice was abroad on business and could only return after a few days. Otherwise, they would not have acted so hastily, and Garrett would not have led the charge.If Brice had intervened personally, there would be no room for error.However, Garrett reacted swiftly, stating coldly, "Nonsense! We're here today because we received orders from the higher-ups. The Millers harbor a highly dangerous fugitive who threatens our country's security anytime.""You claimed to arrest me for public assault. How did I suddenly turn into a threat to the country?"Will I be accused of threatening the world, endangering the universe in the next second?"Henry's tone dripped with sarcasm."Nonsense!" Garrett's expression remained icy."I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. You'll spill everything once you'
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Chapter 906
"I think my odds are pretty good. I'd even say 100 percent," Henry said calmly and confidently.The people around him were left speechless.Garrett was baffled, unsure how to respond to such boldness. He thought that Henry was completely off his rocker. He clearly had not seen the terrifying power of a late-stage grandmaster."Or perhaps you'd like Ivory Unicorn to come here, and we can test that," Henry suggested casually."Stop being so cocky; you're digging your own grave!" Garrett snapped angrily, infuriated that he could not match Henry's power."It was the Trumans who had dug their own graves," Henry said coldly, thinking of the orphanage incident."A ruthless and cunning family that knows no bounds—I doubt they even deserve to exist.""You're asking for it!" Garrett exploded in rage."Everyone, aim for Henry! Wait for my command!"All guns were loaded and trained in Henry's direction in no time."No!" Lydia's face went pale with fright, but she immediately rushed in fr
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Chapter 907
Everyone was stunned. Henry dared to be so bold at that critical moment. No matter how strong he was, there was no way he could stand up to so many guns.Meanwhile, everyone was curious about the token and what it meant.Garrett seethed with anger at being called a lapdog, yet Henry's audacity made him feel strangely nervous, especially when he revealed that token.Garrett recognized the token—it was the Master of Golden Liberty Token.While most people might not recognize it, he could not be wrong. Besides, no one would dare to fake it, as it was the most powerful organization other than the Supreme Defenders."What—what is this?" Garrett hesitated to confirm."The Master of Golden Liberty Token," Henry said coldly.Garrett's face paled. Henry's power was far beyond Garrett's expectations. He had heard that the new Master of Golden Liberty was a young man; it made sense then.The other people had no idea what the Master of Golden Liberty Token was. They had heard of the Golden
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Chapter 908
Lydia was utterly stunned.She had been fooled before; she had stumbled upon the truth.She had seriously misunderstood him before, and with such a noble status, he had been continuously insulted by her parents.Maeve was even more excited. She knew Henry's identity was not simple, which was why those people had previously feared him so much.Henry glared at Garrett and said, "You mean that you can do whatever you want if I'm not the Master of Golden Liberty?""Of course not, I—I was just following orders," Garrett hurriedly said."Whose orders? The Trumans?" Henry asked.Garret remained silent. He could not say he was following the orders of the Trumans. After all, the Trumans were not his boss.It was clear that Garrett's actions were wrong under normal circumstances, but facing scrutiny from someone of equal power made it even more evident.Just as Henry was about to speak again, Garrett's phone rang. His expression changed when he saw the caller, and he quickly answered th
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Chapter 909
Jennifer quickly responded, "Henry, I was completely wrong before, way off the mark!"I've misunderstood you all along. You can scold me, hit me, whatever. Just don't blame Lydia. After all, we pushed her into this.""Exactly! Lydia has always been on your side. We, as parents, just let our thoughts run wild; too many misunderstandings on our part. Please accept my apology to you as well," William said.Henry was taken aback; it felt familiar somehow.He shook his head gently and replied, "First and foremost, I've never blamed Lydia.""Good to hear; good to hear." Jennifer and William nodded happily.It seemed a remarriage was on the cards."But Lydia and I are divorced now. I can't just cling to the Millers anymore.""You're both single now—a perfect time for a remarriage," Jennifer hurriedly said."Yeah, you two are a perfect match. It'd be a waste not to get together," William said."I think tomorrow's a good day. You two should get married early in the morning," William a
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Chapter 910
Henry remained calm and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it.""You still blame me, don't you?" John chuckled bitterly."I swear to support you being with Lydia from now on," he declared."So will I; so will I," Jennifer quickly said."And me!" William chimed in immediately.Lydia smiled wryly, though inwardly happy that no one could stop her from being with Henry anymore.Henry shook his head inwardly as his phone rang. After listening to the call, his face darkened slightly."Chansey!"As he ended the call, he suddenly called out.Chansey had been nearby all along, ready to assist Henry due to her concern for his safety and her decent skills. Her father had assured her that Henry was the Master of Golden Liberty, and she had not needed to worry.As the situation was nearly resolved, she was about to leave.Unexpectedly, Henry had been aware of her presence and called her out.She hesitated for a moment before approaching him and saying, "I just came to check on you. I'm glad
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