All Chapters of The King’s Abused Blind Mate : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
36 Chapters
It was nighttime, everyone was long gone and the house was now bereft of the loud voices and chatter. Right there in the middle of the bed, lay Hannah whimpering in her sleep. She was having a nightmare.Hannah found herself being chased by large flying faceless creatures with gigantic canines and ferocious eyes.This would be her first dream and strangely enough, she was able to see. But there was no time to dwell on that because the creatures where coming on strongly.A tree stump she hadn’t seen early enough got her foot and had her falling down and hitting her body on a large tree. She tried to get up but the pain was just too unbearable. The beasts kept drawing closer and closer and all she could do was cry.In a weird turn of events, they didn’t harm her...all six of them. They simply turned around and disappeared leaving her feeling confused and agitated.She heard a ruffle coming from the right side of where she sat and turned towards it, only to see a beautiful white wolf sit
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Hannah could barely hide her excitement from her friends. It was rather difficult for her to pretend to still be blind despite being able to see.She had to hide it from everyone while all the while marveling at all the things she’s now able to see for the first time. It was overwhelming at first but she knew it would only be a matter of time before she gets used to it.Jojo took her to the general pack house which was a large building for wolves in the capital who were either visitors or they simply did not have a house of their own.The Capital was like a pack under the king’s direct rule. He was the alpha and in charge of all immediate affairs of wolves within its shield.The palace on the other hand was strictly for the king and his relatives and only permissible to a privileged few. Hannah felt warm when she remembered how he had placed her there which could only mean he saw her way beyond close.Now being able to see, she noticed every tiny details as Jojo led her inside and
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The angry guard who seemed quick to rid himself of her clearly forgot she had come with a friend/guide. He just led her outside the building and left her right in front of a thick forest. There was a road that would directly lead to her house if she turned right but Hannah didn’t want to go home. Her heart was cleaving into two while her head couldn’t make anything out of the strong feelings. Cora was just silent but Hannah had a gut feeling that she knows something.She began walking absentmindedly into the woods, hoping to walk off the weirdness. The forest was calm and cold, it left chills all over her body and she regretted not coming out with a jacket or something. Before she would know it, she found out she had gotten quite deep into the woods and was obviously lost.The realization was still taking a while to sink in when she heard a twig break in the distance.As perks of her new wolf, Hannah’s senses were extraordinarily sharp and precise. She’s able to tell apart even the
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Hannah woke up drenched in blood that weren’t hers. She didn’t know how long she was passed out for but there was no one else around, which was odd because the scene before her blackout was still quite vivid in her memory.Her hands immediately went up to her neck but there was no tear, not even a scar. It got her heart thumping because everything was beginning to look like some horror episode. Also looking around her surroundings, she noticed some trees had claw marks on them and the grass seemed to have been stomped hard by some large animal. She remembered the horrid creatures that had attacked her seemed too frail to have done such.“Hey Cora are you there...?” She hesitantly asked her wolf but felt no movement nor any sound from her. She knew the proud creature should be somewhere around, just refusing to speak to her. Hannah stood up and attempted to brush off some twigs that clung to the back of her dress, only for her hand to come in contact with some goey substance. She bro
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Lukas had been friends with Casper since from when they were in diapers, so he understood his temperaments and actions even before he does it. But today will certainly be an exception as he watched his friend barely able to restrain himself from hurting the poor girl standing before him. He knows how fast and destructive his anger could get and quickly made a move to put a space between both of them.Casper watched his Beta drag the girl to stand behind him as he tried to communicate with the Alpha with his eyes, which only seemed to further aggravate him. It was ironic that despite all these his possessive streak seemed to show up.His sharp stare met the low ones of his best friend as he could see the hidden message behind them. Lukas was trying to protect his own mate from he was some beast.A frustrating growl left his mouth then he cast one last glance at Hannah before he turned around and headed into a different direction of the forest, in a bid to clear up his ragin
