All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 691 - Chapter 700
1040 Chapters
Chapter 691
Sienna and Jane rode together on the electric scooter, feeling the gentle breeze brushing against them.Sitting behind Jane, Sienna wore a heavy expression. Her eyes still showed traces of tears as she gazed at the passing scenery.With a sigh of resignation, Jane asked, "Sienna, are you going to break up with Captain Morrison?"Sienna leaned wearily against Jane's back. She closed her eyes and replied despondently, "I don't want to break up with him.""Your mom is being so stubborn. Are you going to prioritize your relationship over your family?" Jane asked further."No, I can't sacrifice my family for love. I'll figure out a way to make my mom accept him.""Maybe you should talk to Captain Morrison about this. Dealing with it together could be better than facing it alone," Jane suggested."He's swamped with work. Besides, what good would burdening him with this do? It'll only add to his stress and affect his job." Sienna sighed.She didn't want Daniel to feel as down as she d
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Chapter 692
Daniel sat in the passenger seat and sent Sienna a message.Her phone buzzed, and she pulled it out to read. "Sisi, are you here to see the celebrities with your friend?"Sienna texted back, "Jane convinced me to come along. I didn't expect to run into you."Daniel: "I'll be buried in work for the next few days. I won't have much free time to spend with you."Sienna: "No worries. Work should always come first."Daniel: "I'll make it up to you once things are over."Sienna replied with a smiling emoji and wrote, "Are those people doing something illegal?"Daniel: "Not sure yet. We're bringing them in for questioning."Sienna: "Okay, focus on your work. Stay safe, and don't overwork yourself."Daniel concluded with a kissing emoji. Sienna couldn't help but giggle softly.Jane noticed Sienna's expression and teased, "It's just a few texts, and you're beaming."Sienna quickly composed herself, pocketed her phone, and said, "We're done with the celebrities. Should we head back?"
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Chapter 693
Sienna was furious when she heard the staggering amount. She turned to Felix, her voice dripping with anger as she demanded, "What in the world happened?"For regular folks like them, two million dollars was already an unimaginable sum. They couldn't even hope to earn it in their lifetime.Tears streamed down Felix's face, his entire body shaking with guilt. In a remorseful tone, he admitted, "Sienna, I had no clue I'd end up owing this much money. I just tagged along with friends for some fun."I thought I'd start with a couple of grand, and I planned to stop once I hit a losing streak. But instead, I just kept winning and winning, raking in piles of cash…"Sienna snorted and taunted, "So, in the end, you didn't expect to blow through all your winnings and then borrow another two million just to lose that too, huh?"Felix nodded, his body shaking with sobs.Sienna clenched her fists, her body quivering with rage. She yearned to knock some sense into Felix. "You fool. It was obvi
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Chapter 694
Sienna put on a bitter smile. "Sorry, Clement. I already ended things with him."Clement didn't seem surprised. He replied casually, "Well, then you'll need to handle it on your own.""Can you suggest another solution?" Sienna asked calmly.Clement couldn't help but smile, his admiration for Sienna growing. "You're sharp. I'm starting to like you more. Here's the deal: help me with a few tasks, and I'll waive your brother's debt. Plus, I'll give you an extra five million and a villa worth ten million."Sienna's unease deepened, but she tried to mirror Shelly's greedy expression whenever money was involved. Her eyes gleamed, and she parted her lips in exaggerated surprise.Clement was pleased to see her reaction. He reached into a drawer, retrieved a box, and offered it to Sienna. "You don't have to decide right away. Take your time to think about it, and let me know when you've reached a decision. Consider this a gift for our meeting."Sienna accepted the box and lifted its lid
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Chapter 695
Sienna showed up at Daniel's place unannounced. Despite dating for over two months, this was her first time entering his home. Inside, she found an elegantly simple interior. The living room was big, bright, spotless, and neatly arranged, making it truly welcoming.Sienna opened the shoe cabinet and discovered a brand-new pair of women's slippers waiting for her. It warmed her heart. With a smile, she slipped them on and made her way to the living room.She placed the phone and jewelry box on the coffee table, then settled onto the couch, quietly awaiting Daniel's return from work. As she waited, she mulled over how she would broach the subject with him.After waiting for a while, Sienna decided to start preparing dinner, planning to share a meal with Daniel upon his return. As night descended, she nodded off while scrolling through her phone.…As Daniel's car pulled into the driveway, he was surprised to see the lights on inside the house. After exiting the car, he quietly app
