All Chapters of From Prisoner To Princess: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
Chapter 20
Chapter 20 "So you see, I thought you were dead.” Leaning back in his chair, Juden shrugs as he concludes his confession. “And without your body as proof you were dead, I had to wait for twenty years to pass so that I could claim the Throne.” Shocked by all this information, I run my fingers through my hair and try to make sense of all of this. The Rebellion fourteen years ago was caused by this man. My parents death was caused by him. But there is one thing I need to know. "You never tampered with my memories, did you?" Looking into his eyes, Juden stares back at me with an unwavering stare. "No, I just wanted you dead." I can sense his honesty in his words and sigh. The mystery of how I lost my memories remains. “Your confession has been recorded. You will be executed in two months time and so will you co-conspirators. It will be public and televised and the people will know what you did." My decision is final. The people need to know what a monster Juden Trilavantas is and how
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Chapter 21
Chapter 21 Looking at the lotuses floating on the pond, I allow my thoughts to wonder back to the information Juden gave me about the night of the rebellion. I don’t remember that day, remember the fear and pain caused by Juden and his men. But something inside me nags at me. "Are you okay?" Taking the spot beside me on the bench, Sky wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me to his side. I sigh, resting my head against him and lean into his touch. "No, but eventually I will be." I whisper, wrapping my arms around him. The green house is quiet and calm, the perfect place to be alone without worry. “We need to find that doctor Trilavantas mentioned. See if he can give us answers on your memory loss as well as what sort of business he had with that man.” It feels like Sky is inside my mind as I was thinking the same thing. This Doctor Lance seems to be the link to my missing memories and how I ended up in the Slums. After agreeing with him, Sky and I return to looking at the p
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22 "Alli veggies do not go into a mac and cheese." Looking up from cutting the red bell peppers in front of me, I roll my eyes as Sky glares at the small amount of vegetables in front of my cutting bored. You would think I just said I killed a puppy with how he is looking at the bell peppers. "Mine does. You need something to counter the meat and copious amounts of cheese." Returning to chopping the bell peppers, I make sure to keep them small. "Wait there is going to be meat in it?" Stopping my cutting once again, I look up at Sky who raises his hands in surrender. I guess he finally took the hint he is starting to annoy me. Around us the chefs and cooks are chuckling, leaving Sky and I in the small corner while they prepare meals for the rest of the Palace staff. "Yes. So grab the pack of ground beef in the fridge and start cooking it off. Make sure to strain the fat when its done so the mac and cheese isn’t too greasy." Ordering Sky about, I return to finishing my task
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23 "Now sweetie, that man who brought you here wants to kill you." Looking up at Doctor Lance, I wonder what he means. Uncle Juden came to find me, to take me home. "Why would he want to do that? He is my Uncle!” The Doctor lets out a sigh and pulls me into his arms, hugging me as I begin to cry. "Because he doesn't like you. He wants to be King and you are in his way." Doctor Lance does not make sense but I could tell he was being honest with me. Something about him screams that I can trust him. “But Demitrias will be King when we get married. Why does Uncle Juden want to be King?” Unable to wrap my mind around this, I ask the Doctor this question as I sob. “Because he is a bad man, Princess. I am sorry but I need to help protect you so he doesn’t ruin Nimairene.” The Doctor pulls away from me, resting his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. “How will you protect me?” I ask, lips quivering. Will I ever see mother and father again? Will I be able to return
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24 I lay awake in my bed thinking about today. From The interrogation and how heartless Alli was when Max was torturing Juden. She never flinched, just stared on with a blank expression. He had it coming, but even I flinched when he screamed in pain from his fingers being broken. At first I was worried with her reaction, but then when we left the dungeon and made our way to the green house I saw the girl that always sang to the flowers. The soft kind hearted smile that she gives to those who are kind to her. “I wish I could remember him, the boy I mean. I would tell him thank you for protecting me and helping me...” Those words, her voice, float through my mind. I wish I could tell her everything, let her know the truth of who that boy is and how long I have been waiting to see her again. How leaving her that day at the apple farm broke me. Demitrias never deserved her, never deserved to go retrieve her from Lady Pricilla’s Prison for Troubled Women after I was the one that
