All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 871 - Chapter 880
1074 Chapters
Chapter 871
"Elio, did you hear me?" Candice asked. She was a bit nervous as her breathing grew rapid.Finally, Elio spoke. He murmured with a low voice, "Why did you agree to share a room with a man so easily? Aren't you worried I might have bad intentions?"Candice hadn't even considered the possibility.After all, he had a fiancée, and their families were related."You wouldn't," Candice replied firmly as she wore a confident smile.His voice grew even lower, "I would."Candice's heart pounded as if it would leap out of her chest. She was extremely nervous.They were both adults and were also sharing the same hotel room. It was the perfect setting for something to happen.Although Candice had never had a boyfriend or any sexual experience, she was already 22. Also, she was surrounded by friends who had been in multiple relationships.They often talked about intimate conversations, including sex.Many of her friends separated love from physical intimacy.Candice had never preferred a
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Chapter 872
The more nervous Candice got, the more sensitive her body became.Elio's hand slid down her thigh, slipping under her skirt.He seductively whispered in her ear, "May I kiss you?"Candice was already captivated by his touch. She was overwhelmed with a bewitching sense of emptiness she couldn't suppress.Breathing heavily, she didn't have the strength to answer his question. She was growing embarrassed that her skin flushed.Her silence was taken as consent by Elio.He adjusted her position then pressed down on her soft body, and leaned in to kiss her lips.Candice shyly moaned. Her sweet moans could make any man tingle with anticipation.They couldn't bring themselves to part from their kiss, losing themselves to it.At that moment, he finally kissed the woman he had long yearned for. He couldn't suppress his emotions anymore and almost lost control.The softness and sweetness of Candice exceeded his imagination. It drove him crazy, making him obsessive and confused.As Elio
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Chapter 873
The morning of early autumn was chilly.The sky was just turning white, casting a faint light into the room through the sheer curtains on the balcony.A man lay shirtless on the large bed with a thin blanket covering his waist. He had well-defined muscles and flawless features.A gust of cold wind brushed past, causing the sheer curtains to flutter gently.Feeling the chill, he subconsciously reached out to the side.Suddenly, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the empty space beside him. His heart shrunk instantly.In the next moment, he quickly sat up then grabbed his clothes at the end of the bed, and put them on.His expression was tense as he rushed to the bathroom. He quickly pushed the door open and called out anxiously, "Candice!"There was no one in the bathroom. Elio anxiously searched everywhere, including the balcony, living room, kitchen, and study. After that, he returned to the bedroom.He picked up his phone and dialed a number. Breathing heavi
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Chapter 874
Camden didn't notice anything amiss with Candice, so he continued cheerfully, "Mr. Elio should be 27 years old by now, at the age to get married. "After all, his parents had him at an older age, and they're quite old now. They're probably eager for grandchildren."Candice lowered her head in confusion and sorrow as tears threatened to stream down her face. She wiped her tears discreetly.Although the warmth of the evening sun fell on her, she was still overwhelmed by the coldness of her heart.At that moment, she deeply regretted it. She hated herself for being selfish just for that one night.Because of her own desires, she had sex with Elio. She felt very guilty toward Josie.A secret admirer tended to admire the other person silently, not letting others know about their feelings, and not wanting to be an obstacle to the other person's happiness.Now, she looked like a bitch that destroyed other people's relationships.She hated herself so much.Noticing something wrong wit
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Chapter 875
At this moment, Jasper walked in.He greeted his parents politely, "Dad, Mom."Mila responded softly, "Jasper, welcome back. Come, sit next to me. It's been a long time since we've seen you."Jasper sat down beside Mila. He gently held her hand as his eyes filled with longing. They exchanged a smile.The smile faded from Nathan's face as he adopted a stern expression. He asked, "Jasper, what have you been busy with lately?""I've been learning business with Uncle Elio," Jasper replied earnestly.Nathan nodded, approving of his work.When Elio was mentioned, Candice felt inexplicably nervous.Suddenly, Jasper asked her, "Candice, didn't you go on a business trip with Uncle Elio? Why are you back? And where's Uncle Elio?"Feeling uneasy, Candice nervously replied, "I don't know. My work was done, so I came back.""Oh," Jasper responded.Mila sensed Candice's discomfort, so she continued to ask Jasper, "Jasper, when did Elio start dating? It's so sudden to talk about marriage.
