All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 971 - Chapter 980
1036 Chapters
Chapter 971
"Tristan, did you just say I'm being unreasonable?" Michaela shouted furiously. The line went dead from the other end. Michaela, still seething, hurled her phone across the room, shattering it. Yet, even this violent act couldn't quell her anger. She felt deeply disrespected by both Elio and Tristan. Now, even Mila and Jasper had kept her in the dark. The thought that everyone closest to her was drifting away because of Candice's marriage filled her with profound disappointment. Picking up the two shattered phones, Josie approached and sat beside Michaela, gently consoling her, "Mrs. Hoffis, don't be upset. You must take care of your health. We can address Leo's marriage gradually." "Josie, do you have any suggestions?" Michaela asked, her voice edged with desperation. Josie shook her head, looking equally frustrated. Just then, Mila walked briskly into the room, her voice calm and soothing. "Nothing will work." Hearing her voice, both women turned to look at Mila. S
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Chapter 972
It was six months later that Nathan returned to Phoenicia from the frontier. He and Mila had been living apart for more than half a year, and countless times, he had asked Mila when she would return to the frontier and the lab. Even after years of marriage, he was still as attached to her as ever. Mila replied, "I need to stay in Phoenicia to handle something important." However, she never specified what it was. Now, he finally understood—it was to settle old scores and new grievances together. Philip had been reported for embezzlement and bribery, leading to his downfall. Fenna herself was arrested for involving in kidnapping abroad, committing crimes against Candice, and taking bribes. The couple ended up behind bars. During these six months, Michaela, who was still bedridden, learned of the events and felt shocked. She was grateful that Josie had not married into their family. Otherwise, their business could have been implicated. There was another major event, which was
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Chapter 973
Mervyn nodded. "Yeah, it doesn't matter anymore." "What are you talking about?" Candice asked, confused. "Why don't I understand?"Elio smiled gently and whispered, "You don't need to understand. Come on, let's have a drink with Mom and Dad.""Okay." Candice picked up her glass of juice, waved goodbye to Mervyn, and walked toward Michaela and Tristan. Mervyn watched as they walked away, unable to resist taking another big gulp of his drink. Michaela was sitting gracefully in her wheelchair, maintaining her usual elegance. Elio and Candice approached and greeted politely, "Mom, Dad, let's toast." Michaela forced a smile, her gaze on Candice was affectionate yet lacking genuine approval and admiration. Deep down, she believed Candice wasn't capable enough for Elio. Nonetheless, it didn't affect their relationship, as no one cared about Michaela's opinion. On the other hand, Tristan was delighted. He raised his glass enthusiastically, showering them with blessings and well
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Chapter 974
It was unusual. Just then, Candice and Elio approached. Setting aside their family affairs, the three raised their glasses in a toast with Candice and Elio. They began with heartfelt wishes, laughing and conversing freely. Unexpectedly, the conversation veered toward Jasper. "Now, all the kids at home are married. Even Candice is married. It's just him left, a bachelor without a girlfriend," Mila said. Jasper countered, "Mom, my cousins are all in their 30s. Isn't that normal for them to be married?" Mila persisted, "But Candice is younger than you and already married!" Nathan interjected, "Let's give him some time. No rush. Let's see when he's 30, or maybe 40. Who knows, perhaps he'll get married in his 50s. There's still plenty of time ahead." Jasper was speechless, offering a faint smile. "Dad, you're really good at comforting people." Observing the concern from Mila and Nathan, Elio reassured them. "Don't worry. Jasper definitely likes women. In the past, he—" Bef
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Chapter 975
The summer heat in Phoenicia was scorching, leaving the streets almost deserted. A figure dressed in a giant frog costume hurried to the café entrance. She set down her pile of little frogs in a corner and removed her heavy frog head, revealing her sweat-drenched but beautiful features. Glazing up at the signboard, she blinked and anxiously muttered, "This must be the place." Hugging the frog's head, she walked in and looked around. There was only one young man in the entire café. From a distance, he appeared strikingly handsome with an air of elegance and sophistication. "The quality of this setup was high," she thought. No wonder her mother warned her not to come back home if she still couldn't get married this time. Breathless, she walked over, sat down in front of the man, and apologized politely, "I'm sorry, I was chased by the city officials because of my job. I got lost and ended up being half an hour late. I'm so sorry." At the sound of her voice, Jasper looked