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25 Waking up in a warm comfortable bed that smells like pine, I find myself melting into the bed. I remember waking from my dream, of wanting to talk to Sky, but then nothing. Confused, I slowly open my eyes and notice that I am not in my room at all. This seems to be happening a lot lately. Groaning, I close my eyes and try to remember what happened the night before. Someone wraps their arms around me, pulling me closer and making me turn around to swat at them. "I get it, you are not a morning person." A deep husky voice calls out with a chuckle. Suddenly the events of last night flashes through my mind and I remember that after waking from my dream, my memory, I walked into Sky’s room to talk to him. I must have fallen asleep on his bed and now I am pressed to his side. "Um...morning.” I say sheepishly as my hands feel the hard naked muscle under me. Yep, I am not living this one down for a while. "Good morning." He says back, running his fingers through my hair. Leanin
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Chapter 26
Chapter 26 Sitting in front of my computer, I look at the screen and try to focus on emailing my cabinet members, needing to set a date for a meeting before I head over to the meeting with the Generals. Sky had shocked me when he confessed he wanted to be the Captain of my Elite guards. I wanted to refuse, to ignore his request, but instead I asked for some time to think and ran to hide away in here before the Guards went about their day either patrolling or training. My Elite were given a tour of the Palace thanks to Ellisia and Adam while Sky and Arian went to finalize the plan for arresting those in cahoots with Juden. And I went to hide with the intention of doing work. The door to my Study opens and Adam walks in, Ellisia following right away with a tray of snacks and sweet tea. “You okay Alli?” He asks, coming to sit in the armchair in front of my desk while Ellisia sets the tray down. “No. Sky wants to be a part of my Elite.” I admit honestly, Adam letting out a low whistl
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Chapter 27
Chapter 27Marching past the long table set in the middle of the Throne Room, I carefully observe the few men that watch me with contempt in their eyes. My stride is even, my back straight and shoulders back. With my head held high, I do my best to show these men that they do not scare me. If anything, they should fear me.I nearly faulter when a mass of curly red hair crosses my gaze and I spot a woman sitting there, her own back straight and head held high. Her picture was not on the list of names and an idea of who she must be intrigues me. Suppressing a chuckle, I make it to the temporary Throne that was placed at the end of the table. The Butlers did an amazing job setting this room for the meeting.Taking my seat, I thank Alice as she hands me my binder, Sky and Arian taking the two seats positioned on my left and right while Lia, Mia and Alice stand behind me. Max, Kian and Alec take their position with one of them standing behind Sky, Arian and me respectively. Flipping open
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Chapter 28
Chapter 28Dipping a chocolate chip cookie into my glass of milk, I am glad I asked one of the Maids if she could run to the kitchen and grab as many of the freshly baked treats as she can with a couple of cartons of milk as once everyone settled their things into their rooms, they all ended up in my room with each one of us wearing pajamas.“These are delicious.” Lia states as she shoves a whole cookie into her mouth, getting an eye role from her twin. I laugh, taking a bite of my own as Sky sits beside me on the love seat, his left arm resting along the back of the furniture.“I think Alli can make better cookies.” He chimes in from beside me, winking at me when I roll my eyes at him.“You can bake?” Max asks excitedly, making me sigh.“And cook. Sky hates that I put bell peppers in my mac and cheese -”“That’s because vegetables don’t belong in a mac and cheese.” He cuts me off, giving me a dramatic eye roll as he takes a sip from his glass of milk. Everyone chuckles at Sky and I,
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29Walking in the garden I notice how unusually warm it has become. It has been three days since meeting with my Generals and the early March air is starting to hold hints of Spring coming earlier than forecasted. In two more days I will be facing off with my Cabinet and Nobles deciding how we will implement abolishing laws that Juden made in favor of the rich. Taylor and Kolten have been extremely helpful, the three of us with Sky and Arian have come up with a method to implement changes in both the Military and the Palace Guards within the next year that will slowly move towards the Police Force hopefully in two years time.I have yet to have any memories pop up, but I am okay with that. Yesterday after having a Baron barge in to my Study demanding I do a DNA test to prove that I am really Princess Allisara Nimair with a crowd of citizens and lesser Nobles was the excuse I needed to have a well loved news crew come in and document the whole process live. After two hours or t
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