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At an abandoned building that had been converted into a lab of some sorts. Experimental equipments could be seen scattered about and some cobwebs hung low as if pleading to be taken out of their misery. Hovering over a table that had dried up clumps of blood on them, stood a man who wore a full on mask and dark sunshades. He may be mistaken for a real scientist but that was nothing compared to what he truly is. On that same table was a male who lay limp and naked. He may even be presumed dead if not for the slight rise and fall of his chest. There was a large transparent gallon of blue liquid by the side of the table and the fake scientist was busy engaged in what seemed like tests and observation.He injects a dose and watches out for a reaction before he determines if he’s to increase or reduce the next. It was quite fascinating till you realize that none of these was for any advantage nor for a good course. He had a target which was to draw out a certain someone from their hideout
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The entire palace was put in a state of lockdown as the royal warriors moved from room to room. If their analysis was correct then their guy should have a neon residue on their palms since they made contact with the substance.Of course he reasoned the possibility of the assailant putting on some protective coverage like a glove but then again, he’d placed a bet on the fuckers inability to think fast and it’s apparent they knew nothing about the features and characteristics of the substance and how quickly the smell could spread around. Whoever was responsible for this was a mere amateur and must still have traces of Vibranium on their body.He stood downstairs and watched on as the rest of the warriors combed the first and second floors. So far they hadn’t gotten anything and everyone was getting more tensed at the state of the palace. If there was a spy here then he needed to fish them out before the rumors spread by morning.Lukas peeked out his head from a rail upstairs and sh
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Casper just spent roughly two hours extracting the needed information from the young wolf. The boy was from a pack that had been destroyed a year ago and he and many other boys his age where taken by a man who wore a mask to a warehouse were he kept them locked in. He further stated that they weren’t allowed to leave the house, not even for any reason whatsoever but a few months later, their mysterious benefactor began to send them on errands one after the order. They would be given a mini gallon of some liquid and told to drop it at designated areas, no questions asked. When asked about the death of the three persons, he explained that he was snuck in as a new recruit to first monitor the palace operations before the order came yesterday evening through a letter in the kitchen, to pour the liquid over three chosen persons. He had maintained that he already found them dead when he got to the room. The boy had no idea where this warehouse was located because his eyes were always bli
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You know what they say about Adrenaline and how it rushes over you like hot flames and then leaves pretty much the same way...well that was what happened to Hannah.The moment the logical part of her brain registered her apparent provocation, the evil highness left her and reality settled in. What the hell was she doing challenging a powerful female wolf. As if some sanity hit her like a pile of rocks, she instinctively bent her neck in submission.Emma wondered the many tricks the girl could pull. She was still questioning the flare she saw in the girl’s eyes but then she once read about how perceptive blind people could get because of how their other senses had to work twice as hard to make of for the defaulting organ.The once raging red head retracted her claws and began to wear back her clothes. While at it Hannah still stood pitifully waiting for her to finish.“At least one of you is finally owing up to the obvious” she retorted as she was done composing herself. The sly snake
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“I am plain stupid...a complete douchebag” were the thoughts that kept recurring in Casper’s mind as his tongue ravaged Hannah’s mouth. How did he ever think he could escape from the firm grasps of the mate bond without loosing control. He was the king and chief custodian of the wolf laws so he should know all there was to know about it. She was soft against him and by the way she kissed him, so naively, it was apparent she hadn’t known great pleasure. He couldn’t begin to imagine what the bastard Marcus must have done to her but he was sure her pleasure was never part of the memo. Hannah kissed like a virgin and it did things to his dick. The short gasps in between kisses and the way she would moan out in pure delight got Casper wound up to almost the point of busting his nuts. But this was dangerous, the logical part of his brain reprimanded and he hastily tore his mouth away from hers. If people in the palace begin to end up dead unexpectedly then it was a sure way to let him kn
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