All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 771 - Chapter 780
988 Chapters
Chapter 771
Sienna hesitated for a moment, casting a glance back at Mila.Mila pushed Sienna toward the door. "Quick. Go on.""All right. I'll leave now," Sienna said, picking up her pace to catch up with Daniel.They stepped outside and got into the car. Later, Sienna gave Daniel the address.During the drive, Sienna kept her gaze fixed out of the window. The atmosphere in the car was heavy with tension.Daniel sneakily looked at her several times, seeing how distant she seemed throughout the journey."Is there something urgent?" Daniel couldn't help but ask, his concern evident in his voice.Sienna responded with a hum."Do you need any help?" he asked again. "No, thank you."Silence settled between them once more. Eventually, the car pulled up before a large building. Sienna unfastened her seatbelt and stepped out of the car.Before closing the door, she turned to Daniel and expressed her gratitude. "Thank you. You don't have to wait for me. You can head back."She closed the door
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Chapter 772
Sienna stood up, her tone calm and resolute. "However you choose to cancel the event, it's none of my concern. I'll be there on the agreed date with the readers, even if just one shows up. I won't disappoint them." With that, she nodded goodbye and turned to leave. But Harvey hurried to catch up. "Sienna, wait. Let's talk it through and resolve this." "Your solution is for me to admit fault, offer compensation, and take down my book." Harvey walked beside her, saying, "The best approach is to handle this quietly before it becomes widely known." Standing by the elevator, Sienna pressed the button and turned to him. "Harvey, I'll say it again. I won't admit to something I didn't do." "Fine. Do you have any proof?" he asked. "Does having the draft count?" "Of course not." Sienna's face grew darker. When the elevator doors opened, she stepped inside. Harvey followed her, trying to reason. "Alright, I believe it's your draft, but they updated their work three months bef
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Chapter 773
Daniel didn't get the full story from Sienna; instead, he went to her company to speak with Harvey. From him, Daniel learned all the details and took Sienna's book home. For the first time, he discovered Sienna's pen name and the genre she wrote in. A man who had never read a romance novel before, Daniel hid in his room, secretly reading her words. In Sienna's book, the male protagonist bore a striking resemblance to him. He spent an entire day and night without sleep, reading the book that had been plagiarized—over two hundred thousand words, neither too long nor too short.The ending was tragically poignant, with the main characters going their separate ways, leaving a lifetime of regret. The story moved him to tears multiple times, his chest heavy with emotion. It was the serene morning of Mila's wedding eve when Sienna woke up early to accompany Mila back to Hoffis Manor. As she opened the door, she was startled to see Daniel standing there motionless.Looking at him, she a
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Chapter 774
"You're Wanda's friend. Helping you is the least I can do," Daniel said with a forced, bitter smile. "Besides, with her skills, she could help you too." Sienna felt a pang of disappointment. Deep down, she still had lingering feelings for him and held onto hope. After their abrupt breakup a year ago, she should've known her place. She wondered why she still harbored fantasies about Daniel. She wanted to slap herself for her foolishness. "Thank you," she replied faintly, then immediately shut the door. She locked it, leaned against the door, and stared ahead, her vision blurred by tears. She didn't want her troubles to dampen Mila's wedding joy. On the wedding day, Sienna couldn't resist Mila's persistent pleas and ended up being her bridesmaid. Mila, in her stunning white wedding gown and exquisite makeup, looked like a beloved princess. She walked arm-in-arm with Nathan through the romantic garden—surrounded by flowers, green trees, and a lush natural lawn—with petals danci
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Chapter 775
Sienna's voice was like a gentle enchantment."If you wish to be with me, you must agree to three conditions," she stated. Dominic's excitement was palpable. "What are they?" "First, we'll get married before we start dating." Dominic hesitated for a few seconds but then nodded happily. "Second, after marriage, you'll live with my family, and any children we have will carry my last name." Dominic's face changed dramatically, and he remained silent. "Third, you'll hand over your bank card and all your income to me. I'll manage it." Dominic was rendered speechless. He forced a stiff smile and slowly held Sienna's hand, gently pushing it away from his tie. "Ms. Lawson, I don't think we're a good match." The shift to calling her "Ms. Lawson" signaled a newfound respect, suggesting his decision to step back.Just as Sienna was about to release his tie, someone rudely grabbed her arm, yanking her away from Dominic. Dominic froze as he met Daniel's cold, piercing gaze.
