All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
823 Chapters
Chapter 461
"Sage, I know I might seem foolish, but who among us is truly flawless? Wilson might not be as attentive as I'd hoped, but that's simply his nature. Apart from work, he's rather indifferent to everything else," Tiana explained. Sage questioned, "Do you truly believe Lana has no feelings for Wilson?" Pausing to collect her thoughts, Tiana replied, "It takes two to foster a connection. Wilson has assured me that his relationship with Lana is in the past and is hardly worth mentioning. He has never lied to me, and I trust him." A memory flashed in Sage's mind. "Tiana, you're not pregnant, are you?" Recalling her previous life, Sage remembered this was the time Tiana had discovered her pregnancy. That discovery led her to resign and set off a cascade of events. While Wilson hadn't betrayed Tiana with Lana, his vague demeanor, along with Lana's and Wendy's meddling, had deeply hurt Tiana. "Why are you asking all of a sudden?" Tiana looked puzzled."Just answer me, are you preg
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Chapter 462
"Both Shane and Ian have warned me about Marcus. I think I can't let my guard down around him just yet," Sage confided. Tiana agreed with Sage. "Given your involvement with the Shekdotter family's business, are you considering a confrontation with Ivy?" "With all she owes me? Of course. I'm planning to settle the score," Sage declared with determination.Tiana's concern was palpable. "Ivy is cunning and ruthless. You need to be extra cautious around her." "Don't worry, I will," Sage reassured her. As their conversation continued and they dove deeper into the Shekdotter family's intricacies, Sage heard the doorbell ring. "I'll talk to you soon. I think room service is here with my fruit," she remarked. "Alright," Tiana responded. Hanging up, Sage padded barefoot to the door and opened it, expecting to find a waiter. Instead, she was met with Ian's striking figure. He had discarded his coat, revealing a meticulously tailored white shirt that highlighted his trim waist. T
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Chapter 463
Ian pressed Sage up against the icy wall. He pinned her arms down and pressed himself against her.Grandpa Joyner had asked Sage to keep an open mind toward Ian, but how was she supposed to do that when he was acting like this? "Let go of me! I have nothing to say to you. You disgust me!" spat Sage.The word "disgust" felt like a slap to Ian, and the hurt in his eyes turned to anger. "You say that I disgust you, but why can you be so close to Zachary without feeling the same? Why didn't you feel disgusted when you let Shane take you out and send you back to the hotel? You even took his keys," said Ian. "You … "A knock sounded against the door, followed by a greeting from the waiter. "Good evening, I'm here to bring you some fruit."Ian controlled his temper, but he didn't let go of her. He reached out to open the door. "Excuse me, miss…" The waiter was so shocked at what he saw that his words trailed off. This handsome man was pressing the woman against the wall with one
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Chapter 464
"Let go of me!" Sage elbowed Ian's chest in anger. Ian groaned, but he did not let go of her. He even nestled his cheek against the back of her neck. Sage felt uncomfortable feeling his hot breath against her skin. She tried to free herself from him, but she felt something poking against her thigh. Sage was stunned when she realized what it was. Ian was hard! "You pervert!" hissed Sage. Her cheeks were flushed. "Stay still, Sage. Let me hug you for a moment." Ian's voice was husky. He hugged her tightly as if he hadn't seen her in ages. Sage blushed even more fiercely and said, "Go back to your own room if you're horny. A woman is waiting for you there!" Ian smelled her hair and said hoarsely, "I don't want another woman. You're the only one I want."Sage couldn't stop herself from snickering. "Ian, you say that you love me. But look at all that you're doing. Is that how you act when you love someone? "You merely treat me as a possession. You think I'm betraying you wh
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Chapter 465
"This isn't how you should be acting if you really want to get her back. You're just causing trouble for her," dissed Calvin. Ian still remained silent, and Calvin felt that he had been too harsh again. Just as he was about to offer Ian a few words of comfort, he hung up.Calvin was dazed. Ian usually couldn't stand him being so blunt, but he had kept quiet although Calvin had dissed him for so long. Calvin suddenly felt sorry for him. After a moment of thought, he phoned Sage."Ms. Joyner, are you heading to bed?" he said. He dared not address her too casually for fear that she would block his number.Sage said, "What's the matter?"Calvin chuckled softly at her cold tone and started beating around the bush. "Nothing much. Is Ms. Ford doing okay lately?"As he had anticipated, Sage's tone grew more patient. "Why would she not be okay?""She didn't answer my calls a few days back, and she seemed moody when I spoke to her today. So I just wanted to ask if she's okay," explained