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Chapter 696
Sienna thought she was usually open-minded, but Daniel had a way of making her feel overwhelmed.She looked down bashfully and muttered, "I'd rather not talk about this anymore."Daniel smiled affectionately at her and gently patted her head. "Have you had dinner?"Sienna glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already after 9:00 pm. She had cooked dinner around 7:00 pm, waiting for him to come home. Unexpectedly, she ended up falling asleep for over two hours.She wasn't feeling hungry anymore."I've lost my appetite," Sienna said as she stood up from his lap and moved to the couch. With a serious expression, she picked up the black box and the phone from the table. "Daniel, we need to talk."Daniel sat up straight, leaning in toward her with a solemn expression.Sienna passed the items to Daniel and explained, "A man named Clement Russo gave me this fancy set of diamond jewelry and a phone as a bribe."Daniel accepted the jewelry box, opened it, and examined the diamonds clo
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Chapter 697
Sienna's nose twinged. She realized that Daniel had sensed for a while that she might end their relationship. She couldn't bring herself to use Daniel's money to settle Felix's debt.The sadness in Daniel's eyes pained her deeply."Daniel, Clement framed Felix by putting him in debt and using it to manipulate me. He even offered me money to help him. My family doesn't have the funds to clear the debt, so I feel powerless."Feeling sorrow, Daniel ran his fingers through his hair. "I've already told you. I have the money.""I can't accept your money. Right now, I see only two options. One is to hire a lawyer and sue him for setting up the gambling scam, and the other is to betray him and act as your informant."With that, Sienna pulled out her phone from her pocket. "I recorded my conversation with him, but I'm not sure if it can serve as evidence."Daniel sank back into the couch helplessly. "You're already considering ending things with me, which is why you refuse my money, right
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Chapter 698
Sienna couldn't hold back her tears as she covered her mouth. She felt intense pain in her heart and was unable to speak a single word.Felix kneeled on the ground and sobbed uncontrollably. "Sienna, I don't want to live either. I'm so sorry to you and Mom. It's my greed that brought us this tragedy."Sienna knew that despite Felix's greed, it stemmed from his desire to give Shelly a more comfortable life."Why did you have to tell Mom about the gambling debt?" Sienna's voice quivered as she choked back sobs. Felix buried his face in his hands, crying out, "Sienna, I promise I didn't do it. When I came back, Mom was already crying uncontrollably, and then she climbed out the balcony."Sniffling and fighting back tears, Sienna made her way toward the balcony. "Mom, I know I messed up. Can you please come back inside? Let's talk this through. If you leave like this, what will happen to Felix and me? We'll be haunted by guilt forever. Please…"Sienna's voice cracked, tears streamin
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Chapter 699
The living room was unsettlingly silent. The clock on the wall showed it was 12:30 am.Sienna looked at Felix, who sat quietly with his head down, then turned to Shelly, who seemed to have calmed down.Sienna's heart felt heavy, making it difficult to catch her breath. The tension in the house was overwhelming, almost pushing her to the edge of madness."Mom, Felix was tricked into this. We need to involve the police," Sienna urged. She took a deep breath before continuing, "My boyfriend works in anti-drug enforcement, but his job doesn't put us in danger. Please try to understand—"Shelly interrupted, her voice filled with anger, "Those criminals targeted Felix because of your boyfriend. They wouldn't have done this otherwise. Can't you see how serious this is?"Sienna hung her head, unable to reply. Her heart throbbed with pain.Felix hesitantly asked, "Sienna, is what Mom said is true? When did you start seeing a cop? Did Clement trick me into that two-million-dollar debt be
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Chapter 700
The next morning, Sienna sought out Clement to return his phone and jewelry. "I'm sorry, but I can't keep these. And I can't help you, either," she said calmly. With a cigarette dangling from his lips, Clement sat with crossed legs. He frowned as he asked, "So you're refusing to settle Felix's debt or accept the money and the villa?"Initially, Sienna accepted those gifts to keep Clement at bay while she strategized with Daniel on how to infiltrate Clement's inner circle. She wanted to gather crucial information for Daniel.However, since Daniel disagreed with her approach, Sienna saw no reason to continue the facade."Clement, please consider letting Felix go. He's innocent. The gambling debt was a setup. Can we just let it go?" Sienna asked.Clement erupted into laughter as if he'd heard the funniest joke ever.Sienna knew her request was a long shot, but she kept her composure. "If you won't release Felix, I'll take legal action to protect our rights."Clement flicked the as
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