All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 691 - Chapter 700
822 Chapters
Chapter 691
Joel said, "Yeah. You didn't know about this then because you were studying overseas. Blake and Yasmin got married secretly two years ago, so not many people in your family know about this. Your grandmother should know, though."Lixxi and Blake both shared the same maternal grandmother, Adelle Keating. Lixxi nodded and turned her gaze away from Yasmin. "I know about the marriage because Grandma told me, but I heard that they divorced half a year ago?""They are divorced. But Blake can't get over Yasmin, so he wants to get back with her."Lixxi frowned. "I heard she can't conceive?""She has a special condition that makes it challenging, but she can still conceive," Joel replied. If Yasmin had been unable to conceive, she would not have been pregnant six months ago. That said, the timing wasn't right, and she had some complications with the pregnancy. If there hadn't been complications, the baby would have already been born.…Yasmin and Blake stood at the door."You just
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Chapter 692
Yasmin set the pen down as if she was not going to sign the contract.When Malcolm saw this, he quickly said, "Mrs. Ford, it was hard for Mr. Ford to secure this contract. He used a lot of effort, manpower, connections, and resources to contact Dr. Myers, who is a busy man. If you miss this opportunity, the chances of Mr. Starr waking up will greatly diminish."Yasmin looked at Malcolm, slightly stumped. Malcolm quickly added, "Dr. Myers is willing to go back and forth between countries to agree to this contract because Mr. Ford's persistence and sincerity moved him. Mrs. Ford, Mr. Ford cares about you immensely. He will spare no effort to alleviate the ache in your heart and ensure your happiness."I hope that you will take this into serious consideration. Mr. Ford does not intend to force you into doing anything. All he hopes for is a chance to mend the relationship."As he spoke, Yasmin considered the possibility of her father not waking up. What would she do if this was the
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Chapter 693
Blake smiled and ladled more soup for Yasmin.Just then, Yasmin's phone rang. Ivan was finally returning her call.When Blake saw Ivan's name on the screen, his heart sank a little, but he didn't say anything.Yasmin stepped away to answer the phone. "Hello."Ivan hadn't answered her call when she contacted him in the afternoon. It was now daylight where he was, so Ivan had likely just woken up."Yasmin, you called?""Yes." When she heard Ivan's voice, Yasmin smiled and said, "Ivo, I've been very successful in my career lately. I wanted to call you to tell you about it."Ivan was her benefactor who had pulled her out of the darkness. Thus, she wanted to share her happiness and success with him too. It was also her way of showing appreciation for him."Congratulations." Yasmin couldn't tell, but Ivan was smiling. "I'm thrilled to hear you've been doing well."Ivan had almost completed his overseas project.Gavin had been very good to Ivan lately. This was because Isaac didn't
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Chapter 694
Yasmin had been bullied at the start of her prison sentence.Soon after she was sent in, two other women entered the prison with her. They never approached Yasmin. But every time she encountered danger, those two women would jump in and rescue her. They would then disappear once Yasmin was safe.One day, Yasmin asked them why they always saved her. They told her that their boss had sent them to protect her and to give her more food.Yasmin assumed that Ivan sent those women to help her because he knew how much she was suffering.Blake almost laughed when he heard Yasmin say that.The women he had sent to help Yasmin in prison had been assumed to be Ivan's efforts. No wonder Yasmin had been so dependent on Ivan when she was first released.…After dinner, Yasmin returned to her room to continue working on her designs.Blake washed some strawberries, put them in a bowl, and brought it next to her.Yasmin glanced at the strawberries and looked up at him. "Aren't you going home
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Chapter 695
Yasmin stopped eating her sandwich. She wanted to ignore him, but looking at his indignant expression, she couldn't help but mock, "Were you ever moved when I was chasing after you before? "I too cooked for you every day, was at your beck and call, and prepared thick clothes for you during the winter."Blake was slightly stunned. He bent over to gaze at her deeply. "I was moved. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here."Yasmin's brow twitched and she suddenly couldn't meet his eyes. She looked wary and spat, "Scram.""Shy?" Blake asked with a laugh."No!""Of course you are. Your ears are red."Yasmin was stunned and subconsciously covered her ears. She realized she had been tricked when she saw the mischief in Blake's eyes.She flushed red and couldn't help yelling, "BLAKE FORD!""I'm here." Blake couldn't conceal his laughter.Not wanting to see him, Yasmin pointed at the door and said, "Go home. I don't want you here.""Sure, I was planning on leaving now anyway." Blake actual