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Chapter 466
"I'm divorced, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Morrison. Nothing is going on between us, and I posted that video myself," said Sage. She satisfied their curiosity once and for all. "To save all of us some time, just ask me anything else you want to know. Then we can all get back to work."Her colleagues were stunned by her straightforward manner, but some of them still asked her some questions.Sage answered all of them truthfully. Some things couldn't be kept under wraps forever, and Sage thought it was better to tell them the truth than to let them gossip behind her back. They would forget about everything in a few days anyway. Sage felt a lot closer to her colleagues after answering their questions. Many of them sided with her and offered words of support because they felt that she should have gotten a higher amount of alimony.Sage went back to her office after the gossip session. Shane was pretty good to her as he had allocated her a private office.After tidying it up a
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Chapter 467
"Nothing. Get back to work," said Sage. Giselle pouted. She didn't really like Sage's tone, but when she recalled the scene of her drenched in blood, she decided not to confront her.That morning, Sage familiarized herself with the business structure of the investment company and compiled data on CureX's financing. In the afternoon, she invited all her department colleagues for lunch."It's Ms. Rosethorn's treat," said Sage with a wave of the envelope from Giselle. "Our lunch this whole month's on her.""Wow, you're so generous, Ms. Rosethorn!" Everyone cheered and praised Giselle. Giselle pulled Sage aside and said, "What do you mean by this? You think I gave you too little?"Sage said mildly, "I appreciate the gesture, but I think good things should be shared. Isn't it nice that everyone's happy now?"Giselle pursed her lips and said, "You're so good at winning people's hearts. Is this how you won Shane's heart?""If Shane can be won over so easily, then why do you still ne
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Chapter 468
Sage was sure that Terry was aware of her divorce from Ian. He was just being polite to her."It's quite a coincidence, but I hope you can call me Ms. Joyner from now on," said Sage. Terry lowered his gaze and said, "If you would please excuse me. I won't bother you two."After Terry walked away, Zachary said thoughtfully, "Would you like to have dinner elsewhere?"Sage shook her head and said, "It's okay. We'll mind our own business while they mind theirs. I can't avoid Ian forever."Zachary respected her decision and said, "Then let's sit at a table by the pond and dine with a view. Mr. Holcomb should be in a private room since he's here for a business meeting. We won't see him.""Okay."The view of the pond was spectacular. The pond was huge and the lilies that grew on the surface were very colorful. The scene looked as beautiful as a painting. When they were ordering, Zachary picked all her favorite dishes without asking her. He even ordered her favorite juice."Zack, ho
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Chapter 469
Sage laughed. Her Aunt Susan was from a poor family, and she had many siblings. She was the least favorite child.Her life changed after she married Uncle Owen, but her selfish and mean personality still stuck with her. She couldn't stand losing out or being taken advantage of.She wouldn't just let it slide now that she found out Delilah had used her. Although the tax incident was a headache, it showed Aunt Susan Delilah's true colors."We've already sent all the documents to the tax department, and they'll give us a solid conclusion in a few days. Then, we'll explain the whole situation to the public to reduce the impact," said Zachary. "Thanks for the trouble," said Sage sincerely.Zachary smiled when he saw her smile and said, "I'm part of Maven Corporation now. It's what I should do." "But still, thank you. Here's a toast to you!" Sage raised her glass of juice and clinked glasses with him. Zachary raised his glass and did the same.Perhaps Sage was mistaken, but she felt
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Chapter 470
Sage glanced in her rearview mirror, but she didn't spot anything suspicious. Fortunately, she arrived at the hotel safely. She passed her keys to the valet and went up to her room. She then showered and applied a beauty mask. Just as she was about to sort out the investment plan for CureX, her phone rang. It was Henry York. Sage answered the call. "Mr. York, have you decided to cooperate with me?" Henry no longer sounded pretentious like he used to. He asked directly, "What do you want me to do?" His tech company had toppled, and bad news about them had spread continuously over the past two days. The backlash was getting more serious. Ivy must have known long ago and confronted Henry about it. They had probably had a huge fight, or Henry wouldn't have made a decision so quickly. If they were going to work together, then there was no point hiding the motive anymore.Sage said plainly, "It's very simple. Ask your mother to work as Ivy's housekeeper and report her movements
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