All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
811 Chapters
Chapter 121
"Ian, did you agree to the divorce?" Owen asked.Ian sat on the couch with a poker face. "I don't make a habit of forcing others. I'm not going to stop her since she's so eager to be rid of me.""No! You're not allowed to get a divorce!" Susan was so furious that she tore up the divorce agreement."Hold on! That's mine!" Sage lunged for the paper, but Susan simply shredded the divorce agreement that she had worked so hard to get in the blink of an eye.Susan tossed the scraps into the trash and dragged Sage out of the office. "Let's go find your grandfather. I'd like to see if he'll allow you to do as you please this time!""I'm not going!" Sage struggled with all her might. "Stay out of this! I'll tell Grandpa myself."Owen rose to his feet. "You're coming with us, whether you like it or not! I've turned a blind eye to your antics in the past, but I can't believe you're seriously considering a divorce! How could you treat your marriage so lightly? I can't let you get away with t
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Chapter 122
Susan ordered the housekeeper to serve them coffee before settling into a chair."What's wrong, Sage?" Donald asked gently.Sage felt a lump form in her throat when she noticed her grandfather looking at her with the same indulgent and helpless expression he had whenever she got into trouble as a child. "Grandpa…" she choked out. Tears began rolling down her cheeks"Why are you crying, Sage? What happened?" Donald inquired anxiously. Then, he glared at his son. "Owen, did you do something to upset Sage?""That's unfair, Dad. How could you jump to such conclusions?" Susan couldn't help but interject. "This has nothing to do with us. It's your precious granddaughter! She wants a divorce!""Divorce?" Donald was genuinely caught off guard. He almost dropped the glass that was in his hand."Watch out, Grandpa!" Sage dashed forward to grab her grandfather's glass. Then, she placed it on the coffee table and held his hand to help him catch his breath."Stop pretending! If you don't
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Chapter 123
"Exactly. If word of their divorce gets out, who knows how many people will trample all over our family? It'll be even harder for Layla to find a good match then.""Go home. I know what I'm doing," Donald repeated when he noticed that his son and daughter-in-law weren't backing down.Noticing that his expression showed no room for negotiation, the couple left reluctantly.Sage looked at her grandfather apologetically. "I'm so sorry for worrying you, Grandpa. I know I insisted on marrying Ian, but I'm dead serious about getting a divorce. I'm not joking, and I'm not taking this lightly."Donald didn't say a word. Instead, he motioned for her to sit beside him and took her hand in his. "Sage, I know you must have your reasons for filing for divorce. But be honest with me, do you seriously not feel even an ounce of Ian's love for you?"He paused before continuing, "Let me rephrase that, have you noticed that Ian's behavior toward you has changed drastically since you guys got married
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Chapter 124
Tiana burst out into laughter when she learned that Sage hadn't gone through with the divorce. "See? I told you so! Ian wouldn't let you go that easily."Sage rolled her eyes. "Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with Ian. He kept his word and signed the divorce papers. But then, things took a surprising turn."Sage then filled Tiana in on how her aunt stumbled upon the divorce papers."Isn't that too much of a coincidence? Why were your uncle and aunt there when you went to pick up the divorce agreement?" Tiana asked."My uncle needed Ian's help to seal a deal."Even though her story sounded plausible, Tiana couldn't shake the feeling that Ian was somehow involved. "Regardless, the fact that you didn't get divorced only proves my point!""Wow. With such a wild imagination, perhaps you should quit being a nurse and become a writer instead.""Hmm… that's a great idea! I could write a novel titled 'My Clueless Best Friend Who Can't Seem to Get a Divorce'. Isn't that a great id
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Chapter 125
Sage immediately declined his call when she thought of what had happened in his office during the day. Meanwhile, Michael's ears turned red when he heard her question. "I didn't mean anything by that, Ms. Joyner. I just think it's beneficial for girls to learn some self-defense, just in case they run into trouble."Sage chuckled when she noticed his reaction. "Relax! I was just joking with you."His ears were still red as he asked, "Did I cause you a lot of trouble, Ms. Joyner?""Nope," she responded honestly. "I was mostly concerned that you would see me through rose-tinted glasses and fall for me after I helped you last time.""Don't worry, Ms. Joyner. I know where I stand. I wouldn't dare have such thoughts," he said somberly."Nonsense. That's not what I meant," she said solemnly. "Listen here, your current situation is just temporary. You're going to make it big someday and gain the support and love of a lot of people. Besides, why would you ever have those thoughts about m
