All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 1061 - Chapter 1070
1072 Chapters
Chapter 1061
Throughout the night, Imogen wrestled with unease, her thoughts consumed by Jasper's potential discomfort.Restlessly shifting in bed, she couldn't help but reach for her phone to check on Jasper."Jasper, are you okay? Maybe we should head into town and find a hotel."Jasper responded tersely, "I'm tougher than you give me credit for. If everyone else can sleep, so can I."Imogen pressed on. "But you're not used to staying in such an old room, and the bed is tiny. Besides, my dad snores."Jasper replied with a laughing emoji, its hand covering its mouth. "Dad's already snoring away. But this place isn't bad at all. I'm fine, really—don't worry about me. I can get used to sleeping here."When I was younger, I used to go with my dad on wilderness trips for training. I once slept on the grass in the rain all night and was perfectly fine the next day. It's no big deal."Imogen asked, "Should we reveal your identity to my parents tomorrow?"Jasper queried, "Will those relatives sti
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Chapter 1062
"Will your mom be okay with this?" Jasper asked, his expression tinged with concern.Imogen hesitated, not wanting to spoil the moment so soon. "I don't think she'll mind."A tender smile spread across Jasper's lips against the backdrop of the romantic, tranquil night. Unable to resist, he gently wrapped his arm around Imogen's shoulder and leaned in to kiss her.Imogen closed her eyes nervously, her lips slightly parting in anticipation.Just as Jasper was about to kiss her, his phone suddenly rang.Startled, Imogen opened her eyes.Jasper frowned, impatiently retrieving his phone to glance at the caller ID.Upon seeing Yulia's name, he swiftly declined the call.As Imogen noticed Yulia's name on the screen, a shadow passed over her expression. Despite this, she pretended not to notice, her lips tightening slightly as she looked up at the moon.After rejecting the call, Jasper quickly set his phone down. He had hoped to pick up where they left off, but the romantic mood had s
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Chapter 1063
Jasper ended the call and returned to sit beside Imogen. Letting out a soft sigh, he glanced at her expression.She seemed unconcerned.Jasper didn't dwell on it. After all, it was simply a business matter.He briefly explained, "We have a new artist who recently signed with the company. She's struggling with depression and is quite emotionally unstable."Imogen was aware of Star Enterprise's subsidiary in film and television.Nevertheless, she hadn't anticipated an artist under their management becoming involved with Jasper, the prominent CEO.Imogen playfully teased, "You must be quite the busy CEO, managing Star Enterprise with its vast reach across multiple industries. It seems like you're a master multitasker, keeping an eye on every single employee!"Jasper furrowed his brow, gazing at Imogen for a moment before catching the undertone in her words. "Imogen, I sense a hint of sarcasm in your comment."Imogen pursed her lips, forcing a strained smile as she gazed up at the
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Chapter 1064
Carol's voice was fraught with anger. "If he truly is General Morrison's son, then you're certainly marrying into a different world! How could this possibly end well? Have his parents been informed? What do they think?""We didn't inform them earlier. They just found out," Imogen replied calmly.Carol's fury intensified upon hearing this. She slapped Imogen's arm in frustration, shouting, "You foolish child! How could you disrespect the Morrison family like this!"Imogen winced, holding her arm in pain. Jasper became concerned and swiftly embraced Imogen, shielding her protectively. He addressed Carol with a serious tone, "Mom, let's discuss this calmly. There's no need for physical aggression."Startled by Jasper's firmness, Carol quickly stepped back, her voice now timid. "I'm sorry! I... I'll speak calmly, I promise. Please... please don't be upset."Jasper couldn't help but detect the anxiety and caution in Carol's tone.Despite being Jasper's parents-in-law, Gregory and Ca
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Chapter 1065
"Mom," Imogen said with a hint of frustration, "You shouldn't jump to conclusions about people."Carol's anger flared at Imogen's words. She retorted sharply, "I've lived longer than you! What could you possibly know?"Feeling resigned, Imogen replied, "Mom, we've reached this point. Whether you accept it or not, we have to move forward."Carol laughed in exasperation, her fists clenched. "How can we not accept it? You've married into a prestigious and wealthy family. We should be ecstatic."But, Imogen, have you seen those female celebrities? They have fame, fortune, and prestigious careers. Yet even after marrying into wealthy families, they still face constant scrutiny!"Some end up doing menial tasks for their mothers-in-law. Do you really think these affluent households can't hire someone for such duties?"It all comes down to social status. If you don't come from a similar background, you'll always feel inferior in your husband's family!"Jasper remained silent as he obser
