All Chapters of Alpha's Swapped Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
130 Chapters
Emandra leans on the bed lazily. She had never slept so much, part of her body ached but nothing scared her as the unfamiliar room she opened her eyes to. ‘’Shane… Shane’’ she called frantically standing up and running around but there was no response. She hated how familiar the room she was in made her feel. ‘’This can't be snowfall pack… I'm dreaming’’ she pleaded desperately as she took the door knob. Walking out the door, her world feels the same time with her heart. The view before was too familiar for her licking. The room she had been in was none other than that of Paris, every memory they had shared came back. ‘’Come on… why do you always get the best of things? I only get to stay in a regular guest room while you are given the top guest room, it isn't fair’’ 18-year-old emandra whined throwing pillows at her younger sister. ‘’I am his sister-in-law and he will have to please me to get my big sis, now chill. You will get the best room when he makes you his Luna’’ Paris co
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The sound of shattering glasses could be heard coming from Alpha Mirrod’s home office. No one dared move closer in fear of becoming his next victim. ‘’Don't you think, we should send her back?’’ beta Ben asked. There was nothing about emandra which showed she was willing to stay. She looked nothing like the fragile girl who accepted anything despite the consequences or how hurtful it was towards her. ‘’How can I leave her? How can I let her go, Ben? We both know I need her, she is the only one who can bring me back to normal’’ Mirrod lamented. He could not hide anything from his Beta, he was part of him and there was no way he couldn't have told him of him not having a heart. Aside from Paris, Ben was the next person he trusted the most. While he treated her badly, he had confidence in the love they shared and there was no way she would ever go beyond to betray him. ‘’But she has a mate. As much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I just got words from the border’’ Beta Ben re
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Haze was quick to move, grabbing Mica by the throat swiftly and effortlessly. His claws dig deeper into his skin, suffocating him. ‘’Born of a great man as Alpha Roger, I didn't expect you to be so dumb. Didn't anyone ever tell you, that attacking an alpha from his back is most dangerous?’’ Alpha Chase tossed Mica to the side. Mirrod was quick to shift holding his throat as blood gushed out. ‘’Alpha”’ Ben screamed, rushing to him, helping him to his feet. Standing before Alpha Chase, Ben bowed gracefully. ‘’Your mate is unwilling to stay, however, she is faced with the predicament of her sister, please do excuse my alpha for his lack of tolerance and ill behavior, we do promise this will never repeat itself’’ ‘’of course, for I will personally see to that’’ Alpha Chase walked away leaving Mirrod staring daggers at his back. The humiliation was too much for him to take. Leaving the Gammas, he walks into the dark with Ben who closely follows keeping a good distance between them. ‘’
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Death of Melissa
Enzo hit the brakes as fast as his legs could react. Never would they have thought Shane was seeing his mother die, it was a heartbreaking scene and just watching him scramble to the ground close to her body so scared and disoriented, broke their heart. ‘’Mom…mom please wake up, you can't do this now… I won't accept, I won't tell Paris please wake up” Shane pleaded desperately but his cries and pleas only fell on deaf ears as Melissa’s body lay still and cold on the ground. The noise and commotion from outside were enough to wake the entire Carter household up. The omegas were first to come out and seeing their mistress and friend in a pool of her blood as it flowed from her head mixing with the soil and being welcomed by Mother Earth, their cries woke the pack. Their screams knew no bounds or distance. She was a good woman, a good friend, and a mother who lived her life for her children, she was forever going to be missed. ‘’What's going on here?’’ Albert Carter asked walking out
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Letting go
Emandra tried moving past her but guards suddenly surrounded them. ‘’She is not allowed to leave and she knows that you may soon be Luna but without the Luna ceremony you are nothing, now head back inside or the Alpha will be the next person you meet’’ Mara threatened. She looked so high and mighty bossing emandra and Paris around. ‘’A lowly soul as you are trying to get in the way… I find it rather amusing. Since you have not been told, I will let you know my mate beat your alpha. I don't need to be there to know how badly his echo was crushed. Stopping me will only make him come here and when that happens, the alpha will not be the only one whose butt is trashed but everyone as well most especially the lowly omega who harbors dreams which can never be a reality’’ Laan was not kind to her words. Mara has been biting more than she can chew ever since they got into the pack house and every step she took in the dark, they had been there to watch. ‘’You wouldn't dare, not when your s