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Chapter 876
Candice requested a day off, followed by the weekend ahead.She spent three consecutive days holed up in her room. She didn't want to leave her room unless it was meal times.She felt gloomy. She spent her time sleeping, listening to music, or simply staring blankly at the scenery outside the balcony.Suddenly, her phone rang.Lethargically, Candice reached for her phone and glanced at it. It was her colleague, Vanessa."Hello, Vanessa," Candice answered on speakerphone. She lay motionless on the bed, her voice lazy and weak.Vanessa nervously said, "Candice, let's watch a movie."Candice wasn't interested, so she rejected easily. "No, I have to work tomorrow.""It ends at 9:00 pm. Come on, I'll introduce you to a handsome guy," Vanessa insisted.Candice sighed in resignation. She had heard Vanessa mention her brother too many times, so she asked, "Your brother again?""Yeah, don't you always say you want to date? You're 22 years old and still haven't had a boyfriend. Why not
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Chapter 877
Candice panicked and quickly explained, "No, he's my friend's brother. We just met."Wendell nodded in greeting, "Hello."Josie smiled but didn't continue the conversation. Instead, she asked, "Which showtime are you here for?""7:00 pm, Theater 2," Wendell replied.Josie remarked, "That's unfortunate. We're here for the 6:45 pm show in Theater 6."Candice forced a smile. She politely smiled, "Yes, that's unfortunate."Just then, Vanessa walked over with popcorn and drinks. She handed some to Wendell while glancing at Josie.Seeing that they were indeed a group of three, Josie pretended to be in a hurry. She said, "I can't chat anymore. Leo will worry if I'm gone too long. I gotta go."With that, Josie turned and left.Were Elio and Josie watching a movie together?Candice stood there in a daze. She felt stifled and miserable.As all her good mood vanished, she was saddened by the revelation. She felt both upset and irrational.Wasn't it normal for an engaged couple to watc
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Chapter 878
Sadie arranged for a task that required Vanessa to leave the place. 15 minutes later, Vanessa hurriedly walked out of the movie theater. "What the fuck? Why are they making me rush a PowerPoint on a weekend?" she grumbled. "They need it tomorrow but didn't say anything earlier. What time is it now? Jeez…"Vanessa cursed as she walked. She quickly passed by Josie and left the theater in a rush.Mission accomplished. Now, Josie just needed to wait for the results.…Two hours later, Candice walked out of the theater alongside Wendell. They took the elevator down and headed outside."I'll take you home," Wendell offered politely.Candice declined his offer with a smile, "It's okay. I'll just take a cab.""It's not safe to take a cab by yourself.""Really, it's fine."Just as Candice finished speaking, she suddenly stopped in the middle of the plaza. Her heart skipped a beat as she nervously looked at the car in front of her.Elio sat in the driver's seat of a luxury car. He ro
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Chapter 879
"Miss, we're here," the driver softly called out after stopping the car.Candice snapped out of her reverie. She quickly wiped away her tears and took out cash to pay."Thank you," she said before getting out.As the door closed, the cab slowly drove away.Candice looked up at the brightly lit villa in front of her. She sighed heavily before walking dejectedly toward it.Just as she approached the large iron gate, a figure suddenly rushed up from behind her. She was shocked when her arm was grabbed. Before she could react, she was yanked to the side of the wall.Candice screamed in shock. Before she could comprehend what was happening, someone kissed her. At that moment, she was dumbfounded. She stared wide-eyed in terror at the face so close to hers.Through the blurry vision, she saw Elio. Finally regaining her senses, she began to struggle.However, the more she struggled, the harder he pressed against her. He pinned her wrists above her head with his solid chest pressed tig
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Chapter 880
Candice instantly panicked, wondering what Elio meant by his words. She was stunned, staring at him blankly. Although tears still welled up in her eyes, she was dumbfounded.Seeing her dazed expression, innocent and clueless, Elio asked angrily, "Did you hear me clearly?"Candice was so shocked that she gulped. She quickly nodded.Elio thought she understood until Candice blurted out, "I heard you. I don't need you to take responsibility. I won't cling to you."Elio was furious. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to ease the pain deep in his heart. After a moment, he said coldly, "No, I want you to take responsibility."Candice froze. She bewilderedly asked, "I… need to take responsibility for you?"Elio replied with a magnetic voice, "Yes."Candice was stunned as her mind was a mess.He had been the one to initiate making love with her, and even though she hadn't refused, she was still the passive party. The experience had been painful, with no pleasure for her.She
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