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Chapter 696
Michelle and Carlos were at the main table.Yasmin went to greet them, "Hi, Michelle. Hello, Mr. Ferguson." Something shifted in Carlos' eyes. He smiled and asked, "Why are you calling me Mr. Ferguson today? You've always called me Carlos."Yasmin smiled. "You're going to be my superior."Michelle said, "Have a seat."Just as Yasmin sat down, Michelle's assistant approached the table and informed, "Ms. Ferguson, Ms. Fletcher is outside. She wants to see Mr. Ferguson."Michelle's smile froze when she heard Elise's name. "It's her again. What a nuisance!"Carlos, don't meet her anymore. I'm concerned that she'll either try to act pitifully to get your sympathy or outright hurt you. She's sick, and she'll just extort you if you meet her now." Carlos' face was as black as thunder. "Michelle, don't worry. I will never trust her again."Elise was a pathological liar. Other than disgust, Carlos had no other feelings toward her. He turned and instructed the assistant, "Go and chas
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Chapter 697
Carlos downed a glass of wine and said indifferently, "Pretend I never said that."Elise looked horrified. Just then, the manager came in flanked by security guards. The manager apologized to Michelle as the guards dragged Elise away.Elise's wails echoed throughout the corridor. She was thrown out of the hotel, flushed red with rage.She never expected this day to come. Half a year ago, she had everything she wanted, so how had she lost it all?She wanted Carlos to send her out of the country because her bank account had been frozen.Two days ago, Elise's company was inundated with refund orders after her engagement with Carlos ended and Blake severed ties with her. Someone even claimed that Elise had caused a scandal resulting in losses to the business. Consequently, she faced a lawsuit demanding compensation, resulting in all her bank accounts being frozen.Elise no longer wanted to compete with Yasmin. She only wanted to leave the country. However, no one wanted to help
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Chapter 698
Blake was on the way home when he saw a hot dog stand by the roadside.Recalling that Yasmin liked the hot dogs from this stand, he asked Malcolm to stop the car and buy some.Blake had gone to a social event where he drank some wine. He loosened his tie and leaned against the door, enjoying the night breeze through the open window. He wanted to let the smell of alcohol on his body dissipate, in case Yasmin disliked the stench.Just then, his phone buzzed.Blake saw a message notification pop up when he looked at his phone. It showed Yasmin being supported by another guy. His face darkened as he clicked on the video. He saw Yasmin leaning against Carlos as he supported her into a car.Blake immediately turned gloomy.Malcolm approached him and asked, "Mr. Ford, they're out of hot dogs. Can we get a cheeseburger instead?"Blake sat in the car blankly. His handsome face was stoic when he said, "No need. Let's go home."Malcolm was stunned. "Didn't you want to get supper for
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Chapter 699
Blake lifted Yasmin and held her in his arms.Yasmin felt uncomfortable and wanted to push him away—but Blake wouldn't allow it. He held her tightly in his embrace and turned his dark eyes on Carlos, who was stupefied.After a while, Carlos shook his head. "Impossible. She said she doesn't like you.""Those were just words said out of anger when lovers quarrel. You actually believed that?" Blake laughed mockingly. He continued, "Mr. Ferguson, look around the house if you don't believe me. It's not just Yasmin's things here."Carlos took in his surroundings.There were a pair of indoor slippers in the foyer and a couple of matching mugs in the kitchen. A man's coat was lazily thrown over the couch, and there were a few finance magazines scattered around.It did indeed look like a place of cohabitation. Carlos asked in shock, "You're living together?""Of course. My wife's home is my home. If you're done here, you can leave now," Blake said rudely.Without another word, Car
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Chapter 700
The moan Yasmin let out made Blake feel as if he had been electrocuted. He hadn't made out with her in a long time and couldn't contain himself. "Blake Ford, are you insane?" Yasmin scolded him, horrified by the wild make-out session."Sorry, I haven't done this in a long time…" Blake couldn't stop.Yasmin huffed, "Go away…""Once is not enough." He kissed her again.Yasmin felt like she would break into pieces if Blake continued. She angrily raised her head and savagely bit down on his neck.Unfortunately, this seemed to have the opposite effect as Blake only seemed to enjoy it. He preferred to have some reaction out of her. He pulled her up by the arms and placed her on his lap.Yasmin was stunned. Embarrassed, she desperately covered her chest with her hands.Blake smiled at this. "Why are you covering up? I've already seen everything."Red with rage, Yasmin slapped him hard across the cheek.The slap echoed throughout the silent room.They faced each other. Blake fr
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