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Chapter 1066
The meeting between the families was set for the following day.Gregory and Carol approached this occasion with profound apprehension, viewing it as highly significant.They woke up early in the morning and meticulously prepared themselves, investing their entire savings into purchasing gifts for the meeting.They felt a modest gift might not be sufficient, concerned that Nathan and Mila might not find it impressive. After careful thought, they settled on the most luxurious dietary supplements available.They purchased a jar of high-end vitamins worth hundreds of dollars, along with several other expensive supplements like propolis, fish oil, and probiotics.They also visited the hair salon for new hairstyles and bought what they deemed the most fashionable clothes and shoes.By noon, Gregory and Carol returned home.Jasper and Imogen were both frantically searching for them.Upon seeing Gregory and Carol in their new attire, sporting stylish hairstyles, and carrying expensive
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Chapter 1067
Imogen quickly cleared her throat and reassured Mila, "It's okay, Mom. Your urgent matters come first. We can always arrange another meeting in the future.""Please, let me apologize to your parents personally," Mila insisted.Feeling flustered, Imogen replied, "No, really, there's no need for apologies... I'll explain everything to them. I'm sure they'll understand."Mila persisted, "That doesn't feel quite right."Imogen couldn't fathom allowing someone as prominent as Mila to apologize to Gregory and Carol.After all, it was Imogen and Jasper's oversight for not informing Gregory and Carol of the correct meeting time, resulting in a three-hour delay.Burdened with guilt, Imogen couldn't bring herself to let Mila apologize to Gregory and Carol.She reassured Mila firmly, "It's really not necessary."In her rush to leave, Mila didn't insist further. "Next time, we'll make sure to visit them in person."Imogen held back from further comment.After bidding farewell, she glance
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Chapter 1068
In the company, Imogen's colleagues began to see her in a new light, and her superior started to appreciate her efforts more.Her work life became smooth and satisfying.As for her family life, Imogen felt it was complicated.On one hand, she felt happy. Jasper treated her exceptionally well, with tenderness and care, always showering her with love.On the other hand, there were signs of discontent. Her parents didn't approve of her marriage and constantly worried about her, fretting over every little thing,Then there was Yulia, a somewhat famous internet celebrity, who had been contacting Jasper more frequently.She called him almost every day.According to Jasper, they were discussing business matters, but Imogen couldn't help feeling bothered by it.The more time she spent with Jasper, the more her feelings grew. The deeper her love for him, the more she cared. The more she cared, the more it hurt.She was afraid to imagine how heartbroken she would be if she fell deeply i
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Chapter 1069
Imogen just nodded without saying anything else.She felt utterly exhausted as if this was the price she had to pay for marrying into a wealthy family."What's wrong?" Jasper asked worriedly.Imogen shook her head. She replied as she forced a smile, "Nothing."With that she ended the call, leaving Jasper puzzled.She seemed fine, but he sensed she was unhappy.He could feel the pressure she was under, her inability to integrate into his family, and her reluctance to open her heart to him. It felt like there was a growing distance between them.The more he thought about it, the more it bothered him. He took out his phone and called Nolan Gibson."Hey, Jay, what's up?" Nolan asked.Jasper walked to the balcony and asked, "Was it you who came to my house to get some things today?""No, why?""Then who was it?" Jasper asked nervously.Nolan replied, "It was my sister. She knew I needed to get some stuff from your place today and insisted on doing it herself. She took the key fr
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Chapter 1070
Imogen quickly shook her head and said, "No, I met Yulia."Jasper asked, "What did she say to you?"Imogen sighed in relief. She smiled as she said, "Nothing much, just some ambiguous words that could easily be misunderstood."Jasper gently rubbed her fair and soft hand. He said slowly, "So, you were bothered by it but didn't tell me?"Imogen fell silent, feeling conflicted.Jasper was disappointed. He said, "We've only been married for a short time, but we are a real couple now. "When you agreed to this blind date and quick marriage, wasn't it to find a good man and live a stable life? Where has your confidence in marriage gone?"Imogen gave a bitter smile. She responded, "I wanted to find someone of similar status, but I ended up marrying into a wealthy family.""Isn't it good that your life has improved?""Of course," Imogen said with a genuine smile.Jasper looked into her eyes affectionately, though he was resigned.Imogen didn't understand why he was looking at her li
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