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Chapter 126
Henry was an expert at leading people on. Instead of jumping at the opportunity right away, he responded coolly, "Why don't you send me the location, Sage? I'll check it out."Sage smiled. "Sure."After hanging up the phone, she sent over the name of the gym. After all, she had to get to know him better to keep track of his and Layla's progress. It would be even better if she could get him to work for her.Henry replied almost instantly. "Thanks, Sage.""You're welcome. By the way, I would appreciate it if you refrain from calling me by my name since you and Layla haven't made things official yet. You should address me as Ms. Joyner instead.""I understand, Ms. Joyner. Have a nice evening!" …Meanwhile, Ivy sat on the hospital bed with a hardened expression. Her forehead and arms were wrapped in bandages."Whoa, this ward is pretty nice. The young man of the Holcomb family seems to be treating you well," Sandra remarked as she looked around.Ignoring her comments, Ivy asked c
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Chapter 127
Sandra's eyes sparkled as she held the debit card. "Don't worry, Henry will definitely up his game. He actually planned to rescue the damsel in distress yesterday. Unfortunately, that girl had to bail. He's already planning his next move, though. He'll win that woman over!"Ivy didn't press for further details. Instead, she just said, "Don't drop by unannounced. I'll come to you IF I need anything in the future." She made sure to emphasize the second part.Sage and Ian had spotted Sandra at her place last time. Even though she and Sandra were family, Henry was currently attempting to get close to Layla. If Sage and Ian found out, she would undoubtedly be dragged into the fray. Hence, it was better to proceed with caution.Sandra tucked the card away. "Oh, Ivy, I genuinely came to see how you were doing. It must be tough for you to be all alone in the hospital."Ivy propped her chin up. "Tell the nurse I passed out. She'll know what to do."Realization dawned on Sandra. "That's tru
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Chapter 128
"Mr. Holcomb! Ms. Shekdotter has just fainted! Please come over as soon as possible!" the person on the other end of the line said urgently.Ian's forehead creased when he heard that. "Alright." He then put his phone away and glanced at Sage. Without a word, he changed quickly and walked straight out the door.Sage was close by and heard everything that had been said. Of course, she knew exactly where he was going.Her grandfather had asked her to give their marriage another chance because he could tell Ian cared about her. But why the hell would she want to give another chance to a man who dropped everything for another woman just because of a damn phone call?…Meanwhile, in the hospital, Ivy clutched her bruised elbow and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry to bother you at this hour. I just wanted to stretch my legs a little, but I got dizzy and fell. I only passed out for a few minutes, but the nurse made a big deal out of it."Ian's brows knitted. "There are nurses everywher
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Chapter 129
"Uncle Ron really liked the wine I gifted him last time. I'll have someone deliver a few more bottles to him.""Ian—""Rest well. I'll be going now." He then got to his feet and left the ward.…Sage woke up the next day feeling refreshed. She was so tired from practicing self-defense with Michael the day before. After a refreshing and soothing bath, she climbed into bed and drifted off into a deep slumber. Sage stretched her arms and yawned. She was about to reach for her phone to catch up when she found a deep red brocade box on the nightstand. Intrigued, she opened it and found a pair of delicate diamond earrings nestled inside.The earrings were simple yet elegant, with just the right amount of sparkle. It was perfect for everyday wear without being too ostentatious. She had never bought such earrings before. Plus, it was placed on her nightstand, so it was clear that it was meant for her. Did Ian leave them here? Had he returned last night? She had slept so soundly that
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Chapter 130
"Ian Holcomb, you're the one who's picking a fight with me!" Sage snarled. "If you don't want to give me anything, don't force yourself to! I'm not a recycling bin. I don't need things that have belonged to someone else!""Could you stop being so damn difficult, Sage?" Ian was afraid that she might snap if he mentioned that Ivy was the one who had picked out the earrings. So, he gritted his teeth and said, "The earrings are brand new. It still has the tag on it. Where did you get the idea that these belonged to someone else?""Oh, so just because it has a tag means it's brand new?" Sage sneered. "Ian, if you wanted to make things right, perhaps you should've found out what I liked first! Otherwise, just do what you always do and ignore me altogether!"Ian ran out of patience in the face of her accusations and sarcasm. "Fine! Forget I ever gave you anything then! Who gives a damn about what you want anyway?" He then stormed out of the room.Sage was so furious that she threw the box
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