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Chapter 776
The ambiguity in the air grew thicker. Sienna's lips throbbed, swollen from Daniel's kisses. His hands tugged at the neckline of her dress, his lips trailing down, devouring her with fervent, unrelenting passion. Though Sienna yearned to break free, her body, weakened and trembling from his touch, betrayed her. She lacked the strength to push him away. Unable to push away Daniel's strong frame, the thought of his indifference and lack of love for her, yet still treating her this way, stung deeply and pierced Sienna's heart like needles. Her breath hitched, her voice breaking with a sob. "Please, let me go!" Daniel paused and buried his face in her shoulder. He panted, his breath hot and ragged against her neck. At that moment, a voice filled with sorrow broke through the air. "I'm sorry." As he regained his senses, he realized how harshly and irrationally he behaved, which shocked him. Because of Sienna, he had lost control. His simple apology broke Sienna's resolve,
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Chapter 777
Daniel stopped in his tracks and looked at Ryan, asking, "So, should I have forced her to choose between her mother and me?" Ryan was at a loss for words. Making his ex-girlfriend choose while he couldn't give up his job did seem selfish. He suddenly understood Daniel's decision. "Do you love her that much? Even more than your job?" he asked. "Yeah." "Is there no other way?" "No." "It's been a year. Are you sure she still likes you?" Hearing Ryan's question, Daniel's expression darkened, uncertainty clouding his eyes. Reading Daniel's thoughts from his expression, Ryan exclaimed, "You never discussed this with her, did you? Do you think quitting your job will fix everything?" "Not yet. I want to get her mother's approval first." Ryan scoffed and patted his shoulder. "Don't be naive. After a year apart, she might not feel the same. Women nowadays are practical, and they can't stand loneliness. She's probably dated a few people and moved on by now." Daniel fell sile
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Chapter 778
Dark clouds shrouded the rising sun, and mist spread across the landscape. Sienna stood halfway up the hill of Memorial Heights, clutching a bouquet. Her gaze was full of sorrow as she looked at Shelly's photo on the tombstone. For the past year, she had been traveling and working. It had been too long since she visited Shelly's grave."Mom, I came back yesterday. I visited Felix. He's doing great in the prison, behaving well, and even had his sentence reduced." Sienna moved closer, placing the flowers near the headstone. She sat next to it, leaning against Shelly's grave. Gazing at the distant mountains, she appreciated the serene, beautiful surroundings. "It's peaceful and lovely here," she murmured with a faint smile. "Mom, living here isn't bad at all. At least it's away from the noise and worries. It's peaceful here, and we can enjoy mountains, scenery, and moonlight. "I have another important reason for coming back this time. I want to find Jane." Sienna's tone grew he
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Chapter 779
"What about social media? Why did you block me?" Sienna inquired. "Sorry, Sienna. Why exactly did you call me?" Jane's response left Sienna somewhat resigned, a sense of foreboding settling over her. Such was the way of supposed lifelong friends. Sienna had no interest in maintaining one-sided emotional investments in friendships. Cutting straight to the chase, she asked, "Jane, did you write 'Into the Light'?" There was silence on the other end. For Sienna, this silence was deafening. She couldn't believe it. Her heart clenched with a mix of sorrow and indignation. "So, 'Into the Light' is really your work?" "Yes." Jane's voice, though slightly hollow, carried an air of entitlement. "I've already bought the book's copyright and secured a film contract." Sienna let out a wry smile, her eyes moistening. "I never imagined that my best friend would steal my book. I—" Before Sienna could finish, Jane cut her off, her tone assertive, "Sienna, my book was published three mon
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Chapter 780
It was Vivian. Adorned in an exquisite custom-made gown, she exuded an air of elegance and grandeur. She looked like she was going to walk the red carpet or grace a prestigious event. At her side stood a charming and refined woman in a tailored suit. Sienna had no desire to engage in small talk with Vivian. She regarded her with a sense of detachment. "Is this your new boyfriend?" Vivian cast a fleeting glance at the lawyer. The lawyer promptly rose to his feet and extended his business card. "I represent Ms. Lawson legally, not in the capacity you're suggesting." Vivian acknowledged him with a nonchalant hum, declining his card. She directed a frosty stare at Sienna. A faint mocking smile played on her lips as she said, "Perhaps Daniel was initially drawn to you because you bore some resemblance to me. But once the allure faded, he likely found you lacking. "After all, a plain Jane will always remain just that. To rise higher, one must possess self-awareness." Sienna c
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