All Chapters of Mafia Billionaire's Estranged Wife : Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
|Meera's POV| We're in New York.So away from home. Ace says it was to get me the best treatment for my head injury. When did I even get it? I don't even remember. And this's so...personality less...almost as if Ace never planned on coming here and now it's just a liability. This is so different from all the properties of his that Ace has taken me to. He has a taste for earthiness, he has this raw, nature driven aesthetic that he likes his houses to have, and all this penthouse looks like is just sharp edges and black lines. There's not a single plant here, for fuck's sake! Ace loves his plants. I sigh, bored out of my mind as I wait for Ace to return home. It's already past 9 in the evening and there's no sign of him. He hasn't once texted me about when he will be back and that is surprising because Ace always informs me if he's to be late in coming home from his office. "Mrs. Harrington?" I look away from the buzzing canvas that is the city of New York to meet
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How It Used To Be Pt. 1
|Ace's POV| Guilt rides heavy on my shoulders as I push in the button for the penthouse after entering the lift. My suit jacket is hanging limply in my hand while there is blood splattered against the fabric of my white shirt, my skin, my hair. I cannot even meet my own eyes, looking like death incarnate, as the events of the night continue to flash through my head.Serena had demanded that I help Viktor Brullo— New York's crime lord— with whatever he might require, and today, I had to go and pull an odd job of being his fucking handler. And the job required me to torture a man in front of the eyes of his very pregnant wife because he had stolen some petty amount from Viktor Brullo and the asinine crime lord wanted revenge on the poor man. Drenched in their blood, I want nothing but to succumb to the darkness of my room right now, in hopes of perhaps forgetting all the heinous crimes I have committed ever since the day that I became a pawn at the hands of the Van Dykes. There wa
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How It Used To Be Pt. 2
|Flashback contd.||Meera's POV| His lips crash against mine and my entire body freezes in its spot as I stand there with my hands suspended by my sides as Alejandro's lips move over my own. What is happening? After two months of animosity why is he kissing me now?An impatient growl escapes Ace's lips as he pries my lips open, pulling my body up against his own, he presses me flush against himself. The woodsy scent of his cologne and the taste of mint on his breath is enough to remind me of all those times when he has kissed me before, the way his hands know just how to handle my body same as they are right now, and the way my body melts at his touch — as if he is the only one who is ever meant to touch me. My head starts to spin and I let out a strangled cry as I start kissing him back with fervour. My hands reach up to cup the sides of his neck just as he deepens the kiss and his teeth nip at my bottom lip, eliciting a surprised gasp from my lips. That is all the entrance he n
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The Sparks That Were There Once Pt. 1
|Flashback, 4 Years Ago| |Meera's POV|"One more." I tell the bartender who nods his head and pours another glass of Irish whiskey in my glass before going away to attend to other customers. My phone lays in front of me on the bar-top, flashing with Ace's name for the thousandth time tonight but I could really not give a fuck about him right now. I returned from Paris a few hours ago and the only place I could think of going is this nightclub that I am currently sitting in. It is past midnight already and I don't know how many drinks I have had by now. But clearly not enough if I can still feel my chest aching and my heart pounding with pathetic hope every time that my phone rings and it says that it is my darling husband calling me. The entirety of the last month was a fucking whirlwind and right now, I am so fucking exhausted that I could just sleep for a week straight. The first two weeks were hectic with the wedding shopping and making sure that everything went in accordance
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The Sparks That Were There Once Pt. 2
|Flashback; 4 Years Ago| |Ace's POV| "Meera!" She ignores my call as she struts to the dance floor, leaving me standing by the bar as I cuss out under my breath. Shaking my head at her carelessness, I enter the swarm of drunk men and women, dancing to the beat that the classical music lover inside me would never understand. I push past the sweat ridden bodies of intoxicated beings before I finally find her in the centre of the dance floor, swaying to the music with her hands thrown up and her head thrown back. A loud growl escapes my lips but gets muddled in the high volume of the music when I see a man trying to snake his way behind her. I snatch her by the waist before he can lay a finger on her, glaring at him with such hatred that he actually pales in comparison and gulps before scurrying off of the dance floor. Good. Because I have no intention of killing anyone tonight, like I had had to kill the brunet who made the mistake of forcing himself upon her all those months ago
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