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Praying for life
A heart-wrenching scream came from the ward Paris was in. Emandra tried going in but the doctors won't let her. ‘’What is happening to her? Do something”’ emandra begged desperately. They were in a finger-crossed situation. While the shadows were sure the baby was not going to make it, emandra cried and pleaded desperately for the survival of her little nephew. ‘’I told you we shouldn't have stopped talking. Now she knows her mother is dead’’ one of the nurses said to the other, as they carried tiny medical basins with blood stepping out of Paris’s ward. Emandra stood up not sure if she wanted to rip them apart or just straight up take their mouths out. ‘’How was I supposed to know she was her mother? It's not like she is Luna``’ the second nurse retorted. She did not like her friend putting all the blame on her alone. They had been chatting together and so far before the scream of Paris, all had been going rather too well. ‘’It was specifically asked not to be mentioned, I had to
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Flying Angel
Ben and Sarah were quick to rush to Alpha Mirrod as he passed out cold on the floor clutching his chest hard. ‘’What's happening with him now?’’ Sarah asked but even her mate had no answers for this. At the same time, inside the surgery room, the doctors announced.‘’Time of death 10: 10 am.’’ the nurses' heads sank sadly. It was a great fight but they lost at the very end. Staring at the doctor, they all knew it was the hardest time, it was time to tell the family they failed to help them. To tell a sister who held onto the last string of hope for her sister, to tell a brother yet another death. It was time to break the heartbreaking news to the alpha. The doctor stood by the operating door and watched as the words gradually changed from ‘’in surgery to open’’ As the huge metal door slid open in two halves showing the pain of the outside world, she braced herself for the worst. Their state of mind was all written on their faces, she could tell it was not going to be okay. ‘’The w
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Spell book
Flashback. Luna Henrietta sits by the vanity mirror all flushed out. Her face looked pinker than the buts of a baby after a good spank. ‘’What's wrong Luna? You've not been yourself’’ Mara asked reaching out to the bottles of finished perfume scattered all over the table. ‘’It is fading”’ was all her mistress would say. She had been saying the same words for a week and Mara still couldn't figure out what the problem lay. ‘’Do you want me to get Alpha Mirrod for you?’’ Mara asked about the concern. Never has she ever seen Luna Henrietta in such a state. Usually, she was the type to be on top of her game but here she was unable to deliver 2 sentences. ‘’I need to leave’’ she finally said another word. Mara had to put a pause to her chores. Something was wrong and seeing Henrietta in such was not an everyday occurrence. ‘’Where to?’’ Mara asked about concern written all over her. Despite her plans of just using Luna to get her way, she still cared for her. A bad person or rather a
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‘’Mother’’ Alpha Mirrod calls out to the hearing everyone. ‘’Oh hello son, you don't look happy to see me?’’ Luna Henrietta questioned pushing her way through while Mara followed from the back as the little puppet she was. ‘’I see you are your mignon have finally decided to get out of your coven?’’ alpha Mirrod asked from back. While everyone did not see reasons why it seemed like his words were rather taunting than checking up on his mother as he should, considering that all knew she had been sick and bedridden for a couple of months. ‘’A dutiful servant as Mara deserves more sons, and aren't you displeased with yourself? No one asked about my health nor did you request to see me” Luna Henrietta turned to her son looking furious. She had not been available, but Mara had been and everything that went on she was aware of. ‘’Checking up on sick people? Don't you think taking a trip to a hospital will earn me that? Why would I be checking up on someone who isn't sick and was not avai
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Mate Mathew
It's been a week and still no news from Alpha Chase and his beta. Stephanie was going wild in the house while Minister Franchester had done nothing but try to calm the growing storm within her. ‘’Don't tell me you have no news from the alpha yet again? Isn't he the alpha, how can he be gone from his pack for such a long time for the sake of a woman’’ Stephanie snapped angrily. ‘’His mate and Luna”’ minister franchester corrected. She was fed up with Stephanie's lack of concentration on her duties and responsibilities towards the pack. She was not just an ordinary pack member but a weather minister. ‘’It rained heavily in the eastern boundaries we share with Sky Pack, how did it reach the point of flooding rendering some of our pack members to seek refuge from Sky Pack?’’ Minister Franchester asked Stephanie who looked at her puzzled and confused to understand a word she was saying. ‘’It didn't rain”’ she replies, so out of the topic. ‘’Or am I lying? Stephanie, if you should put
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