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Chapter 976
When Imogen stepped out of the alley, she saw Jasper holding her frog head, looking around as if earnestly searching for her. As soon as he turned and their eyes met, he walked over briskly. With a furrowed brow, Jasper asked, "How much did those little frogs cost?" "About 50 dollars," Imogen replied. He seemed incredulous and shocked. "You chased an old lady down two streets over 50 dollars?" Imogen's face darkened in annoyance. "Is it just about the money?" "If it's not about the money, then what's the problem?" he countered. Imogen huffed, realizing that good looks didn't necessarily mean good sense. This small disagreement already revealed their clashing values. Forcing a polite smile, she explained, "Yes, it's about the money. Those 50 dollars are worth a two-day meal for me. I woke up early in the morning, ran to the wholesale market, and hauled back those little frogs. "I inflated each one myself, hoping they'd sell well. I protected them while running away from
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Chapter 977
Imogen couldn't help but smile, her eyes twinkling with happiness. After so many blind dates with countless men, they always found something to criticize about Imogen—her family's poverty, her education level, or her personality. It seemed they could always find a flaw. This was the first time Imogen met someone who genuinely appreciated her, and it didn't hurt that he was handsome too. Although Asher's family wasn't wealthy either, they were well-matched. Neither could look down on the other. Moreover, Aunt Eloise, who had married into his hometown, vouched for him, praising his honesty, capability, and good character. He seemed like perfect husband material. Blushing slightly, Imogen's voice softened. "I’m quite satisfied with you too. How about we get our marriage license?" Jasper was taken aback. "A marriage license? We've just met. Shouldn't we get to know each other first?" Imogen shrugged. "It's all about living together. We can make do, and the days will pass."
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Chapter 978
When Imogen saw Jasper's approaching car, she froze in shock and hesitated, uncertain about getting in. Jasper courteously opened the door for her, a puzzled expression on his face. "What's wrong?" "This car must be worth a fortune, right? If something happens to it, we can't afford the repairs," Imogen fretted anxiously. Jasper was about to reassure her, but after some consideration, he replied, "It's fine. Just be careful." Imogen nodded earnestly and settled into the car. During the drive, she provided Jasper with the address. An hour later, they parked in front of a dilapidated building in the old city quarter. Imogen stepped out and waved at Jasper. "You should head back now. I'll see you at the city hall tomorrow." Jasper leaned out of the car, returning her wave as he watched Imogen walk away. His gaze lingered on the dilapidated building ahead, a sense of melancholy settling within him. Imogen climbed up to the eighth floor, her breath heavy and labored. Exhaustio
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Chapter 979
Imogen logged into her laptop, accessing the backend of her online store to review the completed orders. There were none. However, there were numerous unanswered inquiries. She diligently responded to each one and after waiting for a moment, there were no new customers, no orders rolled in, and the inquiries dried up. Switching to another interface, Imogen confronted lines of densely packed code and data structures for unmanned rockets. Troubled, she rested her head on her hand, lost in thought for a while before finally starting to type, coding away. Two hours passed in intense concentration on her coding, followed by three more after dinner. Later that night, she completed her work and sent it out. After five hours of relentless effort, she earned three thousand dollars. Imogen, who did not have a formal education, was often undervalued by others despite her talent. Sometimes, it brought her close to tears. Closing her laptop, Imogen stretched as she headed to the bathroom.
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Chapter 980
Having finally parked the car, Jasper and Imogen immediately noticed a crowd gathered ahead, drawn by the spectacle of two women in a heated argument. Upon hearing the commotion, Imogen hurriedly rushed over. "Imogen..." Jasper was bewildered, following quickly behind. Pushing through the crowd, Imogen spotted her mother, Carol Pembroke, engaged in a fierce dispute with her aunt, Thelma McCoy. Carol's eyes were brimming with tears, a mix of grievance and anger evident as she pointed and accused, "You shameless thing! Give the family homestead back!" Thelma, whose features were contorted in malice, retorted sharply, "You're the shameless one! Your whole family is! "You deserve Gregory's disability, Imogen's failure to enter college, your poverty, your destitution, and your finger being chopped off! You're just too shameless, and even heaven doesn't want your family to live well." "You're so cruel! Karma will catch up with you," Carol cried, her anger palpable and resolute.
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